Are white men low status in America?

Seems like no one respects you guys and constantly talk shit about you online, academia and media. Especially the way zoomer girls talk about you, it’s as though they look down on you. I imagine it’s pretty hard to get any sort of girlfriend as a zoomer white boy. So is it true that they are low status in America?

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Are you going to make these threads every day?

every fucking nigger deserves a rope

These usually end with "...and everyone clapped"

I almost have 300 tinder matches and I live in one of the most non-white major cities in one of the most non-white states

oof, looks like this post made you MAD. pick up them pennies, whyboi

'...he said, before smacking his big liver lips and entering Walmart to spend his welfare check on starch and purple drank'.

Are you white?

niggers feud with mexicans though so they have reason to hate him

Blonde hair and blue eyes

*no reason, sorry

>memeflag, the post
I hope everyone here utilized options field

And as everyone clapped and onlookers cheered, a beautiful blonde white snowbunny appeared. “I used to be his girlfriend” she exclaimed “but now I’m a slut for black cock!” That day, at the very moment, whiteb0is finally gave up once and for all. They knew they couldn't compete.

Whitey BTFO'd once and for all

I'll take "Shit that never happened for 500, Alex."
Why do people and niggers make up these power fantasies?

Why? I doubt you're starting to cry every time you walked past a white hobo. Or do you have problems with that kind of slang? I find that word hilariously expressive and very descriptive. You are a faggot

Retarded fucking loser. You need a bullet in your brain.

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>I find that word hilariously expressive and very descriptive
yeah sure doesn't take much to impress you spic animals

well, at least I'm not a nigger

t. hobo

I like to go into poor black neighborhoods, find one of those little road side crosses from a drive by shooting, and wait till a nigger walks by then drop a bunch of empty shell casings and ask "AINT DOIN NUTIN NOW." and other things that didn't happen like OP's tweet.

Sage and report copy-pasted spam, newfriends.

My point stands, try to elaborate on your previous statement please. I found it intriguing in a retarded kind of way

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If that actually did happen, it's because the guy who tweeted that lives in Santa Ana. That's basically Los Angeles and as someone from LA, I can testify that the culture is extremely anti white.

No war but the race war

Yeah, this happened.

If you're changing your behavior for a roastie, you've already lost...

Look how hard their dicks got for those monkeys south of the border

Attached: Hard.jpg (800x1067, 198.78K)

Chinks are very mad at whites for being culturally and societally as well as physically and sexually superior

We call this "Changs Law", see pic related

Sage goes in the options field

Attached: changslaw.jpg (1569x1032, 248.44K)

Another day, another garbage thread by the British incel obsessed with nobodies on twitter. I implore you to kill yourself. You will never get any better. Oh, and have this sage.

Jackson, Mississippi?