If you’re against space exploration-bla blah blah part 2

Let’s continue this shit

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space is fake

Earth is fucked beyond repair thanks to fat Americans driving ridiculously sized pickup trucks around, hence our need to find a new planet (Mars) to live on.

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Nice image.

Beautiful isn't it?

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Continuing the shit. Normie stuff you get from investing in space exploration:
> satellites
> maybe supersonic travel via low Earth orbit
> better engineering methods, materials, ...
> more knowledge that can be transferred into other activities
> jobs in research, manufacturing, development...
> improvements in military stuff

Hi jews!

It is pretty expensive considering it relies on pure imagination. Might as well pay for porn.

Then our best bet would be to try and understand the motives behind such a rule and possibly fulfill them if applicable, and after that judge for a second time if it’s truly the right thing to do. I would guess at being fit for an already-existing galactic society that we aren’t aware of (or fully, or widely) is a good reason for this. In reality, we don’t have much excuse past this because of all the UFO rumors, and alien conspiracies that exist in the public awareness, whether we choose to believe them or not. This exists in addition to all the efforts that are being made that seem, at least on the surface level, to ready us for such a transition. Your proposal doesn’t sound too ridiculous, and given Fermi’s paradox the justification for space exploration outside of your proposal does seem insensitive. I still think there is merit in at least preparing ourselves for space exploration, and in the worst case scenario we should have both the ability and will power to do it for our own sake. What’s that saying? God helps those who help themselves? I think that’s fair.

Physics kiddies who just learned conservation of energy have to forget all that shit when it comes to rockets. Because a rocket expends energy just to maintain it's position, much less to accelerate. Therefore basic energy calculations don't get you anywhere. What matters with a rocket is Impulse:

There are also design considerations. It's counter-intuitive, but you also want the center of thrust to be far below the center of mass. It seems like you would want the opposite, for the engines to be "pulling" the mass up through the sky. But such a rocket would be horrifically unstable, you want the thrust pushing the mass in front of it.

Finally, the rocket burns off mass over time, so to figure out it's acceleration you need to consider the mass it loses as the rocket burns. This is called the "rocket problem" in physics, it results in a differential equation.

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Nah. What about medical emergencies? Heat. Tourism. Oxygen. Atmosphere. Vacuum.
How bout seasteads 30 feet under the ocean surface. What about the wastelands of nanunut Canada or antartica? At least confirm humans can survive in a biosphere for a generation first while getting a few upgrades easily shipped in.

one day you'll laugh at your former dumb self.

Seems reasonable enough.

Very interesting. Thank you for the info

Rockets aren't the only way to leave your quarantine zone.

1) The primary benefit of lunar industrialization that comes to mind is military. The First Nation to establish a permanent presence there has time to set up mechanisms of traffic control and defense in and around cis-lunar space. This includes stuff that could shoot AT earth. I would rather the US be the first to do this than another nation like China, who could then exert military influence on an unprecedented planetary scale to force other countries to do what China wants.

2) Another benefit is logistical space. At some point, we’re gonna want to mine near earth asteroids for their metals. Doing so is not only better for Earths environment, but will likely yield more ore than any planet bound mining operation. With the moon in our control, we could drop to-be-mined asteroids onto designated areas on the moon. The moon is our natural shield , so dropping rocks within a certain size onto the moon will not impact earth or moon as a side effect. Once on the moon, mining becomes easy. Most exciting though is the possibility of discovering new metals or materials that could never be found on earth. This could lead to all kinds of important advances (eg room temperature super conductors) depending on the materials properties.

2a) Speaking of industry, low gravity industry on the moon could allow for high tech industrial practices to occur, generating more advanced tech, and all without environmental impact. Lots of interesting things happen to materials in low gravity. Even simple industry like creating purified silicon or ferro alloys from lunar KREEP would be quite easy to do once some basic infrastructure is established.

3) More of a long term benefit of controlling the moon is the travel logistic aspect of things. Making ships on earth and getting them to escape velocity is costly, especially because they must carry round trip fuel in addition to cargo and escape velocity fuel. The moon provides a few options to remove this financial and ecological expense.

