Why don't you like Nick Fuentes ?
Why don't you like Nick Fuentes ?
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>spic 5’2 manlet who flirts with gay catboy dildofags
because he has an ugly face I want to punch
Shut up faggot.
I do. He's my hero.
I don't like any Maga faggots anymore you won't missed when you leave in tantrums in 2025
My dream boyfriend.
Not a single valid argument against him. Cmon you guys are better than that.
Yeah he’s kinda cool. Kinda too strict and formal tho.
i do like him. he is funny
>in b4 catboy psy-op.
This guy ruined his life over a meme. Suicide by 25.
I like him.
He shills for Trump
stfu, maga catboys are dumb and uselessly licking cpac windows begging to be an 'Advisor'
He's one of these super annoying zoomer Catholics.
Over the last couple years I have come to despise these fucking Catholics.
Oh, and he's a fag. But it's mostly the zoomer Catholic thing.
>Makes name for himself fighting degeneracy
>Is outed as a degenerate
This is a valid argument OP. Don't simp for another man, especially one that has demonstrated either extreme idiocy in managing his brand, or a self-destructive streak.
Don't waste your youth on a loser.
Who keeps shilling this gay spic and his catboy boyfriend on Yas Forums? I thought they had a large enough fanbase already.
He's at least right-wing but he goes too far on some issues such as blaming everything on the jews, makes political "jokes" about the holocause (implying he doesn't belive it occurred), spouts white superiority too frequently which indicates poor optics.
Not to mention the fact that he's religious. Take a look at the way he handled the Political Compass test. youtube.com
The questions and results of the test aren't particularly reliable or accurate. But the way he forms or changes his answers based on what "Jesus thinks", shows that he's got personal beliefs and religious beliefs which infringes upon these personal beliefs. His policy and worldview positions comes across as pseudo-scientific, contradictory and irrational by this.
He's a fag, he's a spic larping as an American exceptionalist, he changes his positions at the drop of a hat, he is hypocrite who changes his rules depending on whatever suits him, and he's most likely trying to turn people gay.
I'm jealous because cat boys reject me
Literally the most important person in our movement right now.
He's literally gay.
Forget to mention his livestreams are stunningly boring, he blocks people like crazy which indicates thin skin, and his fans are insufferable faggots.
I never heard his voice, but catboy
Given your flag, you should recognize him as a Catholic fascist, the type of fascist that predominated before Uncle A became the big man on campus.
>he blocks people like crazy
Also this. I hate the pelbbit mindset of him and his followers.
Because he's way too successful for being such a little catboy faggot.
Why is he getting so much publicity? Why is ben shapiro talking about him during his talks? What the fuck is wrong with this world?
Richard spencer should be the one in the limelight. He's a guy with actual ideas.
It's all wrong boys. We need to get him banned from more platforms.
My fat idiot newscaster spot is already filled with Alex Jones
>why dont you like him
>anons give you reasons they dont like you
>"not a single valid argument"
imagine being this much of a faggot. if they dont like him for being ugly or gay, that's completely valid. go back to your stefan molyneux meme page.
who? looks like a faggot desu.
They hate him because they're shills brainlet. This board is riddled with shills who stay glued to their screens 24/7. Whenever anyone who is pro-white appears they do anything and everything to try to stop them. It's psychotic.
The closest alternative are TRS, they are preferable because they are smarter, more mature, actual National Socialists and they enjoy the company of women.