Is Francis /ourguy/?

What did Pope Francis mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread: Catholicism/roman_cath_main.htm

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Daily Reminder: There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic Church

>promote abortion (murder)
>accept faggotry (abomination)
>rape children
>protect child rapists
>let women preach (unbiblical)
>horde wealth in the vatican
>deceptively collect "donations" for schools they never build
>claim the pope is god on earth
>claim pope is infallible
>claim they can forgive sins (only God can forgive sins)
>claim they have power over God
>claim to have more power than God Himself
>vatican claims power over all governments and churches
>vatican admits connection with caesar
>claims to have power to change God's Law
>claims to have changed sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
>wants to abolish church/state separation
>openly admits babyloniam/paganism connection
>popes hate the bible
>vatican hates 7th day sabbath (God's Law)
>vatican admits sunday sabbath is their mark
>vatican admits to adopting pagan sunday worship
>popes and prelates declare mary is worth of worship
>popes claim mary is a co-savior (only Jesus can save you)
>popes declaring "join or die" only they can save you
>RCC is full of homosexual priests

Beast's words:
Sex abuse by RCC:
Pagansim in RCC:
Satanism in RCC:

Who is the Whore of Babylon?

Why Roman Catholicism is Not Christianity Catholicism/roman_cath_main.htm

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Benedict was the last pope

Popes are all antichrist and their seat is the seat of satan himself.

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Daniel 7:25

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Popes wrote the Koran to continue persecution of Christians in modern times as well

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prots are so pathetic and delusional. Imagine Christianity existing for 1500 years. then some dude comes along and says..."yea, you guys actually aren't real christians and aren't worshipping correctly. Let me show you the correct way"

This is Protestantism.

Not a protestant, and those are all from the Vatican's own mouth.

Nice projection though, catholic cultist. 2 Thessalonians 2:11

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Catholics don't even bring Bibles with them to church, and if they did, they'd use some bastard bible like the NIV or NASB that pervert and twist the Word of God.

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Catholics are so easily deceived by their preachers because they don't read, and even if they did, they'd likely not understand because their preconceived notions given to them by their preachers are too ingrained in their cult minds. Their leaders will quote a couple verses completely out of context and which are completely unrelated to one another, then spout on for hours about their own agenda.

Catholics today are actually the offspring of those who bowed to Papal Rome in fear of losing their lives. They're genetically cowards. All those who didn't bow to Papal Rome and their babylonaian pagan practices were killed or fled to the new world (Americas).

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>if they did, they'd use some bastard bible like the NIV or NASB
Those are absolutely Protestant heavy translations dummy

Kneeling to graven idols, they don't even see acts of worship as worship, and have all sorts of mental gymnastics to defend this. They also don't know this is forbidden by God of the Bible in the 10 commandments because they're rewritten the commandments to suit their own babylonian traditions of men.

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What is Satan's day of worship/ the Sabbath in the catholic church?

>thinks protestants are still protesting the vatican
Okay, I'm done.

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That's not what I said, and I personally made that image by the way

Go to the page at the bottom of the pic.

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>modern bogus bibles existed when Martin Luther started the protest
Please fluoridebrain, stop. You don't even know what's in the original KJV preface. So just stop.

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This looks sinister as fuck. I saw some picture of the hats they wear. Looked like they stole it from some fish cult, can't remember the name.

Is this a b__o__t ?

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"let women preach"

yea, go fuck yourself lying faggot.


>I don't like what you posted so you're just a bot
Go lay on a track track and shorten your trip to hell, illiterate retard.

Catholicism is not Christianity and it didn't exist for centuries after Christ's resurrection. I could share this with you
But you won't read it. You cathcultist freaks don't listen/read anything that doesn't already conform to your cult views, you're worse than "liberals/progressives" or communists. I'll post this again, but you won't watch it, maybe someone else will though.

They do though, plebbit spacing cathcult retard.

based walter veith

I was just checking because you were saying things that are totally unrelated to my post

>Promote Abortion
This isn't true at all.

It was related, you just don't understand. Modern protestantism isn't protesting the vat-of-sin anymore. Some of the jesuit infiltrators have even claimed "the protest is over" and their followers aren't leaving those churches. Which basically makes them no longer protestant or protesting, it's just a title now on a church building full of apostasy. Go into the average protestant church, and you'll see the all-too-common lukewarm false preaching and idolatry of a false hippie jesus who accepts all into heaven as to not hurt their fee-fees seen throughout America instead of the Jesus of the Bible who hates sin, preached repentance, and said he came to divide.
If you think they'd still use a worthwhile bible while abandoning the messages of Luther against Papal Rome and Christ of the Bible, then you're mistaken. SDAs wonder after the beast in rome too.

Catholic hospitals commit abortions (even post-birth abortions or whatever they call it) and the jesuit Pope honored an abortion activist. Them opposing abortion is just an act to deceive people.

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