/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3492

► Detected: 3,060,411 (+67,149) ► Died: 211,244 (+4,329) ► Day: 109 (-01:33:13)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,622 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Brazilian city of Manaus digs mass graves as deaths mount

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Archive of content deleted by China

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

"Recovered" in Japan sick again with symptoms

As CFR increases, Johns Hopkins hides "recovered" count

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

Patients infectious after "recovery"

China underreports number of infections and deaths

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

Mortality rate in Ecuador region multiplied 7-fold

▶ 218 new cases and 9 new deaths in Colombia
▶ 4 new cases in Venezuela
▶ 21880 new cases and 1264 new deaths in the United States
▶ 111 new cases and 5 new deaths in Argentina
▶ 41 new cases and 3 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 664 new cases and 85 new deaths in Germany
▶ 1563 new cases and 144 new deaths in Canada
▶ 18 new cases and 1 new death in Tunisia
▶ 35 new cases in Gabon


Attached: CVG.webm (352x220, 1.8M)

Other urls found in this thread:

medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

If you don't respond to the argument, I'll assume you don't have one.

Stop the childish pouting too.

GLOWNIGGER, how many shekels did Jew earn today Moshe?

Back then America was a democracy, but we've been plundered and squeezed dry. What does democracy mean for those international hyenas? They don't care - they only care for one thing
Are you willing to be plundered?
Are you stupid enough to keep quiet in the process?
And when a democracy is stupid enough to not stand up, then it is good when an authoritarian state declares
You will plunder us no more.

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how detle post?

Attached: ForeverBurger.webm (460x574, 537.31K)


>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 makes men infertile
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can cause infertility. Tests find that the virus is undetectable in the testicles and sperm: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.31.20042333v2

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 has antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 has ADE. Attempts at re-infection elicit a robust antibody response: biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.10.036418v1

>CVG MYTH: You cannot become immune to COVID-19
Though we cannot be sure how long immunity lasts, antibodies titres are found in recovered COVID-19 patients and all known coronaviruses confer at least some degree of temporary immunity: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.14.20065771v1

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 mutates rapidly and there are multiple strains
COVID-19 has a relatively stable genome and mutates slower than influenza. Reports of multiple strains reference negligible genetic differences that have no effect on virulence or immune response: livescience.com/coronavirus-mutation-rate.html

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 contains HIV
Early debunked reports suggested the Novel Coronavirus genome contained HIV-like sequences. This HIV-like sequence refers to the virus’ spike protein, its mechanism for binding to ACE2 receptors on cells. Genomic analysis suggests that whilst the novel RNA Coronavirus mimics HIV’s binding mechanism, said mechanism is an independently arising protein of a different kind and does not entail a HIV-like pathogenesis: archive.is/rW2hA

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 destroys the immune system
Whilst COVID-19 can attack T-Cells, no evidence of viral reproduction in them could be found. Lymphopenia is common in viral infections and T-Cell counts should recover post-infection: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

It's nothing


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>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 stays latent in the body and can reactivate
The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 is, unlike the DNA viruses HIV and Herpes, an RNA Virus. There are no scientifically known mechanisms by which RNA viruses become latent. Whilst it is true that the virus (like SARS) can persist for many weeks in patients, the body should ultimately clear the virus. Cases of ‘reactivation’ are most likely false negatives and mark the temporary failure of the immune system to clear small pockets of the virus after the main infection: archive.is/GuIBI (1/2) medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.27.20043299v1 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 infects and hides in the central nervous system
Whilst in very rare cases COVID-19 may infect the brainstem, this phenomenon is seen in other viral infections, including in influenza, and is known as encephalitis: pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020201187

