how can poor sea monkeys do better than whites ?
How can poor sea monkeys do better than whites ?
Covid19 doesn't exist
It looks like that woman's eyes are bulging out of her head
They have stronger immune systems from living in a jungle full of diseases and parasites
Fake virus and they take prep and are vaccinated against tuberculosis. It's all just a big fucking joke.
Be thankful you're not South African, user, or they could throw you in prison for saying that.
It mainly spreads indoors and they live in windowless hutts
they lie shocker kys
I would never live by niggers.
Vietnamese are based and have strong immune systems.
Can someone explain to me why Africans, Indians, and certain Asians seem to be immune to the corona virus?
Sure you can say that they are not testing, and are hiding the death toll.
However, they can only hide it so much if bodies are piling into the streets, which we have not seen occur in any of these places.
>btfo burgers
>btfo bill virus
So viets are the solution to burgers after all
They probably don’t have a massive federal system that pays out for corona deaths...
Because they aren't testing for it.
Also they are COMMUNIST.
So literally listening to whatever China tells them to do.
lol'd at
>poor sea monkeys
have a (you)
Viets hate China though.
Was about to call you fucking stupid but then I seen your flag
Minorities are dropping harder than others with the virus when you look at the percentage. So much so that they are "studying" why they are being disproportionately hit.
>how can poor sea monkeys do better than whites ?
3rd world shitholes where you either die or live and if you live you have better immune systems compared to their soft effeminate western counterparts
That’s a meme, they are allies
>3rd world shitholes
Vietnam has plenty to offer and literally defeated you in war
And kinda. The environment that most of S.E. Asia has is the worst type for this virus to spread. Literally dies in the air and surfaces after a few seconds.
Rember when Yas Forums morons kept raving about muh reduced cell receptors and how it only killed asians?
Yeah, that's why you never trust any of these idiots.
Vietnam has no Corona deaths because their healthcare system lacks the technologies needed to diagnose specific cases of viral illness. It's the same reason most of Africa supposedly has no COVID.
If a sickly old person coofs to death in poor countries, it was just his time to go. No cause of death listed other than "natural causes."
Agent Orange acts as a disinfectant.
it is the hubris of the western world to look at those in the east as inferior. it certainly is an American trait for sure. the US needs to learn humility occasionally.
They didn't really test and its really just the flu so who cares.
They all wear masks. A simple solution Ameritards will never think about it.
Seriously. There could have been zero shutdown of businesses if Ameritards just wore a mask and stay 6 feet from each other.
Yet insectioids caused this in the first place eating disgusting animals. Try being human.
They don't have a media machine and state governor's working to make it seem real. Imagine my surprise when Jew York and New Jewsey ended up being the hot spots in America.
BCG vaccine
Because it’s the common cold. Literally.
It’s only dangerous when it mutates
>Can someone explain to me why Africans, Indians, and certain Asians seem to be immune to the corona virus?
- lots of sunlight, high temperatures, and humidity
- not very many old or morbidly obese people
they don't have any boomers for corona chan to remove because they die of aids or being poor way before hitting 60
Hey retard that shows China gets the vaccine
Your flag and life is a meme.
Vietnamese hate china.
Japan and US are moving their factories their, they will be the new economic powerhouse.
Yeah and their trajectory was better than Italy, USA, Spain, etc
He said "Africans". That refers to people who live IN Africa, you dumb bong.
Sea monkeys were just brine shrimp?
Chia Pet is just bean sprouts?
Tooth Fairy is just dirdy uncle Frank?
Fuck myLyfe. I thought we had something special, Tooth Fairy.
They actually observed the lockdown instead of going out into the streets to have protests and rallies like the US and Spain.
Vietnam didn't defeat shit except itself. Vietnam today is an American satellite nation. China defeated the USA. If it wasn't for China, Vietnam would have folded in weeks. Just like China defeated the USA in the Korea war 10 years prior.
General Macarthur was right. After the defeat of Japan, he knew that China would grow to become a power that would put the Western nations in check and eventually cause them their destruction.
Literally wanted to turn on China in 1952 and start bombing Shanghai / Put troops in the old German port in south Manchuria.
we let them win
Viet fag here. I can give you some good explanation.
1 - Viet people fear the government and police. The government operates exactly like the the mafia and will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you or kill you or your family.
2 - As this year is very politically important. There will be changes in leadership this year and there are many important political ceremonies, the leaders dont want to mess up anything.
3 - Unlike the US and Europe, the communist leaders dont care much about economics, as long as the leaders are rich, it does not matter if other are poor.
4 - The Viet people are very passive-aggressive and therefore very violent. If they have a chance to beat other people, they will. So if you violate the government's rules, you will get beaten by the common people first.
5 - People in my country ( the old generally) have very good immune system. And most old people dont want to go to the doctor unless near death. So all the weak people have died young and all the strong survive.
>junetics is complacated
The USA Army keeps its soldiers as happy as possible. A lesson learned from the Romans who would give their military first picking, but when they would give them less... that's when revolutions backed by military would rise up.
This is however after the days of Vietnam and the first Gulf War. Things were still pretty lax then but tightened up once the USSR collapsed ironically.
Are you cucks for ending the occupation of Cambodia?
Because they knew better than to trust the CCP or the World Health Organization.