Goodbye Earthlings! Thanks for all the fish

Astroid will hit at 6:27 pm CST on 04/29/20 -


We have had our chance to reconnect with family and friends via the lockdown. Now we have to accept the end of the world.

It will be quick and painless as the astroid knocks the earth off it's orbit. We will experience earthquakes and tidal waves like never before. California will break off the continent.

I suggest you gather all your loved ones together before 6:27 CST and make sure they know you love them.

The end is near.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are promises of death the only thing that fill me with life and vigor?

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Good bye and thanks for the dank memes!

A good thread died for this. No comets or asteroids are gonna hit the earth now or in a million years. go back to >>x/

Space is fake and gay

Tell that to the comet the actual size of Mount Everest that is headed straight towards us.

Begone, Doomer !

Not happening i'm sorry fren, i knon oyu want to meme this into existence but nobody is even remotely interested.


We would see it already if it was going to hit us OP. Try not to worry.

Not doomer, I've done my research. Also have inside information from reliable source.

i simply dont care about sudden world ending scenarios because there is literally nothing that can be done about it

Never gonna happen.
Remember folks,

Fake. You know how I know? Nobody gives important news times by Central Standard Time.

How can you be sure that a good thread died? Chances are that if this thread killed anything it was something hideous, like your mother.

Fake and gay slide thread

Better see people "disappearing" then.

>California will break off the continent.
I suppose if we have to take one for the team to finally BTFO Ca. Than it is what it is.
Will we be able to see it coming & feel the heat ?

It will be nationally televised, yes. We will see it coming.

Because i want it to happen so i can see the entirety of stupid humanity go extinct. it won't happen. Maybe in your reality user but not mine. It's gonna miss us by MILLIONS of miles. further then the distance between the earth and the moon. What a complete crock of shit.

if things go well, yellowstone doesn't go off, so we might enjoy commiefornia's sink kek

why do you keep teasing me? are you just this cruel?

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Woa woa woa. Hold up.
If we're ALL gonna die why keep the "RELIABLE SOURCE " a secret ?

same fren

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humanity survived these
life in general even survived this

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Yeah that's fucking retarded, makes no sense.

Flat Earth FTW

Fuck off space niggers

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Imagine believing that shit.

How dare you raise my hopes like this

Big brain

> need some math
Does wifi tv signal travel faster heat, hell fire and sound?
Otherwise the flash will kill us before we can witness Ca. Getting BTFO .
> mehhh tfw dont even get an ounce of joy before death

fake and gay

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guys i think op is right an asteroid just flew over my house

the chad asteroid the virgin earth

you missed papa.

What is it's speed relative to earth ?

turn off the flag, and someone might take you seriously. until proven otherwise, you're a kike.

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last month people were saying it was due on may 29th, now it's april?
you are right and thanks

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show your source faggot

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How's the weather in Omaha?

oh no it will pass only 6,290,589 kilometers away

that's shopped. try harder

Fuck you for getting my hopes up.
Fuck you sideways with a rusty chainsaw.


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He's a dolphin/ayy
That's why he opened with "bye bye earthlings".

It's already way too far from earth's orbit / gravitational pull to even come close.


nah, it's always been due for 4/29/2020.

Isn't this thing going to pass like 4 million miles away or something.

reddit. com/r/conspiracy/comments/g9c31r/goodbye_earthlings_thanks_for_all_the_fish/

ur a fag

And even if we return to our pre-life state, there are other planets out there with life if you care about that

Has anyone noticed any strange moves from the elites recently? That's what we really need to look out for. Is there any way to tell when these guys flee to their bunkers?

You need to get a job Nebraska fag

K. Keep me posted.

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Last month it was as large as Jupiter, and now it's only the size of Everest? By tomorrow it will be smaller than OP's brain, and quickly approaching the dimensional comparison of the meme flu.

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Yeah when they get quiet. they never shut up unless their up to no good.

Was it more impressive than those boobs you saw that one time?

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These threads are dumb.
Humanity can survive a bigger rock that killed the Dinos.

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I wish

It's shocking that I actually have to explain this to you but I'm not that redditfag. I literally copied his post word for word and posted it here to troll you and you fell right into my trap. *slaps you*