Walmart edition
Amerimutt hate thread
You losers make fun of us all you want but you keep trying to come over here. It's easier to cope with not being an American by making fun of Americans is it not?
Why are you so easily triggered? Is that your wife? This is weak bait if I've ever seen one man, don't bite the bait with that kind of delicate sensibility
Show flag.
Niggers, welfare collectors, skank bitches, dumbass rednecks and other mutt varieties the usa aint been shit for the past years
She’s hot. Any nudes?
Sounds like he hit a nerve talkin bout you always praying over chicken bones to be aboard a blessed flight into usa
I actually love Americans.
I don't like chicken that much, and I would never set foot on a plane. Not for visiting your glorious nation, not for anything in this world. I don't like planes, those are devilish artifacts that remind me of that tragedy
But still, Europe remains frail elderly women fighting over the right to serve us tea.
>trying to come over here
Nigga fuck you this is good bait you faggot
We Americans certainly know how to make sure our women are curvy, plump, happy, and fertile enough to make babies.
This board has attracted so many low IQ American normalfags.
Yeah sure if you like McDonalds
Nigger, that bitch is fat as shit.
Insanely based
No it's not, it's lame and not very vigorous. But keep trying man. Practice is important
Yo, blue koolade is hella good!
He doesn't has to be a jew to hat the US, actually, one cannot be a jew and hate the US for it is the whore of Babylon and the house of modern talmudism and degeneracy
Your country is a Luciferian Satelite
Nope you autistic shitskin this is quality as quality gets. Kys
American women are so tough, they can give birth to fully clothed four year olds in while putting items from the cart on the conveyor belt.
theyre fucking freaks of nature but i dont hate them
Mmm she has a nice ass. Would impregnate.
If you want to imagine the future of my country, just think of brown potato-shaped dullards with a 2nd grade education. Who get to make every decision because (((democracy))).
She’s a little chunky and not a fan of kookaod in general but what is wrong about it?
Kids seem well behaved, idk this is average af
based american vaginas
Best wishes on your meme crusade. I hope you keep improving on your bait. As I've said, I appreciate the effort, but you need more commitment and skill to get shitlord credit
>This ass was made in the future??
I dont get it
Yeah but you know who mostly comes over here? Poor, desperate and unintelligent people... who then have 6 kids
I get seriously depressed when I go to a Walmart or drive through poor rural places
Oh wtf are you doing?
>Old man wearing an anklet
he is a man of leisure fuck off
Women who are dressed but appear as if they are naked should be stoned to death. Stoning whores to death would do a lot of good to this country
johnny depp said she had the most foul smelling pussy and she never showers.
Whatever makes you feel better.
>fat girl with lumpy man ass
lmao fail
any mother who gives their kid koolaid should be beaten
Source pls.
You only have to say one thing to put an amerimutt in his place on Yas Forums