You plant nice fruit tree

>you plant nice fruit tree
>water and fertilize so it grows nice and big
>branches grow over the fence
>local lispy homos notice
>faggots steal your fruit
>faggots put you house on their "fallen fruit" map as (((art project)))
>strangers are now showing up at your house at all hours picking your fruit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>cut tree back at least 10 inches into your property
>put up Private Property sign
>tell homos about Castle Doctrine
problem solved

Wait, lemon whores have been memed into reality?

>fallen fruit

they come for fruits and give you some meat nice trade

All homosexuals have larceny in their hearts.

biggest question is how does that fucking homo think that an orange is a tangerine? the peel is way too thick to be a tangerine you stupid aids faggot

OP how did you even find this? Are you shilling your gay fruit stealing art project?

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Fucking lemon-stealing manwhores

That's why they identify with criminals more than the people they victimize. There is evil in their hearts disguised as good.

>tree grows on my property
>sun does 99%of the work
>allow tree to grow over property line onto public commons
>let tree drop fruit that I clearly don't feel like harvesting
>start kvetching that people come along and startpicking up my garbage
Who's the real Jew here? But you're right, the neighbors should have called code enforcement and told them about this asshole littering the sidewalk with rotten fruit.

I am suspicious as well

I think you might be onto something.


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the video is over 7 fucking years old...

Just harvest it bro

based and Armin-Meiwes-pilled

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No one should be able to grow their own fruit trees. Just go to the store asshole.

This is definitely a problem. I dont have a problem with people picking fruit if part of the tree overhangs a public walkway. But there are always some bad apples that decide that a property line is a social construct and that taking the fruit is natural from mother nature. That is why i keep all my low value fruit in the front yard and all the high value fruit in the backyard.

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here is a (you)
shove it nice and deep, so it warms you

I just spray all my fruits with deadly pesticides and let the faggots have it all.

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For a tree to produce proper fruit it isnt as simple as just sun. You have to prune and water as a minimum. If you want good fruit then you need to mulch, weed, fertilize, and thin fruit. And thats on a healthy tree, if you have a sick or diseased tree then you need to purchase medicine for it.

This... regular people don't have the hygienic controls that industrial agriculture has. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is dangerous. No home-grower that I know even uses proper disinfectant when washing before eating and ends up putting their whole family at risk for e. coli and salmonella poisoning. And don't get me started on the pickling/canning idiots - say goodbye to your family after they consume botulism toxins because you thought you could be a "home steader". Besides, industrial agriculture employs cutting edge fertilization and growing technology - the quality of industrial farmed produce far surpasses anything you can grow at home.

So just give it up. Go to the store instead of holding humanity back

>do all that
>some califag just wanders over and eats it
>its just mother nature bro

>doing all that gay shit
whites create work for themselves

Holy fucking shit you are one retarded motherfucker.

How the fuck do you think people survived 100 years ago? Or even today in poor countries?

You read like a middle aged wine aunt who is angry at everyting and sees a problem in everything

>give up
>you can't do it
>give money to the jew

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>implying fruit over your property line isn’t up for grabs

Nigger what?

I mean the law makes sense i guess and i can see how it would be annoying but i am pretty generous with my garden already so if a person came and picked one or two lemons off the "public" side i wont really mind but if three faggots came and took everything so no one else got any then id be really fucking man

Which is why i grow low value fruit (either really common fruit that is all around the neighborhood) such as guavas, loquats, pomegranates. There are so many that most people ignore these trees eventhough they are superior varieties of those fruits. For example the pomegranate i grow is a parfianka but it looks like a standard wonderful pomegranate. Ive never had any one steal the fruits.

In the back i grow plums/plum hybrids, peaches, mandarins, black and blue berries, limes,avocado, dragonfruits, mangos, and cherimoya.

Good thing we don't live 100 years ago anymore dumbass. Unless you want to get rid of your toilet and shit in a hole in the ground too. Great "argument".

>farmers are Jewish
typical pol LOL

I didn't watch the video. Is Fallen Fruit a metaphor for the deaths from the Aids epidemic in the 80s and 90s?

>being able to eat better tasting fruit (better than any farmers market or u pick orchard) is gay

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What drew your lispy faggot ass to his thread out of all of the others on the catalog, fag?

>guavas, loquats

Hello Monsanto kike

I had spic children stealing all my oranges off my tree. So I put up a sign that said ‘poison’ in English and Spanish. Problem solved.

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spics only know communal property

t.lazy nigger

No wonder Zimbabwe went from being the breadbasket of Africa to eating rats

wont someone just genocide hipsters already

>let off shots to ward off trespassers
>faggots flee like roaches and never come back
Problem solved.

The problem with guavas (at least most of the times) is that people eat from seedling trees with terrible fruit. These fruit usually have a toothpaste taste or skin is overly astringent. A good variety asexually propagated can be very good. Pic related is not my pic but it is a variety i grow. But your response is exactly why i have guavas in the front.

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what the fuck is wrong with you leaf?

Have property that has white guavas on them and they taste like grassy asshole
I want to cut them down and replace them with something better so bad but the fuckers are like 15ft tall

Inject fallen fruit with liquid laxative. Problem solved.

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>Growing your own fruits and vegetables is dangerous.
No it’s not, you retard. Disease is only a problem if you’re fertilizing with sewage or Uncomposted animal feces.

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If you have the patience To learn how to can stump the tree, then graft onto the new growth with superior variety. That way you take advantage of the roots. If you dont want guava then you are going to have to dig the fucker out with the roots. Then keep an eye out for the root suckers in a couple of months. Guavas are hard to kill whoch is why they are so prevalent in socal.

Dumb nigger leaf quit talkin shit about things you know nothing about.

fuck right off.

I need to start growing these.