PETA presses Pentagon to stop troops from drinking cobra blood, killing animals in survival training

>the animal rights group argued that the use of live animals at what's known as the Cobra Gold exercise puts troops at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases like the coronavirus.

What the hell is wrong with you Americans?

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It does make sense though. Soldiers are weapons, in that case they are biological weapons.

wtf do americans really do this

Trained from birth to die for isreal and then act like true godless goyim happily sucking up blood for their Jewish masters. Death to ALL AMERICANS

The term "snake-eater" didn't come from nowhere.

Soldiers should be taught everything to survive.

>cobras in USA
uhh, no. Also this is kinda gay looking

Looks like they think the snake is a Big Black Cock

No. That's to expensive and hard. Instead they should be taught what works.

what the military does is no concern of the public. malaysia learned this ages ago.

How does drinking cobra blood help you survive?

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>thinking peta cares about people at all
It's the snek they're interested in

Hydration, also full of Iron and Protein. But it should be a matter of survival, not sport.

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I thought it would be regular PETA faggotry bitching about Marines taking part in some Thai ritual like in the OP pic, and to an extent it was, but their main argument/concern was actually reasonable. They argued that it could expose them to disease and was generally an unsafe practice to do on a wide scale- as is done in annual training. This is especially relevant since coronavirus started from fucking bat soup.

It's the military. If it makes harder men, it should be done.

I can't imagine a situation in which cobra blood is the best source for hydration/nutrition.

I hope they dont find out what we did to rabbits when I was in SERE school kek

>I am weak and dehydrated
>if only I could find a super dangerous animal that I could fight for a few drops of not-even-water
Why are you so stupid man?

rabbits are food
cobras are food

controlled aggression is a critical trait of a warrior

It's a deflection from the millions of slants who eat live bats daily. Nothing about this is reasonable.

With a basedboy face drinking cobra blood, what timeline is this?!

Just nutrition, user.
That and geckos, tarantulas and scorpions.



Look at those faces, they are all basedboys and frat bros. The absolute state

Return to us the Garden of Earthly Delights, please.

Not all meats have the same disease-transfer risk. Bats are among the most diseased of animals. Salt-Water fish are the safest to eat raw and have the lowest chance of transmitting disease or parasites.

Solitary snakes have fewer diseases compared to many reptiles and reptiles are also fairly far from humans in parasite compatibility.

Death to yourself then? You don't really think "canada" can skirt annexation again do you, my fellow mutt?

betafag-face is a smile with an open mouth to appear non-threatening.
those marines are bloodthirsty.
not the same.

Good goyim indeed

All Americans, even white nationalists? Why does Americas hat hate us so, I thought we were brothers?

peer-bonding exercise, young men thrive on such things.

>Gets salmonella

That's the gayest picture I've ever seen.