Childfree Life

There is literally no point in having children of any sort. They ruin your life, steal your money, destroy your freedom and mental health. Why the fuck should i spend my own money, and my time to raise some stupid little shits? When i can just continue enjoying my lifestyle, free and without a single worry in the world, living life on easy mode untill i get buried 6 feet under. And no you idiots, legacy is pointless, you die, thats it, no point in leaving anything behind for "future generations"

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Cope harder spermlet

Are you a faggot? Or just a jew, faggot?

I'm just trying to spare the white race the propagation of my inferior genetics and my children the shame of having me for a father.

Your money is useless, with no kids it all goes to the state.

So, gullible goym, donate to Israel.

Israel is currently attacked by moslems with boxcutters.

Repair your nazi ancestor's crime.

Donate to Israel.

Do it now, goy.

As a kike shill you never were white to begin with, but that's exactly what you must do, off yourself without kids.

Don't worry OP, faggots can't get pregnant

True. Fresh 40, Still no kids. Can't be happier

The sound of betaness

I don't think I'm Jewish, but it's possible. My family name is from Germany.

I do wonder how corona toes will affect kids down the road, might have no say in the matter with schools reopening.

I dont see the appeal in raising more taxpayer cattle for jews to exploit or for niggers to rape.

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Do whatever you want man I dont fucking care. Sage

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Because your children turn out ok if you are not a complete degenerate. Because they might make you feel like you accomplished something when you get old...

>Because your children turn out ok if you are not a complete degenerate.
you dont have that much influence nowdays about how they turn out.
media and school will brainwash them into taxpayer cattle retards
>Because they might make you feel like you accomplished something when you get old...
just get a hobby or something instead, cheaper and as rewarding

Hey Jew, how is it going ?

Agreed. Don't waste your blood, sweat, and cum on a being that will grow to hate you and eventually de-foo under the auspices of "growing up poor" or not having the impressive tech toys their friends at public school have.

Just skip the disappointment and take the dollpill.doll pill. My gf and I cannot stress this enough.

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>a no-parent telling people about children
you fucking schmuch why the hell should people believe this asinine attempt of persuasion when their is no merit to said observation?

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It's just the latest version of chinese foot binding

My three year old makes me play the T. Rex song "Jeepster" over and over. He claps exactly to the beat and screams YAAY when here hears it come on. Having him giggle and clap is more memorable and fulfilling than having extra free time or more in savings. wonder why (((they))) used a white couple for this image?

bluepilled. enjy waiitng in line for the latest iphone and nintendo


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why do children wreck peoples lives? we should just stop tolerating their shit.

>Have a loli.
>Trade your loli with your friend's loli.
>Raise your new wife. All of your investment is in your future wife.

really weird user kys

OK, I'll take it. Let's imagine kids are gone forever. Who's gonna take care of you when you're old? All those professionals who're working at hospitals, daycare centers and extended care facilities were kids once. Kids are the future like it or not. You can decide to have not children, which is good since your genes would get removed from the genepool, but you can't hope for others to not have them. 10/10

the sound of a cuck

Humans will not matter in few generations.
We go extinct or replaced by something better

Attached: After-the-Singularity-Will-Humans-Matter_-950x540.jpg (950x540, 55.1K)

>why do children wreck peoples lives?
Because of being a major liability if they get to be edgey. Who can stand the threat of being brought before a tribunal of PTA Cat ladies, and possibly child services because your kid said "nigger" in class? I ain't even gonna get into the teenage years.

Sure, don't have children.
But don't have sex either.

I'm having sex but no kids.
Best of both worlds

Damn I love natural selection

My nigga.

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>literally no point in following the prime directive shared by all life in the known universe
Well, when you are this stupid you literally shouldn't procreate I guess

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘j6IhYUZDxj/8oY30WlDu1Q==’. 111 results found.

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘j6IhYUZDxj/8oY30WlDu1Q==’. 111 results found.

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘j6IhYUZDxj/8oY30WlDu1Q==’. 111 results found.

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘j6IhYUZDxj/8oY30WlDu1Q==’. 111 results found.

Someone had a horrible family, feel bad for you faggots. I get told on the daily me and my brother are the best thing to happen for our parents and both of us would do anything for our parents. Enjoy growing old and getting abused by your nigger care taker, I'm gonna enjoy watching my kin take over this world, faggot.