-Yas Forums
No no not the heckin good boi meme format
They should take all that money and divide it up between every American. That would give everyone around 800 bucks.
A rich fucking jew saying to stop making jews rich. If you lose money supporting this kike you deserve to lose it all.
Yes didnt you notice stocks going up every unemployment report?
800 dollars alongside taxes for overseas workers would place 800 dollars to spend on American products in the hands of workers. That 800 dollars would QUICKLY create a multiplication effect within the society.
BUT OH NO, I wanna vote for the interests of BILLIONAIRES and Zionists because I hate Mexicans!!! Fucking retards.
>Capitalism mermeflag
>Capitalism bashing
The capitalist class is the least patriotic class in the US. You're a full blown cuck if you think they deserve that wealth.
Better odds of success than voting for a rich goyim wearing a yarmulke saying to keep making rich Jews richer over and over again every 20 seconds and then just handing your money to Israel.
So nigger faggot when are you leading the revolution? Never? That's what I thought. What's the solution faggot? Nothing? Do nothing? Fucking neck yourself limp dick nigger.
Why do big businesses get a pass on not having to shut down?
>Net worth went up when people became reliant on big businesses that could survive and adapt to the economic shutdown became the only place people could spend money to get what they need and want
>The small businesses the government forced closed couldn't adapt and have lost all income if not their entire business
>This is the billionaires fault that the government shut down the economy and siphoned all money towards major corporations
Jesus fucking christ. Fuck off and go away, bernie.
>make quote that is based and true, something Hitler or Goebbels would say
>associate it with a sellout career kike zionist or an open-border somali muslim
>spend million spreading it
There is no revolution. There's a slow decline as we vote for meme politicians "ironically" to "piss the libs" off and they stand on a stage and tell people to inject disinfectant while there's a pandemic going on directly caused by their completely incompetence.
I'm a highly skilled worker. I will just jump ship when this becomes too idiotic of a society to be beneficial to me.
So you blame trump for a bad flu season? Retarded?
Because big businesses are stronger. If the small businesses wanted to stay open maybe they should have become big businesses.
>Implying you can jump ship when it comes crashing down
>Implying that incompetence from the presidential level is what caused the pandemic to become a pandemic
>Implying public transportation hasn't been running on city levels
>Implying the WHO didn't peddle false information from the CCP
>Comparing a leading and a lagging indicator at the same time
How much did billionaires’ wealth decrease while we had record low unemployment in March?
I blame trump stating pretty blatantly that it wasn't an issue and that it would just go away. 50,000 people have died thus far, and it will go up.
If we were responsible and used the time to research solutions earlier, and securing supplies to deal with this pandemic, countless lives would have been saved and we would be months closer to getting vaccines. I don't think it'll be until fall when we realize exactly how crucial these wasted months were.
Instead we have a complete moron in charge who has no direction whatsoever and has completely decimated the economy.
Oh I can't wait for you to get vaccinated/nanochipped & be fully controlled by the ptb, boi.
>businesses with enough money to absorb any changes in the market and provide services small businesses wouldn't be able to spring for are doing better than small businesses
>big businesses that are large enough to employ large portions of the population are bailed out to curb unemployment while govt tries to give assistance to small businesses
>i-it's the government's fault for protecting citizens from a pandemic!
worship your corporate overlords more. I'm sure the situation will be much better when the entire government is regulatory captured instead of just most of it
Of course I can get on a plane and get a job somewhere. I have specialized, sought-after skills that can't easily be taught that would benefit any economy.
I stay here because it's the most beneficial country to me at this point. I lose more faith in this glutinous, narcissism-promoting, self-absorbed society filled with morons voting against their own self-interest and watching the world burn as while cheering the dismay of the intellectual daily.
>Implying we knew the extent of the disease when China covered it up and fed the World Health Organization lies about it being human to human
>Implying the president can directly shut down mass transportation on the city level and that's not the responsibility of city, county, and state leaders who are suppose to be more in tune to the needs and demands of the public
>Implying politicians didn't encourage public gathering on the city level for the Chinese New Year and staged photo ops of eating in China town
>Implying going full Authoritarian lockdown wouldn't have caused extreme backlash
>Implying the FDA can be commanded to stop sucking shit and hindering private businesses that were the first whistle blowers on Washington's outbreak
>Implying the president is in charge of local problems that could have been stopped by a city council
No refunds, OP. Stay salty!
>Implying there's a "Somewhere" when the world collapses
>Implying there's enough of "Somewhere" that when the world collapses you won't be one in a million fleeing and trying to bargain with their skills
>Implying that "Somewhere" won't be overrun
>Implying the intellectual have any semblance of intelligence beyond high verbal IQ and PR
Yes, because we all either have to love Bill Gates and want microchips in us, or support Trump. There is no in-between.
If you really wanted to 800 dollars it would have been extremely easy to get by investing in the stock market a month ago.
Libertarianism is a mental disorder and ancaps are even worse
I'm not sure why billionaires aren't paying for covid relief. Bernie has a point. They've made out like fucking bandits over the past 30-40 years while low and middle class incomes have largely stagnated. Low and middle class have systematically been bled to the point where they can't economically survive this bleeding. Why are we not hunting down the billionaires, who are largely foreign and globalist, to pay for people suffering now?
Do you really think there will be a global collapse of every country to an equal degree all at once?
It's not a very likely scenario...there will be a transference of wealth from one nation to the next. If anything, this consortium of billionaires you cretins created by voting for horrible politicians will create a new society. My skills are valuable to them, so I'm not too afraid.
>Implying the government sending police to shut down small businesses isn't the government
>Implying the government shutting down small businesses against their will, but then leaving open mass transit which is the #1 place the disease spreads "for the economy" is protecting anyone and isn't just retardation
>Implying having "Good intentions" means it's above criticism when it exacerbated the problem by telling people wearing a mask is more dangerous than being without a mask
>Implying the government was trying to protect people when it tried to mandate faulty tests and private business had to break the law and start testing with a developed kit that didn't have errors in order to report the problem was here while the FDA crammed the test kits in their own ass
Bernie is a fag but billionaires get the gas
Not sure about "hunting down" but while millions of hard working people suffer and a handful of elites make more money than the bottom half of the country has combined, they should have to give up the vast majority of that to gibs
You're a traitor that wants to work for corporate zionist overlords?
big old dicks
IMO they will not give it up. We need to start having the conversation about what is owed to us by the billionaire class. None of this politely asking bullshit.
Yeah, I'll go work for them. Sure beats working for $5.25 an hour for MEGACORP, the one monopoly owning almost everything, like all people without specialized skills will.