effeminate faggots running around being gay ruining society
What can we do about soyboys?
Other urls found in this thread:
use them as target practice
>complains about effeminate betas
>runs to a japanese flip flop website to have a cry and is also a frog
cringe and very bluepilled
Bully and shame them anywhere and everywhere
fun fact: communism has failed wherever its been tried.
why is the canadian freaking out and telling people to kill themselves?
Barneyfag, you should really just watch the show. The songs are great.
Accept your futanari overlords, sissy.
no fucking idea, I bet he's a basedboy, he's got that incel rage built up inside him
why haven't you been active on /bant/?
Hi lee
is this bot broken? i see no not ponies here
But wouldn't you rather just fuck them ?
Who are we talking about here the so ybois or the ponies?
You can neck yourself
give them the job of killing virgin alt-right incels
Grow a spine, become more like them? Don't waste your lives bitching about people doing their own thing at long distance. You wouldn't do it if one of them was your friend and you aren't possibly going to change any of them if they're your enemies, so buck up and eat it. We live in a society, you know.
Its inevitable.
We as a species are doomed to repeat history over and over.
>complaining about effeminate faggots
>doesn't do anything except bitch and moan on a website anyway
What invisible character did you use to write basedboys?
Start by getting rid of you freaks
Die out
Unironically die
top kek
it is carefully dropped sections of images that are hosted on derpibooru, a big gooey clop site
think critically for 5 seconds and you won't need people to explain simple things to you
>what can we do about basedboys
I don’t know you tell me baguette