Ok guys, tell me what REALLY happened
Ok guys, tell me what REALLY happened
Other urls found in this thread:
Nogs gonna nog
>nigger insults trigger happy spic
>spic shoots nigger
>drama ensues
trayvon was coming back from space camp after turning his life around and some white nazi attacked him for no reason
I think Zimmerman was a dork who took being neighborhood watch way too seriously and like confronted Martin over being black in the wrong place, but then Martin attacked him so he sperged out and shot him
>frying chickens?
can't flimflam the zimzam!
Nigar ded
He tasted the rainbow.
I have someone on skype that can explain the situation to you. Hold on one second
niggers are worthless
Nig nogged, got mogged. Fake News blogged.
Valedictorian student was on his way from an after-school AP Physics study session when he was randomly attacked by a bloodthirsty white man in a KKK outfit.
Freemasons staged a divide and conquer hoax to control the minds of the sheeple and it worked perfectly.
Treyvon dad was and is a big Freemason, and Zimmerman's dad is some elite somebody.
If you see something big in the news? It's Freemasonry.
>spic tells nog not to go into white neighborhood
>nigger tells spic fuck you
>spic chases nigher even tho dispatch says don’t
>nigger attacks spic
>spic was losing fight and killed nigger
So explain why Trayvon had breaking and entry tools in his backpack and was seen looking through peoples windows?
That neighborhood had a lot of break-ins recently as well, zim zam wasn't gonna take any more flim flams & acted accordingly.
a fat hispanic jew brought justice to a worthless nigger
Trayvon's mistake was attacking someone with a gun. That's it, nothing else matters.
Oh, I didn't know about that part. So basically Zimmerman did nothing wrong
We got /comfy/ in the daytime, then fucked with Nancy Grace in the evenings. I know nostalgia is dangerous but man were those better days, especially for Yas Forums.
I think the skype call during the trail was one of the best things that ever happened and was a feel good moment sharing it with the rest of pol
>they should have answered Jaffa
Look at these other newfags in the thread trying to rewrite what happened when I spent the entire trial sat here shit posting with a bunch of autists in the sweltering heat of 2012.
Trevon liked to burglarize houses and steal stuff. Would sell his stolen shit at school.
One day, neighborhood watch dude saw Trevon as Trevon was casing the area looking to break into houses. Watch commander, called the cops But didn't wait for the cops and confronted Trevon. Trevon and the watch commander started fighting, resulting in Trevon beating the watch commanders head against the pavement. The watch commander pulled out a gun and shot Trevon dead.
Level 3 chimp out followed. He was a good boy.
absolute nectar
Source, because wasn’t on the phone with his black friend he was super dumb? And he was worried that he was going to get killed by Andrew
He didn't confront him, he was following him and Martin turned around and jumped him
Anyone cares to explain who's this young nigga is?
America decided that being black is better than being Latinx
this is basically what happened
I didn’t know for years afterward that Trayvon left after beating up Zimmy and only got shot when he returned to beat him up a second time.
Weird that that little detail got left out of media reports.
hes a documentary that shows it was all a lie
Someone shot a niglet and it's pretty funny to this day.
Idiot messed with a trigger happy idiot
That was the best of times
Same. I was 14 at the time...wow time flies. I remember Dorner too. Good times.
Trayvon got hunted down by an overzealous neighborhood watchmen.
Despite the fact that Trayvon was running away from him Zimmerman still shot him in the back and got away with for reasons unknown
newfags won't get this
Thank goodness SOMEBODY posted what could be a work of fiction.
I usually hate Stefan Molymeme but he has a good video on Teynog
Don't take the bait bro
a few things most people don't know about the whole case:
>Trayvon was in a gang, bought and sold guns (multiple text messages on his phone) and used and sold drugs
>was out buying skittles and juice the night he was murdered, wtf you think is in lean?
>the 'star' witness for the state was a retarded sheboon named 'Diamond' aka Rachel Jeantel
>Diamond was not the real Diamond and was substituted by the state because the real witness didn't want to testify
Ill explain it to you using pictures
Trayvon was walking home from the store with some skittles and tea. The wannabe rent-a-cop shows up like, "Fee, fi, fo, fun, I can't wait to use my gun". It's one thing to call 911 to report suspicious activity, but this dude just had to get out of his car to start shit. You don't get to approach someone like a creepo stalker and claim you were standing your ground. Trayvon was the one standing his ground from a power hungry maniac looking to start trouble. Zimmerman should have just let the cops deal with it. Dude felt zero remorse. If a child has to die so he can fulfill his Rambo fantasy, then so be it.
>Violent drug addict doing drugs and casing houses gets confronted by Hispanic man.
>He beats up Hispanic man until the Hispanic can pull his gun and ruin the nogs water proofing.
>He din du nuffin
>We all laugh
A racist paranoid man (I refuse to type out his name) who decided to substitute his lack of manhood with a gun knowingly and deliberately shot a child. He played cop when he was just a volunteer security guy. He followed Trayvon Martin even after being told by authorities not to. He made up a story about being assaulted and how his act of murder was in self defense.
Hope it helps
Go walk through a black neighborhood at night and you can find out.
Obama's son came from church to do his charity work at the local retirement home, when this germanic neo nazi shot him in the back 32 times, luckily he could still confess his love to his 10/10 gf, who he planned to marry and have 1,4 children with to raise as law abiding seventh-day adventists, just like his great grandfather, who died taking a shot for abraham lincoln.
Cope harder
Share it with everyone you know.
Should have millions of views.
Wow... okay guys, not funny.
Racism is more than memes, it hurts, badly.
I was once racist, but then I discovered tolerance. Now I love all God's lesser races and colors. I've made so many friends, and gotten laid much more because I have chosen to embrace a respectful lifestyle. Don't be some rude incel, overcome hatred!
that camp that trayvon was part of. Experience Aviation. shit is sketchy as fuck. founded by this clown. probably part of some human trafficking operation
Thanks Ameribro
His background is irrelevant and would not Be Taken serious in the court of law. If you killed a pedo you would
Still go to jail
Scuffle went bad--he was living in the neighborhood and was looking at houses that he could possibly rob then got flimflammed.
Also that phone call from "Diamond?" Trayvon's mother forged the testimony. Google it.