How do we stop this?
Niggers to overrun humanity
We must flatten the curve
I like how Europe randomly stops declining. How anyone can see this and not see white genocide is beyond me.
Anyway by 2030 everyone will stop having kids and stabilize.
>everyone will stop having kids
>How do we stop this?
stop sending food aid
There can be only one solution to this...
>How do we stop this?
1. close borders
2. end foreign aid
3. let nature follow its course
Lol Africa is going to go from worse to apocalyptic. They can't feed themselves, provide safe drinking water, or adequate health care. Extreme poverty, skyrocketing population, decades/centuries old grudges among tribal/ethnic groups is going to turn Africa in to an absolute blood bath. We don't have to do a god damn thing.
For Africa to grow as much as Yas Forumsfags say they will by the end of the century, they would need every single thing to play out in their favour.
The very second international aid is stopped because of whatever reason, Africa goes down the shitter and it fucking starves.
>How do we stop this?
incentivized sperm donation eugenics. pay black women to use sperm from better and smarter donors.
They become developed.
Stop feeding them.
Because the statistics of africa reaching 4 billion by the end of the century are based on the fact that the TFR of africa stays the same and that wont happen. Its like how people excepted the middle east to have a billion people by the end of the century due to their really high tfr on the 70s but most of the middle eastern countries tfr has plummeted and the whole region wont have 500 million people by the end of the century let alone 1 billion. This 5+ tfr in africa isnt sustainable and its already started going down in some countries with raised rates of urbanisation.
China is already colonizing Africa and as long as Bill Gates and the chinks keep releasing viruses to fuck up all global expansion and economies, Africans will starve en masse due to lack of guns and no farming skills
No benis in bagina
legislate limit on total human population.
supposedly that has to be done before space age anyways, The sooner the better
Now realize that the ever-rising amount of niggers in all other populations is already included in the graphs - they might be falling, but they still have a rising percentage of darkies in them.
Biggest mistake was to breastfeed Africans after "colonization" - the way was to either control their societies and make them Western or to leave them totally on their own. What actually happened is that the white man left while most of them were still savages but kept pumping money, medicine and food into that continent. They still pump out children as if they all die, but now they won't.
Obviously there are way too many of them but you can't take such a trend and project it 100 years forward. If you'd done that with europeans in 1910 you'd assume them to be 40% of the world population by now
It's a self solving problem, too many niggers means no one to feed them means less niggers.
>lack of guns
They can acquire weapons, but they cannot do anything about their brains.
wtf i love bill gates now
Africa in the coming decades is going to be an absolute disaster. I honestly don't know what the answer is. We should have stopped giving aid years ago. The saddest part is, all of that natural beauty and wildlife will be wiped out in probably less than a century. The generation coming up now may be the last to see wild things living in wild places. It will all be gone.
>How do we stop this?
Mass death
stop feeding them
if we dare to stop sending cash and food to africa libtards tell we caused a mass starvation
but nignogs think they can reproduce infinitely since whities are sending food
absolutely based and horribly underrated
Because the "superior white race" at least on this site is a bunch of insecure cucks looking for any sense of validation on why they are superior anyways.
There's a very simple fix to this problem. Go have kids, educate them well using your alleged superior genes and intellect, stay as the ruling class that can do whatever the fuck it wants. Done.
Stop subsidizing their existence
This. We had to actually pass laws locally to stop retards feeding pigeons that shit all over everything.
Based and redpilled
You cant feed birds in a park because they might come a dependant population but we keep giving africans money and food, why do americans and europeans do this?
why do africans have so many kids when the whole continent is a literal shithole
Just think of the children goy
same law here
no shit people are that retarded
Checked, I am actually thinking of the children, eventually the money is going to run out, when there is literally billions of africans its going to be chaos for everyone involved
>Niggers to overrun humanity
world wealth is going to shift more in asia direction anyway and asians don't give a shit about niggers starving so there still is hope