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Holy shit that is unironically quite powerful...


We almost had a female dictator.


This really says a lot about how desperate people are.

Yeah why is it for some reason absolutely requisite that a woman obtain that office? Is it the final nail in the coffin for the respectability of that position in the eyes of liberals? I mean it’s already been tainted by a nigger

I don't understand the logic. What is the virtue of putting a female in power? Wouldn't the correct argument be - 'We finally have a woman President that was the best candidate for the job'?

>Let that sink in!

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We gave black men the right to vote before we gave it to a white women.

I think it says more about how pointless a first woman president really is

>US politicans trusted NIGGERS more than they trusted women
Says a lot about women

Really does.

>Let that sink in
>take this at face value and do not think about it critically.
No thanks

>North Korea ruled by a woman because she has holy blood
>USA not ruled by a woman because not enough people voted for Hillary just because she's got a pussy
I'll stick with America

so women are so starved for power they will sing praise about receiving it via monarchy.

What a retarded thing one person said on an irrelevant website. I'm going to bed.
Also, S A G E

>Let that sink in!

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Woman dictator. Is there any other.

imagine if men walked around all day with dick hats talking about how powerful their cocks are

They operate from a lot of assumptions.
1. They assume NoKo is bad guy and that we're *supposed* to be better, invalidating their position that....
2. America is somehow worse than NoKo by not having this woman president and that....
3. Men and women are the same

North Korea also still has cholera outbreaks and famines too. I thought we didn't want to be like them?

John Lennon said it best when he said woman is the nigger of the world


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Probably because they can't choose?

Who is this faggot? And, why does he think the Junta will allow a female to assume power in NK.
That’s just fucking idiot tier speak from mommy-ists

so? they'll just get fucked over harder and sooner

Having a vagina is not a qualification cuck boy.

I know, right? It's almost as if the North Koreans have no choice. The biggest irony is that the United States did have a choice, but still chose not to have a woman leader. Crazy.


>ywn get isekaied as the qt loli dictator of an authoritarian country
feels bad man

Hopefully Best Korea stays safe from that awful fate.

This is a new low libs have sunk to. Supporting the assassination of a 3rd world dictator just for the possibility of electing his equally genocidal and power hungry little sister. I guess work camps are ok if they have equal female representation.

He has a problem with voters not wanting one?

>according to my sources
>literally WHO
Nope, get the fuck out.

Go live there.

Let's fix that. Ann Coulter Tucker Carlson 2024.

>we are now going to envy the dictatorship of NK because they have a woman in charge
its a miracle these retards even come out of the womb without getting lost on the way out

There will be a push to make her a feminist hero, and other female lead countries (New Zealand) will try to make her part of their woke squad

Kim Jung Un is in Singapore.

You don't?

Post the Jew who said it first! He was Found Out and now has proxies saying it after he deleted his.

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With rare exception, women can't lead under pressure or crisis.

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He will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of his corona dead people stronger than ever.

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the cock monologues

>t. pic related

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