Anyone else still not gotten their Trumpbux yet? I file taxes every year

Anyone else still not gotten their Trumpbux yet? I file taxes every year.

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Hahahah those charges....

Getting mine wednesday confirmed.
I know 2 other taxpayers who haven’t received theirs yet, should be this week for deposit

You retards post this picture every fucking day. Do you really think it's still funny, or are you new?


Fucking ch4se shill posts this garbage multiple times a day. Image ban.

it was the first image that came up when I googled trumpbux, Ivan

Silence, wladislaw.
Go back to Poland.
Only a filthy polak could be such a crybaby, you are not Russian u are a pole

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I got my canuck bucks today which was a huge relief because after all of my bills at the start of the month I would have only had like $12

yep I never received a dime and every time I check I get the same message about not being able to determine the status or some shit

Post Batman

Says I'm gettting mine Wednesday. Who tf knows?

Was in the same boat, but just checked and got a message saying it'll be deposited Thursday.

FAKE! Media told us this was delayed because Trump wants his name on those. Where does it say Trump?

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Trumpbux on the 30th let's get fucking HOYPE

i got mine on the 15th, gf gets hers on the 30th

getting mine on may 4th and im a fucking neet

I was obe if those non-filers who was retarded enough to file on TurboTax's shitty site and went weeks without updates, even as IRS opened up their janky ass website. Eventually I found out that even if you normally don't file taxes, TurboTax will still file it as a single tax-payer for $1, for 2019, so I had to check the Get My Refund portal on the IRS' website, where I was finally given a date when I cross-checked the Get My Payment portal that had info in Stimulus. Long story short: I gettingy Trumpbux this Wednesday, the 29th along with all the slow-lane folks who collect Social Security, via Direct Deposit. This entire process has been a complete shitshow. If they end up passing the 2k per month TrumpBux bill, I hope the rollout is smoother than this shit.

Mines scheduled in 2 days. Got my refund really fucking fast. I think 3 days after I filed right before deadline.

Same here. Took them long enough. Good thing $1200 is literally one month's rent and they keep giving kike corporations who furloughed everyone trillions.

Put all your money into IBIO and double it overnight. Thank me later.

With a population of 350 million, the IRS didn't do bad. If you want to see shitty government roll-outs, check out California.

I make too much money to qualify for for Trump's pity pennies

fucking LMAO what reddit did yuou pull this from

Best laptop for 1200? Dont need a pc need to be mobile. Only game im looking forward to is cyberpunk

My fren who is a life long neet got his. Still waiting.

well at least there is still hope, IRS website says not able to determine status for me.

>mfw I'm a non-citizen student who has a SSN and did taxes because of a paid internship and I got $1200 before most US citizens
Hahahahaha get fucked retards, your taxpayer money is going to buy me a new PC and a lot of beer.
Best part is I just graduated and have a comfy job too so I wasn't even hurting for money in the first place

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I'm not even mad at the IRS, so much as I am at shitty third parties like H&R Block and TurboTax who were putting out misinformation so they can people to file through so they could nickel and dime the $1200 that's supposed to go to you without added fees, if you applied directly through the IRS' website.

I just got mine today; an actual check in the mail. never could set up DD on their shitty website

M status was updated today.

Payment is coming APRIL 30TH.

Double check the IRS website poorfags.

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Your days are numbered, Mudasir.