This is the result of Neoliberal Capitalism, and not Communism

This is the result of Neoliberal Capitalism, and not Communism

Attached: 1587990657409.png (502x501, 129.91K)

it's the result of judaism

Yes, we need National Socialism

>it's the result of judaism
The Judaic Communist Revolution in Russia never resulted in such degeneracy, your analysis is completely off

Capitalism has time and again shown itself to gain steam by the means of degeneracy

Big data is now tracking diversity, under the guise of social justice.

Attached: snip.png (580x760, 482.71K)

Liberalism needs to be destroyed

Where's your diversity goy? You're hurting profits!

Attached: clown world.png (681x95, 10.52K)

I had more respect for Marxists when they claimed to care about the working class. Now they're nothing but a circus freak show full of insane faggots.

i always had this theory that stalin wasnt part of the plan and if trotsky had ascended instead it wouldve gotten to that point by now

>Gender Communism is the result of capitalism.

let us standardize emoticons, they said
We're neutral, they said
Its just convenience for tech, they said

That's because Neo-Marxism is Liberalism under disguise. Laughable how Leftists today say that "well, Fascism is actually just Capitalism on steroids", dude wtf? lol

I'm going to be a racist-communist and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me. Actually the entire white situation today needs to be analysed through the lenses of social justice. The next white movement will look like the ethno/national-liberation movements of the brown-third-world left. White liberation now desu.

It's the satanic vatican's agenda. Papal Rome is the beast in revelation. Satan loves inverting God's will, like he did with God's Sabbath (which are kept by the angels in heaven) through the catholic church which claims to have changed sabbath from saturday to sunday (their own words).

>Gender Communism
No such thing you dolt. It doesn't require a smart person to figure out that Gender ideology has its basis in Liberalism

Pretending to love trannies equals higher profits than raising workers' wages.

This isn't the result of fiscal policy and tax rates and social programs. This is the result of social and cultural degradation, whether that is an organised effort from outside or within.

Their plan for us is to have a race-less, gender-less (increase makeup and clothing market %s), identity-less consumerist mob. We'll live in small apartments, our countries will become economic zones, our phones will track and sell every data point in our life they can.

Attached: honk.jpg (229x220, 11.21K)

Kek, this is legitimately funny, especially the way it upsets you

Cool. If we improve human quality of life through social programs on top of that, and provide all humans with housing, healthcare, and education, why should any of that bother me?

Jewish capitalism or jewish communism. Both will result in the same kind of globohomo degeneracy. The Soviets purged kikes from government, so your point is moot. Neoliberalist capitalism needs to be abolished but not in favor of communism but national socialism.

>The Judaic Communist Revolution in Russia never resulted in such degeneracy, your analysis is completely off
It was heading that direction until the Soviet government realized they needed the population to produce babies.

It literally is, lol
This is literally just emoji defaulting to gender neutral designs as the 'base' to be adjusted with modifiers.

What is the point?
Unicode already has gay and lesbian couples with kids of each gender. There is literally no reason for the change.

Attached: 4L_SLRicZL2.png (256x256, 86.1K)

Family -> NPCs

Ehh, capitalism with certain socialist policies like free healthcare etc.

Also I think tech is going to make all our current ruling forms obsolete in about 50 years. Something new has to be invented.

>meme flag
(((Who))) could be behind this post?

>i've always had this theory that if things were different they would have happened differently
stunning insight

Getting everyone hooked on SSRIs, to endlessly consume is not my idea of a satisfying life. What is the point of living in a cage? Would living in 'Brave New World' sound good?

not everyone wants it retard, some prefer to keep their culture and thats ok
retarded globalist faggot

very based comrade

You don't know their endgame, user

I don't pay for facebook.

So yeah it's communism.

Stalin was a power hungry psycho to the point that he gave zero shits about any ideologue bullshit and just wanted absolute power consolidation. In many ways this was a better outcome than the actual Jewish fags who wanted some kind of multiracial utopia a la Trotsky and the other socialist fags in Russia/Germany

Oh this nigga based! In the end, after you realize what’s going on you have two options. You either deny that it’s the jews and fall for the commie trap or you become natsoc or at the very least third positionist. The problem is if you are brown. Most “redpilled” browns will opt for communism because they know the labor of whites is still required subconsciously.

Because civilized people can't co exist with niggers and spics and other muds. They will be forced to subsidize all of those things. Tribalism will always prevail in some form and you are sacrificing the only thing that actually stands in the way of achieving a TRULY progressive society. If the Nazis had won, humans would be colonizing space by now and quality of life everywhere would be way higher. But keep sucking jewish cock.

This is double plus good.