Does this kind of stuff work? Is it genuinely changing the way women view men, sex and race? I feel honestly like it is, but I'm not exactly the best source since I don't interact with people a lot. I've definitely seen way more interracial couples since around 2014, and it's always black men with white women.
Can We Have A Serious Discussion About Blacked (And General Racemixing Media)?
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You’ll always be a yellow boi chinkcel
Lol I live in Toronto. We have more chinese, flipnos, Indians and Pakis than blacks yet you never see white women go for these guys ever. Pretty much every interacial couple here with a white women is with a black man
Although with that being said there is about 4 white guy Asian female couples for every black man with a white women here
>hapa mutt promoting racemixing and proving mutts law
whoa who saw this coming
Seriously. He could be working on improving himself instead of this tired shit everyday. I actually know some based hapas, so I know it's possible.
I've definitely seen just as many white men with Asian women, more in fact. Although honestly I've been seeing rare Asian women with black men now, usually much younger girls. Do you feel you've noticed an uptick? It's not even the couples, I hear girls talking about this shit in work when they think nobody is around. It's pretty disheartening.
tattoos are satanic blood letting, series of articles on it
I went to a high school in Toronto where 75 percent of the guys were Asian and brown. Yet all the white girls were either dating other white guys and a few of them were with black guys
i love these BLACKED threads. makes whitey so mad
reminder that gooks and chinks have like 3.5" long dicks on average, thats real. thats how small their dicks are.
It makes you chinkbois look more pathetic than you already are
Based numerals of truth
i'm white. hold this L
Not speaking like that you arent
Yes to be honest there is a fair bit of black guys with Asian women here. Although I would say the most common minoirty on minoirty couples is pajeets with Asian girls
Whenever I'm downtown I always see a south asian man with an east Asian women
>half white with chinkoid genetics*
saddest thing, being so ashamed of being a hapa mutt that you reject reality
Excellent. I love pledging fealty to my Lord and savior Satan.
This is why.
I guess Asian women are just way more susceptible to media or something? I mean that's likely where their white fever came from in the first place.
White women are for everyone. Look pol, if White women are stupid enough to race mix because of Jewish influence, then they deserve to race mix.
There is a lot of mixed race couples here. But white guys with Asian girls is the most common by a landslide followed by black men with white women, those are really the too that are common enough to be sterotypical.
White/ south Asian couples don't really exist here. Although if you go out to the missiauga area it's filled with Indian girls who like white guys and if you go to the ghetto areas of Toronto it's a lot of South Asian girls who go for black guys.
Most of pol would just be happy to get their dick wet. Even if it were from an asian or black chic. lol
I honestly think it’s working to some degree
Uhh, not sure where you're getting chink from.
I'm purebred German/European ancestry.
What makes you think that?
Jews controlling the porn industry?
If anyone's to blame for racemixing, it's more from White reddit Faggots instead of the Jews.
Blame it on the hapa's father for not raising him right. All you yellowfever cunts here better raise your future hapa kids right or else you end up with this mess.
mutt laws has no borders
It's been happening since probably about the 90's. American culture has heavily culturally appropriated Black culture. Started with MTV and the rest of pop culture.
Just look at our demographics and you'll understand whose really behind posts like these. Most of America's ehtnic minoirty are blacks and Hispanics. For Canada it's Asians and Indians
White women fuck niggers to piss off their fathers and white men
Niggers fuck white women to piss-off white men and to get pussy.
Why do you care?
I want to get the artificial womb and remove all females from advanced countries, because they are useless parasites destroying advanced countries.
It's definitely noticeable among zoomers
Because this racemixing propaganda has been doing on for decades and when you point it out to normies they don’t see a problem with it because to them it’s normal ,it’s subliminal brainwashing.
>Just look at our demographics
that doesn't change the fact that 95% of the people who use Yas Forums, let alone the Yas Forums board are white. the reality is that you're getting trolled by a fellow white man and he's pawning it off on the minorities. You fell for the white man's bait. retard.
No wait
Or... maybe they love each other?
This nigga speaks the truth
Why are you getting so defensive of me accusing someone of being Asian ? It's already well known that a lot of the blacked spamming from leafs are from asians. There was a guy from Vancouver in the summer who got doxxed
spades tattoos have been around for a long time. not everything revolves around your weird interracial porn obsession, mutt.
Stfu mexican nigger
yeah but that's one example. the vast majority of people who jack off to bbc cuck porn are white so im pretty sure its white nerds posting them.
>racemixing topic created by jews and niggers
>blames asians
fuck off
Lick my nuts faggot.
Of course. Niggers are 13% of the population but are close to half ,if not more, of the cultural figures in media. There’s tons of nigger IR porn and it’s pretty standard for the top porn stars to do IR. This with the increasing female audience of porn has an effect that nobody knows how influential it really is.
So why are you getting assblasted about me saying it's an Asian doing it ?
> Threads bashing black people
No where to be found
> Threads calling Asians ricecels and making fun of how Asian women all go for white guys
BLM flags sperging out, blacked porn posted everywhere, leafs seething in the thread.
Everyone knows this routine