What now, racist conspiratards ?
What now, racist conspiratards ?
The Anne Frank story was a hoax.
uhhhh are you even leftypol?
Did they, though?
Curtis is example of a minority comic strip that isnt a chore to read. Why cant more be like that?
I don't get how people believe these ridiculous hoaxes
Jews have a higher IQ than niggers, which is why Anne Frank can stay in an attic for 2 years and why niggers are being infected at a much higher rate than everyone else because they can't think about the consequences of their actions for a fucking second.
What about the Boondocks? Surprisingly based imo
they were taught it in school by a trusted authority.
simple as.
Maybe had those Yankee fucks not destroyed the CSA she wouldve been out sooner.
>What now, racist conspiratards ?
a goos start is by inserting a well known herb in all fields and mocking you for being a commie faggot.
Wow, if the Jews can live like that under Nazi rule, so can we!
cartoon corrected for accuracy
were did they piss and shit
10/10 my good Canuck, day of the rake has been postponed
When it first started, yeah. Then he got lazy and turned into three panels of the character watching tv with a "punchline" in the third.
Not posting the original
So's your sex life.
Post nose.
came back from death's door just to clap this
My nigga
Literally gay and faggot tier
>anne frank
why do amerimutts repeat this name constantly, I don't even know who it is
It's the story about a jewish nightmare. Being a girl and having your diary published for everyone to see- And being a jew and not making a dime off of it.
American God complex isnt a meme anymore.
Kys spic
How'd that end up for Anne, retard?
top lel
this was a great psyop
Who the fuck says "pizza parlor" anymore?