What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

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Probably got invited to a neoreactionary dinner and decided to turn the West coast into the Kingdom of Greater Microsoft

sucked too many dicks in middle school and took it up the ass from too many niggers in High School. In college he murdered and ate too many niglets.

He's an insane eugenecist who wants 99% of the world dead

He is a reptilian clearly looking to take over Earth. By using reptilian chip technology, the humans will finally be enslaved forever and the Pleiadians can’t do anything about it.

Why are you so bitter and jealous toward people who worked hard and were rewarded for it?

Too many people.
Whatever he tells the richest fucks on this planet to pledge the majority of their wealth to him.

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>invest in clean earth initiatives and depollution?
>nah rather put syringes in people and see what happens
>I’m a philanthropist

He has more money than 80% of the world put-together. Do you ever ask yourself, "what is the meaning of life?" The answer is to serve Bill Gates.

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Nobody has ever told this man "no", then punched him in the mouth.

Wife not giving him any, so he's complicated and getting Apprentice strange on the side.

The only Jewish person I care about is the Presidents son in law Jared Kushner who is hopefully safe and fucking the Presidents daughter. We need to follow Donalds example and make america great again by letting Jewish men fuck our children.

Too much vision and intelligence, which comes across as magic in the eyes of lesser beings, magic they fear and wish to eradicate.

hes a pedophile occultist that wants to cull a large portion of humanity

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spent too much time creating viruses and now he empathises with them more than humans

All Hitler and Stalin had to do was call themselves "philanthropists" and they would've gotten away with everything.

He's had some accomplishments but has NEVER been an upfront guy. He's always been the sneaky two faced guy I will admit and I've been an avid supporter of Microsoft since the 90's.
He is a globalist and elitist, wants to control population through mandatory injections and other methods under the guise of health, safety and security. Never trust him.

"I have lots of money. So, I'm automatically an expert on the subject."

Hes a nigger.

He didnt work that hard and he's a eugenecist

Hilariously succinct enapsulation of the truth.

Neverending lust for power. What else could it be?

I wonder if he pays PR interns to read this shit and hang out here or if he just doesn't care?
he seems pretty neurotic but then again his god complex might make him totally dismissive of us

He loves little boys

Pretty much this - if he really cared about the welfare of people, he would promote major infrastructural rehabilitation and development, particularly for essential infrastructure (hospitals, vital utilities, and transportation).

SeeHe must be blackmailed

Gates has always resented that he got pushed out as CEO of his own company twenty years ago. Plus, he's watched Bezos surpass him as the world's richest man, while far less wealthy people like Bloomberg and Trump have been attaining major political power.

Basically, Gates has realized he's getting old and feels like the world is leaving him behind. He wants to start throwing around his money to make people pay attention to him again like they did in the 90s. The Coronavirus crisis was just an opportunity for him to make his reentry into the public sphere, not some special interest of his. If it hadn't been this, he'd have waded into the climate change debate, or the refugee debate, or whatever else. He just wants to wield power and be praised by people.

>not some special interest of his

Except it has been his main fucking interest for like...years, you utterly thick cunt.

(((Jack Tramiel))) from Commodore back in the 80's kind of did.

Gates used the knowledge he gained from the experience of dealing with (((Tramiel))) to take over the IT industry.

Gates is the only IT businessman from the 80's that understood that software and convenience using software is what matters in IT.

he might be one of those psychos that isnt even aware of how fucked up his actions are.

he might genuinely think its the right thing to sterilize and sicken the global population.

i might hate him more than i hated hillary... well maybe not that much actually

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