What is your favourite racial slur

Post some unknown and local racial slurs to broaden this boards vocabulary.

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The word BLACKED and BBC offend whypipo so much that they become irate

Cracka, gets the white boys triggered hard

white straight male
technically a slur because people hate hearing this no matter what side of the aisle they are on
the left hates it for obvious reasons, but the right hates it in the same way jews hate being called jews

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Moon cricket

Mutts law, every time.

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dune coon


North American Street Ape


My current favorite is shitskin. Its useful in all situations.

ITT we make a list of word leftypol wants to ban.

Kike, Jemima, and Jigaboo



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doesn't apply to me since I'm pure white.

Shadow smurfs.

This is a good one

This. Just rolls off the tounge nicely

A clean and crisp "nigger" never fails it's task


Jew. It is so vulgar.

Basketball American always gets a chuckle, even from normies.

I'm partial to potato nigger for the Irish. As a mutt of partial Irish ancestry I find it hilarious.



basket-ball american

North American Pavement Ape


Rubber lips, velcro head, and wagon burner are my favorite

Human Unable to Make Progress

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Gook. Love calling chinks gooks and seeing people ask "what's that mean?" I just tell them it's a term for Gookineese people. Had a few normies nod and be like "ah ok."

I just straight up call niggers gorillas. They aren't expecting the G word and their tiny gorilla brains get so pissed when you say it. "Nigga da fuk yoo say?"

"I said Gorilla, bitch."

"You callin me a munkee?"

"Nigga I just said GORILLA!!!!"

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>'Jew' is slur for Jews
KEK because it's true


that image doesn't offend me because i'm white and couldn't give two shits about detroit. still managed to make you mad though. BLACKED. BBC'd.


British term for nigger, I think it comes from 'black as the ace of spades',

other brit terms: wog, nog, gollywog, spade, coon, darkie

Quadroon for light skinned niggers

Beandips for Mexicans

Cumskins gor whites

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Porchmonkey, mooncricket, spade

I like ghoul because people often don't know what you're talking about but I can make comments about how vicious and stupid ghouls are at the coffee table at work and only the old (white) South African bush pilot that comes to visit will pick up on it and agree with me. Fucking ghouls.

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Slope and ricenigger for the chinks

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Cracker or honky, not offensive. Suggestions of having french ancestry would be quite offensive.

I like to call Chinks noodle niggers. It's more offensive and flows off the tongue nicely.
But in all seriousness fuck China, I hope they get nuked for the corona faggotry.

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Racist is a racial slur for white people.

Zipperhead, because the origin of the term is GIs running over gooks made a zipper-type imprint from the tires of their face. Kek.

Ethnically challenged
Carpet rider
Porch monkey
Sun worshiper

Blacks destroying neighborhoods certainly isn't exclusive to Detroit. White Flight has been a widespread phenomenon since desegregation.

When I see Jews complaining about being wished a Merry Christmas I remind them they have the day off work or are getting time and a half.
You don't have to believe in the divinity of Christ to have one, but it helps.

Oriental. It has an old-timely aire to it that I feel needs brought back and I am doing my part. What's amusing is how it's not an 'offensive' term registered with the normal folk for the most part, but it certainly straddles an area in their brain that activates almonds. And they're not sure why.

nigger is just too effective.

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Slanty-eyed gook


heeb is my favorite word for jews


Like the fucken cheese mate?

Mud duck used to get me rolling pretty good.

>Pavement ape
>Moon cricket
>Moving target
>Nig nog
>Basketball American
>Knuckle dragger
>Rape ape
>Porch monkey
>Alabama wind chime
>Rope stretcher
>Farm equipment
>Talking monkey

Zwartjoekel, teerpaal

Red sea pedestrian
Left footer
Front wheeler (very archaic)