Capitalism is the most efficient way to distribute resources

>capitalism is the most efficient way to distribute resources

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How retarded are those dolts? Potatoes easily can be fermented into alcohol for producing hand sanitizer.

>government regulations make it impossible to sell your product
>capitalism is blamed for you destroying your unsellable product

Check and yeah but who's gonna get paid to do that?

>feed starving nigs in africa
>they multiply even faster
>at some point you will not have enough food to feed the billions of hungry mouths

Vodka distilleries do just that.

>if it doesn't work perfectly in every case and under all circumstances, it doesn't work at all
kys faggot

>People don't understand why oil was negative

There's no where to send the potatoes before they spoil. You can't ungrow them.

If this guy wants to unload shipping containers full of rotten potatoes on some west African nation the distribute them out to every village on the continent, he's free to

That's the base problem with capitalism. Goods are seen as products, not resources. Capitalism makes the prime directive "get money" instead of something useful.

There's always been enough food to feed the world
the problem is, you feed the entire world and then the entire world exponentially increases in size
A large portion of this "new world" has no capability to farm or feed themselves
so you feed them again
and now the world is 100x bigger in size, and an even larger amount can't feed themselves
repeat until the world collapses and an entire continent of people are locked into multi decade long genocides

deductive reasoning dictates that theyre likely already at capacity.

there isnt anything in place to make up for how little they can move or sell.

its easy to be like "gah! thats so wasteful!", but if you dont have the capacity to move that much extra, and nobody will by it, then itll pile up.

but you gotta be a full blown retard to think they arent already trying to sell off as much as they can

Go there pick them up and make alcohol then.

>capitalism is the most efficient way to distribute resources

Yes it is, but that isn't capitalism, it's interference.

And hunger exists in many places because some men want to keep people hungry in order to exert power over them.

shouldn't they be planting potatoes right now? where do they grow potatoes year round? california?

Do they have the available capacity to take in all of the surplus potatoes and use them? Will the disilllery take on the cost of storing them? Not to mention needing the bottles shipped and stored

They would have to grow their facilities to accommodate this amount of potatoes so it better be a long term investment where this amount of vodka or hand sanitizer is needed and will selll

yeah cool idea. since we cant get it to market to be eaten we'll just get scotty to beam it over to the distillery. brilliant bro

In communism there is no potato.

>Government locked up all your customers
>Hungry customers
>This destroys your profitable business

>Blame capitalism

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>white peoples goods should be redistributed to shitskins
Fuck off, faggot. Shitskins can die from hunger while I dump potatoes.

You could literally go there right now and take as many potatoes as you like. Until socialism finds a way to make transport free and energy infinite, the costs will still be there even under the kulak purge you leftists desire so much

in another few weeks yes. the potato farmer near me says he waits to plant till after the 10th because frost. not that the commies would know anything about any of that. they get their potatoes from french fries.

this doesn't make sense.
ok the restaurants are closed, but people are still eating, aren't they? so why is there no demand for food?

>Goods are seen as products, not resources.

Goods *are* products. There is no such thing as a "resource", in the way that you appear to be using the term.

And in fact, the linked headline is an example of efficiency. It is currently not possible to transport those potatoes to willing purchasers. To continue to invest labor, time, fuel and rolling stock, transport space, etc. into those potatoes would be wasteful. The farmers are making the rational and correct judgment that the way they will *lose the least money* is by dumping the potatoes.


Spoken like someone who has never produced anything. Ever.

back in the day, before they had refrigerators, they would dig a hole in the ground put a bed of straw in it, put the potatoes in, cover it in more straw and then bury it. the potatoes don't grow but also don't rot.

How would these potatoes be better used in another system?

What's stopping anyone from doing that right now?

>ok the restaurants are closed, but people are still eating, aren't they? so why is there no demand for food?

Potato farmers sell a lot of their product into the restaurant supply chain. People eat more potatoes if they eat out than if they eat at home. The french fry casts a long shadow.

Pack it up boys, the expert has arrived

>distribute resources
no nigger,capitalism is not communism

Americans are going to starve

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>I don't understand how supply chains work, the post.

Then we run out a few weeks later

>sandnigger IQ

Those are not potatoes. They are fecal pellets form my pet rabbit Trumper.

>All that vodka they're not making

Think big, Idaho


Do you have any idea how much fucking money it costs to transport food from where its grown to where niggers choose to live?

Enjoy the ride euro bro. You are about to see the most armed nation in the world (remember our civilians have more arms than the largest 14 military's on earth COMBINED, including our own in there) go apeshit.

World War tier civil war incoming. Duck if the wrong peeps get nukes. Duck as in don't live near any shitskins or jews btw. Anyone that survives whats coming is going to be rather vicious btw. And americans REALLY don't like each other, we have no volk, friends, family, neighbors, tribe or nation of our own to unify behind. Its all a vast sea of filth and degeneracy in a dog eat dog land chained by the promise of prosperity.

Not sure I want a seat inside this ring, but honestly the future of my species is at stake so fuck it. Its only been a month and the threads are bare enough that people are getting really pissed, and shit hasn't even gotten bad yet.

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