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 causes permanent lung damage
Whilst it is true that lungs can be damaged in some severe courses of infection, this is a common phenomenon in respiratory pathogens and particularly in pneumonia. Non-atypical lung lesions recover in-line with pneumonia recoveries and Ground Glass Opacities often disappear spontaneously: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4630533/ (1/2) pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020200370 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: It is impossible to create a Coronavirus vaccine
Whilst there has never been a Coronavirus vaccine in humans, bovine corona vaccines exist and some success has been achieved in creating a vaccine for MERS. Experiments with vaccines in China already demonstrate that immunity can be conferred on monkeys via vaccine. Previous attempts for SARS and other common Coronaviruses were discontinued due to lack of need or want: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC227016/ (1/2) archive.is/mnO9h (2/2)

Goddammit, why won't the global economy crash? I'm getting royally fucked because of my shorting. You all TOLD me for sure that it was going to be a Great Depression 2.0.

Attached: Yandere Hell.gif (424x233, 2.52M)

>There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can cause infertility
Damage found in three clinical datasets

>There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 has ADE
Your article only refers to a specific type of vaccine when used on monkeys. ADE in natural reinfection on humans has nothing to do with it.

>Though we cannot be sure how long immunity lasts
Not long, which is the entire point.

>COVID-19 mutates rapidly and there are multiple strains
Rapid mutation is not necessarily good. Besides, the mutation rate under a microscope might be slow, but it can be accelerated in real life by spreading fast.

>Coronavirus mimics HIV’s binding mechanism
Which is why /cvg/ has always called it HIV-like. No mention of the Nobel prize winner who discovered HIV saying it is a man-made insertion though?

>Whilst COVID-19 can attack T-Cells
So it does destroy it.
>should recover post-infection
It's left as such low levels that doctors have issued warnings because they were confusing COVID patients with leukemia patients.

Anyone has graphs of the death rates and number of infected?

>America was a democracy
10/10 bait

I will repost the list of antibody studies for reference.



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when is this happening gonna get exciting?

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I don't know who is more annoying, CVG MYTH faggot or the INVERMECTIN faggot.

Those are just speculations. Prove that they are true.

Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

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#1 United States 1,009,040 (56,677) #2 Spain 229,422 (23,521) #3 Italy 199,414 (26,977) #4 France 165,842 (23,293) #5 Germany 158,434 (6,061) #6 United Kingdom 157,149 (21,092) #7 Turkey 112,261 (2,900) #8 Iran 91,472 (5,806) #9 Russia 87,147 (794) #10 China 82,830 (4,633) #11 Brazil 66,501 (4,543) #12 Canada 48,458 (2,704) #13 Belgium 46,687 (7,207) #14 Netherlands 38,245 (4,518) #15 India 29,451 (939) #16 Switzerland 29,164 (1,665) #17 Peru 28,699 (782) #18 Portugal 24,027 (928) #19 Ecuador 23,240 (663) #20 Ireland 19,648 (1,102) #21 Sweden 18,926 (2,274) #22 Saudi Arabia 18,811 (144) #23 Israel 15,555 (204) #24 Austria 15,274 (549) #25 Mexico 14,677 (1,351) #26 Singapore 14,423 (14) #27 Pakistan 13,915 (292) #28 Chile 13,813 (198) #29 Japan 13,441 (372) #30 Poland 11,902 (562) #31 Romania 11,339 (641) #32 Belarus 11,289 (75) #33 Qatar 11,244 (10) #34 United Arab Emirates 10,839 (82) #35 South Korea 10,738 (243)…

