Ready for your estrogen lads?
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Roll for your nazi girl
Hydroxychloroquine is completely insane, but estrogen, now there's a thought.
>retardo doctors with no concept of immunology think estrogen causes women's rapid immune response
I fucking hate doctors
5 for shizzle
Too busy dancing on tik tok to study medicine
prevent one problem and cause a number of others... hmmm my noggins joggin
Aren't chromosomes and thinnier blood vessels fhe reason why women are more resistant to diseases in general? Estrogen isn't going to help with that.
They just want to sterilize you with their state enforced homosexuality
i'd rather fucking die.
honestly, down for any of them. too based to be left unbred
Nah i would rather die than have bitch tits god I hate “men” who have them it angers me just the sight of it like have some respect for your body
i read this as women doctors are better at fighting covid 19 and so men doctors are being given estrogen patches
and in some parts of the world it's probably true
yeah dr john C said it might be that the antibodies are made by the X chromosome so the XX peeps have an advantage over the XY peeps
So hydroxychloroquine has too severe side effects, but estrogen is A OK
enjoy the DVT
that makes no sense just so you know
I swear to god, it is as if (((they))) are forcing the end times prophecy
This is either fake news or top tier dystopian quackery.
Since it amuses me I'll go with the latter.
Estrogen up-regulates the immune system, which is why women are more prone to autoimmune diseases
enjoy this new hell being forced upon you men
Fuck trannies, i will an hero
8 or 9 desu
What is this list?
sauce on pic?
>immune function genes
skip to 30:00
Pretty sure its signs of kayaamat, signs of judgement day in the quran
what comes before muzzies end times i believe
So you can't use an antimalarial that has been around for over 50 years after the international community increasingly comes out in favor of it because Orange Man Bad, but you can slap female hormones off-label onto an entirely different physiological specimen despite known increased risk of developing cancer AND BLOOD CLOTS based on "a hunch" that it could help.
Am I hearing this right?
You're right, let's give female hormones to the male doctors to aid in corona protection.
fuck it
Never lose sight of the real issues, user. Never lose sight of the real issues.
Wtf half of the uncertain signs are happening