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A) A location for a simple refueling station, allowing a ship to only need enough fuel to escape velocity, get to the refuel station, and position to refuel.
B ) A shipyard to create circulator ships instead of ground to space chemical rockets, removing the need (and cost) of earth based launches all together. Ships could be made using manufacturing and mining on the moon.
C) System wise traffic control on the far side of the moon can ensuring inbound and outbound traffic are safely coordinated within the Earth/lunar sector and listen for anyone in distress, all with minimal to no interference from Earth originated radio noise.

Exploiting all these benefits will lead to the creation of new industries and new technologies, allowing planet bound citizens to benefit from these innovations in the form of new consumer tech in medicine, transportation, and other areas.

Now while the above are indeed strategically beneficially from an industrial and economical stand point, many of them have to do with getting deeper into space. This could beg the question of why should we bother going to space at all. Here are a few reasons.

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>Earth is fucked beyond repair
>Posts pristine near untouched natural habitat proving otherwise
>Taken with at Most a 3 year old higher end camera.
Neck yourself.
The United States remains one of the LARGEST natural preserve countries in the World. Not China, shits not protected. Not Japan. Not Europe. Not Africa. Not South America. None of you fucking protect your natural environments. Or you have very little protected environments. At least in my state Washington. We dearly cherish our wildlife.

> muh military
> muh exploding the moon
> muh manufacturing
This is the reason you can't leave this place anymore (I think). LOL

While Earth is nowhere near over population, it could face it in the next century or so unless population control gets implemented globally. I for one would sooner die fighting against such dictatorial policies than accept them. But with deep space travel, we may not need to fight or accept those policies. There are many worlds to colonize and Lagrange points to build in that would secure a persons right to exist and to have a family without limit.

Xenobiological materials from places like Europa or organic molecules from Jupiter could yield otherwise impossible medical miracles en mass for all humanity.

Energy gained from simple dyson swarm implementations could lay the foundations of energy independence for all mankind.

Zero gravity “silent” stations in far off Lagrange points elsewhere in the solar system could allow for more delicate experiments to understand celestial phenomena like gravity waves, and eventually utilize those massive powers.

Not-so-silent scientific stations could experiment safely with theoretically dangerous processes that would lead to understanding how to manipulate the very fabric of space itself, bending it or reaching in to it as an energy source, all while leaving Earth safe.

There are myriad of other benefits to getting deeper into space, but they all require that we take our first step to permanently leave our metaphorical crib of Earth.

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Shithole contries are specialized in converting their habitats into a mix of Mad Max and Fallout.
Japan and Europe are tiny so people inhabit any small corner they can find.

Get past the Van Allen belt before you worry about deep space travel.

This is pure late stage judaism, the technology is very far from being available for this stupid solution and this retard doesn't want niggers and pajeets to war condoms instead.

Actually canada has more natural land than you mutt, nice lying attempt though. Easy to have lots of land when you genocided the natives and only started settling 300 years ago, meanwhile Europe has been settled for 1000s of years.


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This. Once you go flat you just laugh at this shit. I can't imagine believing in the fairy tale.

You’re fake.

Maybe some people will belong out there one day, but not most of you I hope.

>Let’s continue this shit
Human die in space
Human need help if want to live in space
Humans need the technology to live in space
The technology cost big money
Too expensive to live in space
What human do?
Save money
How save money?
Trade with other type of humans or unify planet.
Either or you can’t have both.
Next question.

Space travel will give us opportunities for an ethnostate. It will also increase globalism though.

Space exploration is worth it because space is filled with riches
Colonizing space is worth it because otherwise humanity will end on this planet and it will happen sooner rather than later. We need to spread out instead of having all our eggs in one basket.
Creating self sustaining colonies in space will be next to impossible, though. We won't make it in time.

where we're going, we don't need rockets.

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Gross. (if it is what I'm thinking)

public use a shit fetish