21 years old

>21 years old
>frequents a girl who after one year of relationship ended in a psychiatric hospital (she has no parents and she constantly thinks of committing suicide or changing sex through an operation)
>I accompany her in this complicated phase, I constantly visit her in this hospital 3 days by weeks.
>Constantly gives me red flags telling me that she doesn't want to work, that she could return to this hospital frequently during her life
>I accept this challenge because I love her, I appreciate her company and the intensity of this relationship
>She ends up cheating on me with a man in this hospital during this confinement phase(corona virus), I feel shabby and I feel like my life has no meaning anymore, I gave so much energy in this romantic relationship.

>It reminds me that I had managed to date her precisely because she was coming out of a previous romantic relationship, I understand that the circle is complete.

Attached: bonne.png (1080x1920, 1.96M)

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Toutes des mamans sauf les putes

Read East of Eden.
Women who are evil and sociopathic do not respect men who care for them. They only respect other evil men who know their true nature.

>who after one year of relationship ended in a psychiatric hospital

Fucking frogs will endure any mess of a woman for "love," I'll give you all that.

Attached: Jean Francois Gariepy.jpg (320x180, 12.02K)

Those look like some class 10 hangers. Look at those stretch marks.

The fuck is this shit? Is this some sort of new retarded AI bot-posting? Why is this on Yas Forums

is that her pic?

Fuck off normie Yas Forums is for virgins only

It's OK user.
You French are still hopeless romantics eh?

She was too damaged and didn't deserve you. Sounds like even if you were literally Giga Chad like say Dolf Lundreen she'd still cheat.

You dodged a bullet.

Attached: 1587970336365.jpg (715x388, 42.7K)

>Body count
I literally just got that, kek

This world isn't for lovers friend

>Yas Forums

You should thank her for the life lesson. Learn from it and be stronger. She's just another whore. Don't waste time on whores.

Just like my sister, very crazy.
She usually changes bf every 12-18 months, cheating on the former one. I don't even try to remember the name of the next beta because logic told me that remembering is not going to be necessary.
Lately she has been very considerate with our family because the last 4 ones shared the same name, or maybe is easier for her in order to don't mess up with names

Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder

C’est pas bien mon ami. Votre petite ami est fou lol

I hope you learned your lesson froggo.
Why do we suffer? So we can stop being stupid.

> Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder

It's not that.


It is. Covert narcissist

Seed her

You know how many NPD's i've looked after in hospital.... 1 or 2. EUPD must be at least 200+.

NPD's are as rare as hens teeth in the mental health system and they if they are in it's usually because they are co-morbid.

Didn't you post this exact same thread last week?

Move on, Pierre.

À le fin de jour c’est tous les mêmes merdes

Your sister is a puta

Red Flags... Now you know what they are flagging! You wanna waster your time, money, energy, etc to have your heart broken... well then don't pay attention to them and keep on truckin

So if it is that then its comorbid with whatever she's being hospitalized with?

watch this on co-morbidity regarding NPD/Borderlines.

Most personality disordered (NPD) are co-morbid.


Similar shit with me

>Be 32 find out girl 10 years younger than me has a crush on me
>has big titties
>Get her number start texting and flirting
>Need to get some dat 20 year old chon chon
>A month of flirting we go on date
>Girl is infatuated with me
>Several dates later we begin a relationship
>Girl is always staring at me with a smile always touching me.
>Fall in love
>3 months of great sex and spending quality time with each other later
>Tells me she wants to have my kids
lol wut
>Tell her maybe in a year
>Week later
"Hey can I come over and hang out?"
>Her response
>Red flag detected
>She starts talking down to me every chance she gets
>We start arguing over stupid shit
>A week before christmas was supposed to take her to a holiday parade but she is being distant and tells me she is busy all week
"But I still want to go to the holiday parade, user!"
>Fuck it get drunk the night I was supposed to take her
>She texts me asking me if we were still going
"Too late am drunk"
>Starts arguing with me again
>Am drunk so fuck it.
>Engage scorched earth tactics
>I confront her about playing games with me. >She denies it.
>I got more pissed
>Unloaded a barage of blackpills regarding women to her.
>She gets scared and breaks up with me.
>Tells me I need help and I need to stop drinking.
>Breaks up with me the following morning

You see even when things are going fucking great women always will instigate drama and then play the victim. She was always crying about her family and her life as if it was a big deal.

"Waah user my mommy is a drug addict and my daddy dont love me"
Told her "My dad blew his brains out when I was 18 and I was the one who discovered him with bits of his skull and brains on the wall and floor". But when I got depressed about that shit she would be like "You are always so negative".

Trust no bitch bros
They are like female dogs on heat in that you must train them extremely well, cage them up or keep them on a leash to stop them running off and getting fucked by some stray.
The poor things don't have the capacity to do right by themselves when it comes to sexuality.

>1 post by the YID

Man if the pattern is that systematical and ends in hatred (through cheating) of the former partner, it sounds like borderline personality disorder... as it usually involves extreme and impulsive change of how to evaluate friends and partners it‘s probably one of the most destructive traits a person can possess. It‘s probably the best advise to stay as far away from such people as possible