What have you done today to thank our silent heros?
What have you done today to thank our silent heros?
I think that fat bitch probably just ordered it for herself and said someone else did it so she had an excuse to eat on the clock
people will always love the idea of a hero
Probably correct
Nurses are worthless cumsluts. The AMA is satanic and slowly kills anyone who goes to them.
The only good doctors are those setting bones and putting casts on, etc. The rest of them are just salesmen for the Vatican/Rothschild/Rockefeller medical industry. There are thousands of known cures for cancer, but they want to poison you with chemicals from mustard gas and irradiate your body -- which just slowly kills you and has a cure rate lower than 5%.
>What have you done today to thank our silent heros?
Coomed to tiktok.
Isn't chemo basically mustard gas?
I spitted in that pizza and touched it with my rubber gloves that I've been wearing for almost two months.
>t. door dash
>Nurses are worthless cumsluts.
One thing I know about nurses, most of them are whores and easy as fuck to fuck.
not sure about that champ
I matched with a roastie on tinder that's a nurse so I said thank you cause I thought I could maybe put it in her pooper
The hospital my mother in law works at gets sent like a 100 pizzas a day. Like 90% get thrown in the trash.
How do you know bro? Share your secrets, slut seeker
Imagine the braps they were doing after eating that huge pie
>ordering food with zero nutritional value to overworked, tired and sick hospital staff
lmao americans
>I spitted in that
I believe you probably did, nigger
For thanking myself for not going outside, I ordered pizza
and where is the pizza for the other nurse?
>here are thousands of known cures for cancer, but they want to poison you with chemicals from mustard gas and irradiate your body -- which just slowly kills you and has a cure rate lower than 5%.
This is true. I've been a nurse now for 15 years, and nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing fags like you claim you've read shit on the darkweb about a cure while I inject lighter fluid into your pale, frail body just to see you die.
Stayed home
The left one doesn't need pizza.
based dogedog
what have they done that any of us could not have done? lmao
>What have you done today to thank our silent heros?
The same thing they've done for me, nothing.
I wonder if he's gay