waaaaah, i had to do my grossly overpaid job
Waaaaah, i had to do my grossly overpaid job
>You should put your life and your families at risk for people who refuse to listen to advice!
>medical professionals are overpaid! that money NEEDS to go to administration, marketing, and investors!
Why tf would you leave that profession? Aren't these nurses getting paid a fucking load in over time right now?
Opportunity for new professionals.
Will anyone sign my petition to expand Veteran Benefits to female nurses?
Fake news, Hospitals are empty kthnx
>after things calm down and get easier many of us are going to leave
physicians practice medicine
whoops i went full retard
when this is over
Why wait? You got access to sodium thiopental so do us all a favor and overdose you fucking vainglorious pseudoscience faggots
Lord jesus cleanse this world with fire.
Nope. Once again. I run a dedicated support line for NHS workers. Every one is saying the same thing. Not enough hours to make loan repayments.
fuck niggers
>you want to help people? Sure thing, kiddo! Here’s an endless stream of illiterate morbidly obese black women who are outright confrontational towards you and have no intention at all in ever being healthy, and they will ignore your advice at every turn.
>make sure you leave over them as they gracelessly expire at the age of 54 from over eating and type II diabetes!
>only another 11 hours on this shift
>here’s a few illiterate non-English speaking illegal aliens to keep things fresh. Don’t worry that they’ll give you a fake name and won’t ever pay insurance!
>isn’t helping people such a good thing to dedicate your life towards?
my sisters friend is an RN and is literally getting 10,000$ a week for 13 weeks to work in NYC on contract right now. Some are making even more.
Flatten the curve means restricting infections to hospital capacity. It does not mean shutting er all down till vaccine day to protect the sensibilities of professionals who literally signed up studies and swore an oath to be meat mechanics.
Nurse here. For me the final straw was the Tik Tok videos. I couldn't keep up with my daily quota so the supervisor, Mr Chang, beat me. I kind of liked it at first, but also I felt ashamed. Why was I letting this low-value manlet beat me? Only Chad should be allowed to do that. I'm thinking of becoming a beauty-therapist instead.
>when this war is over
That woman is retarded
Donate one of these to a female front line worker.
good, more high-paid jobs for the rest of us where you do absolutely fuck all most of the day
I want to get the coronavirus too, so I get immune to it like all the other flus
"WE NEED MORE PAY" is what this fucker is saying.
Imagine wasting atleast seven years in uni to get shit on by the government and the people
Hahah get wrecked doctors. I hate all you dirty ugly faggots and your god complex
Learn to code, medicalniggers.
Whats the issue here?
They just will import more latin american/syrian doctors no?
With all the time I see them wasting i might get INTO medicine.
military doctors might be the best for cities then
Full time tik tok influencers?
OP post best post
>waaaaah, you have to take care of me regardless of what you want to do
Fuck off.
If they want to quit their jobs and become garbage men that's their choice.
What a hero!