#1 United States +21,880 (+1,264) #2 Russia +6,198 (+47) #3 United Kingdom +4,309 (+360) #4 France +3,742 (+437) #5 Brazil +3,642 (+272) #6 Spain +2,793 (+331) #7 Turkey +2,131 (+95) #8 Italy +1,739 (+333) #9 Canada +1,563 (+144) #10 India +1,561 (+58) #11 Saudi Arabia +1,289 (+5) #12 Peru +1,182 (+54) #13 Iran +991 (+96) #14 Mexico +835 (+46) #15 Belarus +826 (+3) #16 Singapore +799 (+2) #17 Germany +664 (+85) #18 Pakistan +587 (+11) #19 Belgium +553 (+113) #20 Ecuador +521 (+87) #21 Bangladesh +497 (+7) #22 United Arab Emirates +490 (+6) #23 Chile +482 (+9) #24 Netherlands +400 (+43) #25 Ukraine +392 (+11) #26 Ireland +386 (+15) #27 Romania +303 (+22) #28 Sweden +286 (+80) #29 Poland +285 (+27) #30 Egypt +248 (+20) #31 South Africa +247 (+3) #32 Panama +241 (+6) #33 Serbia +233 (+6) #34 Colombia +218 (+9) #35 Indonesia +214 (+22)…

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>Damage found in three clinical datasets
Prove it.
>Your article only refers to a specific type of vaccine when used on monkeys. ADE in natural reinfection on humans has nothing to do with it.
Prove it.
>Not long, which is the entire point.
Prove it.
>Rapid mutation is not necessarily good.
Prove it.
>Besides, the mutation rate under a microscope might be slow, but it can be accelerated in real life by spreading fast.
Prove it.
>Which is why /cvg/ has always called it HIV-like.
Prove it.
>So it does destroy it.
Justify that conclusion.
>It's left as such low levels that doctors have issued warnings because they were confusing COVID patients with leukemia patients.
Prove it.

In reality, money rules these nations. They talk about press freedom - when in fact all these papers have one owner. The press then shapes public opinion. These political parties have no difference at all - you already know them. And people must think
People in these countries of freedom and wealth should exist in a very comfortable life. But this is not the case.

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Mmmmmmmm feet.

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If people get hungry things will get exciting. However the leaders will call off the lockdown before that happens since the virus isn't very deadly.

When everything gets reopened

What will the situation be in the 27th of August?

>Prove that they are true.
Why should I?

still mostly shills, wild

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 7.47.08 PM.png (656x503, 149.05K)

>200K people worldwide dead
>more americans dead from this than the vietnam war
>exceeded 60k deaths expectations of augusts 3.5 times 4 months earlier
Define exciting

yid detected

>antibody studies
nice sources bucko

Attached: corona46.jpg (640x640, 68.03K)

Why do you tell other people to prove you something?

>Prove it
My new favorite filter

>Feel bad for anons in states where they're opening up within week.

I'm scared of what's coming soon anons.

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Every weekend the numbers lapse a bit and every weekend they come out of their hidey holes and scream that the happening is over, yet the next week kicks the numbers back up and they start saying its a hoax again.
Every single week. For months. The problems we found in Jan/Feb are still here, but you're all too fucking thick to have any idea of foresight.

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Nobody owes you anything, golem

u just arnt looking at it through the right lense its already exciting

Gibs me thems yandere waifus

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im glad finland is still at the debating whether or not to open phase for the next 2 weeks

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Nothing is going to satisfy a nothingburgers demands because in reality, they are the real happooners since the beginning

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I always thought the HAPPENING would be instantaneous, like WW3, nukes, or a massive solar flare.

Instead, this HAPPENING is a marathon of who's going to collapse first, and to what level.

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>you tell other people to prove you something
Prove it.
>Nobody owes you anything
Prove it.

About one month after everything opens, there will be mass shortages. After that, the looting begins. I hope you niggers are happy living in the city where there's "stuff to do"

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11-Mar: Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Check the archive, I'm not wiping your arse any more than I already have.
I fondly remember when Europe was in the same stage of denial as you are now.

Ah yes you're the kid throwing a fit.

Anyone got lewd Corona-chans?

desu, I expected nigger riots within the first couple weeks. instead I got people bing watching netflix and posting shitty maymays.

>Prove it.

Attached: 0101010101.png (321x112, 4.75K)

>Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets
Prove that those datasets are valid, and then prove that it matters.

What's next in line to collapse after oil?

