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Queen Whitmer getting DETHRONED.

If she gets arrested, all of the slaves begging for their enslavement will revolt over this.

imagine that

Whar my milkers at?

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Michigan user here. Southeast Michigan really has been hit hard by this, and the virus is slowly making its way to other areas. Nonetheless, her lockdown has been brutal and when her political opponents asked for modifications, such as with the seeds and paint, she became even more rigid and gave us a good scolding. She threatened doctors who wanted to prescribe HCQ and the Michigan Dem party censured the state rep who recovered quickly after being prescribed HCQ. The threatened more lock downs after the First Amendment protected demonstration at the state capital. All the while, she's spent more time talking with Rachel Maddow and the Sunday talking heads than talking to us. She's a lousy leader and can't wait to make that big jump to the oval office.

southeast michigan fag here

no it really has not been that bad here outside of this faggot lockdown. it will be bad soon and most people will be starving and on the streets

>Southeast Michigan really has been hit hard by this
Who even cares about Detroit?

>the virus was real in my mind

She is an easy governor to make an example of. No one likes her.

Born there back in 1985. Now I live about 35 miles north on 4 acres. Even white trash can make it out. It's not that bad user...teaches you hard lessons.

this cunt looks like satan

just block the roads in the bad areas like they did in China.

Are you having difficulty getting the unemployment going? Are there very low levels of food in the store? Clue me in, user.

t. 231

She is gone soon. She isn't going to make it past this.

Imagine thinking the human race is anything but a slave race for the top 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001%

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>that belly

come on, post 'em

Its funny that Dems think they will flip Michigan back this year after this stunt.

>Eric (((Dreiband)))
>Matthew (((Schneider)))

This country is completely run by kikes.

string that ass up.

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Toledo fag here. Fuck your state and your phoney virus. I cant wait to take my AR to town hall when they mandate everyone wears masks outside in Ohio.

bump for great news

Barr should sit his fatass down and eat a doughnut. The Michigan people voted to be controlled by this white Karen bitch, so let them have it. If their businesses get destroyed, they can just be permanent welfare queens.

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In the Bible, it specifically says that God puts women and children in charge of people as a punishment.

the west is too unruly for you ching chongs. come get some, Chin.

I hope I’m wrong but I’m worried it’s going to be “nothing was unconstitutional” because of some bullshit

schneider is german surname i though

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Barr is a fat crony fuck

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How gay is michigan's 2nd in charge?

>Not posting superior version

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>when they mandate everyone wears masks outside in Ohio
is that likely?
I don't have any masks

gib power tripping mummy pls!!

Is it likely that the government will take any opportunity to apply their authoritarian rule? Yeah...

I would not vote for her; however, I would have sex with her.

Imagine thinking that the human race comprises of at least 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people...

This is what happens when you ban seeds you bastards. Banning guns. Then releasing prisoners. We're run by the most illogical people ever

I'm an Ohiofag and am going to my Grandparents' lakehouse in Northern Michigan tomorrow. My Dad is there and got flipped off on the way up. Haha get fucked faggots

I am still employed and I am in washtenaw county. ann arbor area and several of my family members live in metro detroit. food is fine, everything is fine. they originally set parts of Umich basketball arena out to be spillover for victims but they don't need it. all the extra tents for people are empty.

Just a reminder that civil rights violations are one of the only crimes elected officials don’t have qualified immunity from. Thanks Jim Crow.


Traitors always win, never get punished, always get richer.

You will not see one charge pressed against this criminal.

>as your governer, I insist that you stay in your home indefinatly until the year 2021
>oh noooo, the Rona wrecked our economy, michigan is to big to fail. As your governer, I have demanded the Federal gov gibs us the most money
Dumb bitch thinks shes smart

Guarantee her order goes bye bye soon

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yeah its always cringe when boogfags pretend any of these people will get in trouble when nobody who did 9/11 is even on trial

plan is obviously to drag this out until she can declare mail in election