Which form of Monarchy is better?

Constitutional Monarchy?
Absolutist Monarchy?

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Constitutional, there must be some limits on power especially for preserving the rights of the people



Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I interrupt some much more worthy threads?

Yo Alibaba is sexy not gonna lie bruh

I say a mix of a theocracy and a constitutional monarchy. Having a strong church is useful to keep a lid on degeneracy and preserve the culture, while having some limits on a monarch's powers ensures that one bad ruler (ie Commodus, the retarded degenerate son Marcus Aurelius) cannot fuck everything over

Absolute. If you're going to have a constitution then you may as well have a republic.

I agree. I don't see any reason to not keep a judicial branch either. They could do what they do now with the bill of rights, but also act as a watch on a monarch (would replace the role of president). This is all theoretical, but our system is about to take a shit

It depends on what you consider to be a Constitutional Monarchy. If you mean a republic with a figurehead monarch, then obviously an absolute monarchy is better. If you mean a monarchy with a strong monarch with established rules for how things should be done (i.e. succession rules, procedure for delegation, etc.) then a constitutional monarchy might be better or worse depending on the rules.

>Which form of Monarchy is better?

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reeeeeee get out of my swamp

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How do you ensure you have a “strong monarch”? I mean there have been some very weak Kings in history and it almost always leads to war and violence and destabilization of the realm. If the king had less power, then the lords and council would be able to maintain the government even despite a weak king

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UK vs NK? They're both shit but the UK is a little better.

Absolute, but you need a way to ensure a good sucessor.

Neither, they both failed, just like communism.

>Child rape is now legal.

Jews are master litigators, how do you expect to stop them from taking advantage of a document?

I'm a semi-constitutionalist but I'd argue that absolutism is better because constitutional monarchy is pretty much a shadow republic, which is really just shadow oligarchy. Most of the problems of republicanism overlap with constitutional monarchy. This is also part of why some constitutional monarchies are susceptible to being abolished by the masses, because the core "values" and propaganda of republicanism are still encouraged in a nation with constitutional monarchy.
In other words fuck democracy.

Gee what gave that away britbong?

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Ban them

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Constitutional, provided the constitution is sound. There is no better system than a monarchy or dictatorship with a benevolent ruler, the problem is that this never ever lasts. The people need some sort of guarantee in the case of some kings fucktard son getting into the position cause he had a heart attack etc. Or he's just a fuck and gets in power through succession. Possibly even part of the constitution can be removal and putting next in line in. There are a lot of constraints a truly benevolent ruler would no doubt agree to considering these issues.

Actually, only communism failed. Kingdoms have fallen, but Europe has plenty of royalty

They can get others to act for them.

>wanting to be owned and governed by a bunch of inbred homosexuals who have no loyalty to the nation

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The King is father to the nation. That is what monarchy is the family unit on a larger scale.
Its the only real form of government. Everything else is just deformed and fucked up pretend monarchies.

Yeah, I hate democracy too.


It depends.
I'd support Absolute Monarchy if we were ruled by the House of Wittelsbach, but under the House of Windsor, constitutional is best.

In its proper formulation the position of a King is also the position of head priest. In the same way the farther of a family leads the families religious life and prayers to the household gods.
The King is the bridge between this world and the divine. He receives the law from God and institutes it here on earth

>be drooling retard from a royal family
>get put in charge of some duchy you've never been too because your uncle won a war and needs someone who wont challenge him to rule it
>don't speak the language
>don't know the customs
>dont give a shit about the people living there
great system you got there

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The best system is a combined meritocratic aristocracy, democratic institutions and a strong monarch.

The aristocracy is composed of two parts, the virtuous hereditaries and the meritorious individuals. Individuals may become aristocrats and earn titles depending on their actions and continued service to the realm as determined by a council that is confirmed by the monarch. If two or three generations in a row are able to meet the same standard, their lineage is upgraded to a hereditary one. The aristocracy would have to be self-funded and be pruned occasionally if hereditary lineages become corrupt.

Democracy is necessary to let off the steam of friction in society by redirecting it to people arguing in a hall. Make full use of the church and other cultural institutions to reduce the amount of difference between political sides so that there are minimal social issues that divide people and use the media to keep the acceptable/Overton window of politics narrow to only include opinions pro-Monarchy, pro-Church, etc.

The Monarch must be strong and encouraged to have as many children as possible and employ a system of hereditary adoption. This helps avoid some unfortunate primogeniture rulers while maintaining the royal family's purpose. If a royal line does out, the aristocracy turns into a body to pick the next logical successor. The Monarch would ideally have reserve powers and steer the direction of the country, though would avoid trifling too much with the affairs of democratic institutions to avoid outraging the people and preserve an aura of vision of the monarchy.

Correct. And people think Divine Right is some antiquated concept used by "dumb medievals". The levels of metaphor and inspired thought behind it is more sophisticated both in theory and in action than this baseless scramble for knocking down the pillars of the divine we call democracy.

He didnt say a jewish theocracy

>absolutionist monarchy
>one bad ruler and your entire country goes to shit for a generation

Genius benevolent dictatorship would work too if this was sustainable

Christianity is run around by the nose by Jewish principles.

I think you meant to say Protestantism.

Protestants dont obsess over useless traditions, all that's needed is faith in Christ.

Neither. Traditional monarchy is based.

Yeah you just killed a thread i was rather enjoying for this crap. Thanks.