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well noone in our gen have really had to chance to experience a real crisis so used to being milk fed manufactured wars
untill personly affected most people wont recognize what this is until all is said and done

An average sized one?

▶ 64 new cases in Nigeria
▶ 1605 new cases and 147 new deaths in Canada
▶ 988 new cases and 150 new deaths in Germany

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

Prove that this picture supports your conclusion.


Post yours

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And in these nations, the so-called democracies, the people are by no means the center of attention. What really matters is this group of "democracy makers"; a small number of giant capitalists who own all the factories and shares and who ultimately lead the people.
They are not interested at all in people. They are the ones whom I address by "international hyenas" because they conduct their business everywhere. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other; that does not want peace.
They can suppress us, they can kill us, but we will not capitulate!

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I personally want every country to fall apart but america be dead last. I don't want china bitch ass to still be up and kicking then try to invade us during the collapse. That'll take away fun my last of us fantasy lmao

When the civil war starts.

Attached: fire rises.jpg (900x1021, 168.84K)

None of this matters, there's nothing to prove since each and everyone is a fragment of the system, replicating what would be an environment within a taiwanese fishing board, there's nothing to prove

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The Chimera Doomsday Virus (March, 2018)

I typed this while watching the video:

Soviets in the 70/80s tried creating chimera viruses by mixing pathogens together, like ebola with smallpox. The ebola/smallpox would have a high fatality rate but would spread with a r0 of the flu or common cold. The viruses would have a quarantine/dormancy period(sounds like asymptomatic transmission), like the infected would appear normal for a week while spreading the disease, then the symptoms appear and the infected would die after seeding the disease. The Russians supposedly created such a disease, but destroyed the virus because of what could happen if it got out of the lab. The idea of bioweapons isn't new because superpowers are creating bioweapons out of lethal and contagious diseases. Many diseases like cold or flu can be caught easily but people don't die from them, except for diseases like Spanish Flu and Bubonic plague as opposed to other diseases that are harder to spread like through bodily fluids, etc. Mentions weaponized AIDS and thinks that super powers were probably looking into developing such a virus. Chimera viruses are scary in that many different diseases will be stored in a biolab and spliced together to create a bioweapon. The chimera virus would be harder to treat than a conventional disease. Mentions a BBC series called Survivors which had something of a chimera virus created by the Chinese that wiped out most of human life. If you have the right equipment, training and a biolab, you can create bioweapons. Mentions Unit 73 a reference to a World War II unit in Japan. Chimera viruses are theoretical and are a doomsday possibility. Says you will need a CBRN environment where you don't ever have to leave because you wouldn't know how long the bioweapons will live on surfaces or in the air outside. Anthrax can survive for a hundred years and need to be killed with harsh chemicals.

Attached: Chimera Doomsday Virus.png (802x706, 277.14K)

newspapers do antibody tests now
you mutts are something else

I need more plotting coronas

Attached: You could have stopped it.png (838x616, 215.73K)

The purpose of research is to gain your OWN insight on the current happenings, but clearly denying of the events currently occurring while outwardly denying the credibility of sources presented to you is a clear sign that you're retarded.
I believe what I've read. If you choose not to, that's still fine. Retarded, but fine. If you're going to shit the bed over everything everyone sends you, then don't bother asking.

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Prove that the picture shows I am telling others to prove things.

Ignore him
He's arguing in bad faith
The "prove it" schtick is about toddler level and not worth a (you)

Attached: almost.gif (498x452, 1013.71K)

Without oil (almost) everything goes to shit. Then, indeed, at that point the prophesied Happening of All Happenings will be upon us.


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Nothingburger bros....we got too cocky...

Attached: 428.jpg (701x260, 48.86K)

>The purpose of research is to gain your OWN insight on the current happenings
Prove it.
>denying of the events currently occurring while outwardly denying the credibility of sources presented to you is a clear sign that you're retarded
Prove it.
>I believe what I've read.