Ukraine & Portugal

Portuguese people, what is your opinion about us Ukrainians? Can we continue to come to your country to build buildings or just go fuck ourselves?

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The ones i came in contact with were sympathetic, respectful and very hard working. So yes, you are welcome and i think that's the general opinion.

Unironically the best immigrants we had. Are euro bor's too so no problem.
The same can´t be said about nigs and brazilians.

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I have some awesome friends from brasil, and a very close black friend. Its 2020, xenophobia is retarded, Flags and borders only benefit elites and politicians.

Only hot girls are allowed

Ukrainians are well regarded here, wish all immigration were like them, smart and stout people. Beautiful girls as well.

You have to go back

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You need to open your eyes and stop being a puppet. People are individuals regardless of where they come from. I have seen and witnessed a lot of shitty attitudes from tugas, plus we are extremely snobbish.
Keep segregating people will only lead to more disruption.
Go and meet people from brasil and africa and you will learn like us they can too be great company. And maybe learn a thing or two about real life.

Dont worry real life will soon come to you soon.

Dude you are retarded.
There are good and bad people everywhere, that's not the point, the point is, we don´t want to become a third world shithole riden with crime like africa or brazil. Do you understand that? If non europeans keep coming here, it's the end of the portuguese nation-state. All the sacrifices done in 950 years of history by our ancestors will be destroyed by mass immigration and multiracialism. We have to right to protect our identity

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So many soons. Grow up fuck tard, and learn to be a person. Yas Forums is turning you into a retard, all this shit is LARP. None of these incels have even been close to a pussy, do you want to be like them?

Grow up, Portugal is a lost cause, like many other countries. We are trying to row on a sinking boat. Keep dancing to the tunes of our dictators, being a wage slave, hoping to be "great again".

Muh culture, muh reconquista. Learn from the past and build a better future.
World should unite, we spend resources to build a society then spend more resources on bombs to destroy same society. Am i the only one able to see this shit?

Every single non portuguese needs to GET THE FUCK OUT, no compromises, no exceptions.

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The question is why do you want to
extinguish europeans? why do you want to destroy Portugal?

You are the retarded one, why can't you see that the crime is the side effect of a shitty life and segregation.
If you lived in said countries, the same lives they live, you would understand. You live in a bubble unable to understand other realities.

Plus you assume everyone is a criminal. Fucking xenophobe.

950 years will be there, it won't vanish, what are you trying to hold onto?

>t. Juan Sanchez Rodriguez Smith
Fuck off spic you have to go back too

I want to unite the world, there is no point to have all these countries focused on different things, if we shared resources and focused together we would be colonizing space by now.

Ukrainians like to build things everywhere else but their own homes

I'm more american than you, I guarantee it you immigrant-descended piece of shit.

Ukraine is Portugal
Russia is Spain

I ironically like portugese women. Dirty but complete whores to BWC

Portuguese women are subhuman. Literally the worst part about the country.

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>very close black friend

Lmfao, eat shit nigger lover

Id rather be a nigger lover than spend my whole life alone.

Mr edgelord

I just feel bad for them, Jewish oligarchs have an iron grip on the place since the collapse of the USSR. In Russia Putin atleast stands up to them from time to time but Ukraine doesn't have anyone like Putin.

Do you unironically think there’s no difference between Europeans and Africans? Just answer this please

Im sure you have a lot of nazi friends you party with on daily basis. Little sad fuck

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What a doe-eyed faggot you are

You need to meet people if you think they are so different, Yas Forums has distorted your mind, watching videos on bestgore and liveleak is like assuming porn = real sex.

Leaf, stay out of it. Though you guys were ahead of this shit already, i guess not.

Answer this pussy
I've met many people, more than you have probably. Enough to know we are NOT the same

>all leafs toe the current government line
You really are stupid aren't you

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>Flags and borders only benefit elites and politicians.
This is the most Jewish thing I have ever read.

Ofcourse you have...

As i said, if Africans had the same life as western countries their reality would be different. Living in those sort of conditions leads to fucked up lives. You don't need a degree to understand this, just think ffs.

I want you to say with an straight face that there’s no genetic difference between Europeans and Sub-saharans, cmon I’m waiting

Ye I have a lot of them actually

Prove this. Because all I see is whites trying to give them a better life and they still continue to fuck it up.

There are obviously outliers but show me a community of blacks that has next to no violence and is thriving

Hahah, jew card? Just because im smarter doesn't mean im a jew, i was born on an island. Mostly surrounded by Americans due to the base.

My dad was a fisherman and my mom use to babysit americans kids. One black couple that helped her a lot.

You folk are sad creeps that can't see life beyond your bubbles. I really hope you can learn from this conversation, and for once see that this xenophobia doesn't benefit anyone besides elites.

They create rivalties, between sexes, between races... they want us to be constantly fighting to avoid unity.

Fucking bunch of puppets you are.

Why Portugal specifically?
Anyways, we're probably better than nogs or muslims. A lot of work migrants were going to Poland until the meme flu happened, now they're back and it's a considerable economic problem, actually.
Probably not too many made it to Portugal, but some sure did.

This. Overall you are great people to be around. Hope your fellas make a normal living at least, and laugh at spiteful incels like in this very thread.

And why they don’t have the same lives as us?
Why they didn’t create the condition on their own countries? Even tho they had MILLIONS of years in advantage?

It’s just so tiresome...

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>Yas Forums is one person and not satire
Not all of us ironically hate portugese people. Just keep sending your thicc women over here and there will be an end to this horror

He's definitely a brazilian in disguise, or part of the big gay.

Please leave.

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Why dont you 2 start an ethnostate coalition?

Just fucking stop dude. Humans use asymmetrical information to determine our needs. We can't do the efficiently if a world body of braindead beaurocrats are running the show. Can you imagine a Swede telling a Malaysian to produce x amount of y for Somalia because they crunched the numbers? Nations developed for a reason.