Yas Forums humour thread

Yas Forums humour thread

Attached: indyjczycy.png (1608x1116, 241.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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you Yas Forums racists never cease to amaze me.

being armed is a good thing tho

Attached: konkwistadorzy.jpg (470x291, 33.43K)

this is one of those uni projects, right?

be careful. eventually the redpills will get to you.

>this is one of those uni projects, right?
i dont get it, im not a student

Attached: news24.jpg (795x1131, 300.06K)

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Attached: get.png (600x338, 314.17K)


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Attached: albert-650x650.jpg (650x650, 57.77K)

Attached: Suce moé l'bat angloïde.jpg (696x564, 245.42K)

The clown dances while the world gets destroyed.
Don't laugh, train yourself, get disciplined, read, meditate, reject degeneracy.
Become the man of your ancestors.

Attached: 1578611522250.jpg (1600x1090, 428.93K)

tHey look the same ones just darker. Swap skin tones & you'll see

The top looks like mexicans the bottom looks like abos

speak english

Attached: kjhlh.jpg (960x788, 104.12K)

North Indians are a mix of Aryan blood from afghan/Iran and native dravidian.

South Indians are mixed dravidian/Aboriginal

They're practically different races imo. North/South indians speak different languages and have different cultures too

>aboriginal in india

Attached: 87f24c1698aec1e0a64244c612f84527ea0d8055810448088d4d391681897d3d.png (953x767, 293.45K)

Pourquoi m'abaisser à parler anglois?

Attached: Henry_Hoppner_Meyer10.jpg (768x962, 415.78K)

co kurwa

Attached: nietzsche.png (650x618, 280.11K)

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Attached: IndiaRacial.png (518x630, 53.18K)

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J'avoue mdr l'anglais cette horrible langue de cuck.

Attached: harry.png (647x851, 931.6K)

Wasnt he ?


would honestly probably bang the one on the right anyways. short hair can be cute

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Absolument et ça l'avantage de les mettre en furie quand ont refuse de leurs parler dans leur langue.

Attached: IMG_20190319_150956.jpg (500x308, 52.78K)

I wanna see some kosher memes in here you shabbaz goys

Attached: B089ECAB-C1EC-4FC0-8472-93CCF6C9E610.jpg (640x583, 49.2K)


Attached: 1490885729336.jpg (700x711, 82.59K)

>Beyond good and evil


Attached: 1587165800614.jpg (959x585, 83.36K)

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