So someone leaked a major portion of “The Last of Us II” and in the leak, which you might have a hard time believing since this is so fucking absurd, you play as a tranny and beat to death the main character from the previous game.
I’m not here to talk about video games per se, but rather:
Why are trannies taking over everything digital and inserting their absolutely insane, extremist politics into them?
Where the fuck did these people come from? Militant trannies are everywhere.
Unless mecha-Giga-Hitler 2.0 appears very soon, this is where our society is going.
I fear for the lives of my unborn descendants.
So someone leaked a major portion of “The Last of Us II” and in the leak...
Other urls found in this thread:
you got a source besides a twitter screencap? the thing is I CAN BELIEVE THIS. companies are just that poz'd. it's a great way to bring hate towards a community for no reason too.
>what's that you DIDN'T want to play as a girl
>you wanted to play as a man?
>k here's both :^)
Honestly, looking back and seeing a bunch of other franchises being victims to SJW's and jewish degeneracy and the push of modern politics into our vidya and movies. I believe it
This is viral marketing and I refuse to participate.
>Militant trannies are everywhere.
You're wrong, or you don't know what is troll. By the way the biggest troll was Hitler, you can't say nothing anymore and you'll be labeled as nazi, racist or antisemitic.
Ding ding ding
This is the best I can do, since they copyright claimed all of the screen recordings. Check the hidden replies
The first game was cucked too. Unrealistic feminist characters and cussing from the little girl after every action.
Head over to v, the videos are being posted all the time.
meaty woman protagonist because muh representation
Gib link to leaks
Fug, you got me!
>Why are trannies taking over everything digital and inserting their absolutely insane, extremist politics into them?
What you see and repeat becomes normalcy.
> Where the fuck did these people come from?
Short answer: an early introduction to porn in childhood with zero restraint.
>there is a strong link between sexual abuse at a young age and deviant sexual proclivities later in life
>the average age at which boys first seek out porn is 11 years old
>showing porn to an 11 year old is literally sexual abuse
>free high speed internet porn has only been around for about 15 years
>1/3 of zoomers don’t identify as “cis gendered heterosexual”
It gets weirder
>early puberty is when we developed ideas about what sex is
>kids growing with the internet learn this from or are influenced by porn
>porn focuses almost exclusively on women; men’s faces are cropped out, and they’re usually silent.
>the pleasure showcased in porn is that of the woman, even scenes of fellatio
>subconsciously, children developed the idea that sexual pleasure is derived from the passive/receptive/female role
>there’s been an explosion in the number of trannies
>the majority of fags will want to take on the receptive role during sex
Google is your friend, lrn2 use it.
The only thing I know about the last of us was those porn sfms they made that were kinda hot
Your fault if you want to play la creatura lesbo kissing video game.
The best answer
>mfw Yas Forums is imploding right now
someone should mod this and make all the zombies trannies
All games are going this way. Even Fucking death stranding had sjw shit in it.
Creative director and writer for both tlou games is literal jew
The fuck did you expect?
the sequel to the most overrated game of all time is shit? truly enlightening
> a trap killing a lesbian
like poetry
>Naughty Dog
they were a studio full of degenerates
so woke they went bankrupt over it
now literally working for free just to "own" anybody who isn't mentally unstable as them
I hope some of the less pozzed eastern countries will look into agp and do the science. It's clear that looking into these things in the western world will have your reputation and ability to get grants ruined (or is at least likely to)
kojimbo is a westaboo tho, play real japanese games
This. The first game a script for a movie turned into a mediocre video game.
I hope this contributes to a massive backlash against trannies. They are disgusting degenerates who must be purged from society by any means necessary.
That game is shite anyways.
Fucking hell
the first game minus the dogshit dlc was one of the better tps action hororr games ive played
society fucking sucks now neil druckmans jew bitch ass ruins everything
put it on w/ sound
Death Stranding is the most reddit hipster game possible what did you expect?
I don't have it with sound just took it from Yas Forums the second one is worse desu
>The uncharted spin off with 2 women of colour
I was surprised they didn't end up dyking it out by the end.
absolute garbage
I remember reading in the early 00's that there were a LOT more gay/transgender video game developers than you would have thought. They've always been there somebody just flipped the switch and made them militant
At least 70% of the trannies on Yas Forums are on Yas Forums. Not sure why they'd be upset
This shit is satanic.
Shame as the first one was pretty ok. Joel was a decent character and the soundtrack was actually great, I still use some of the tracks for tabletop games
most japanese games seem to be safe
or like new doom
im grabbing that for 7 bucks then days gone
the (((critics))) hated days gone
This isn’t politics
>Why are trannies taking over everything digital and inserting their absolutely insane, extremist politics into them?
It started with gays, they pushed and pushed, and were pushed in some cases, to get shit legalized, force people to cater to them. Then the next letter was added to the string doing the same thing. Then the next and the next. I think the most recently added letter to the LGTBQPRFSHBBQ is P for pedophile. Theyre gonna be the enxt group violently inserting and forcing their beliefs
Thought the writer of tlou one was Amy Hennig and then she left before they made that shit DLC
do you think the tranny would win the fights had they actually been a female and not a male
holy shit they're expecting this to sell?
Someone is totally going to mod the player character as the honkler.
bethesda fucked mick gordon so hard I'm so pissed about it. I heard the mixes he released on YT, and they're insane compared to the what we got. still a really good game.
In Naughty Dog's case though, the founders simply sold the company and left, back in 2004. It was the new people (who were largely outsiders to the industry) that really perverted things.
Wait so the abomination kills Ellen Page as well. The fuck did they even do to her?
Ellie = MC from the First game
Dinna = Ellies jewish girlfriend who is pregnant by her chinese ex bf Jesse
Abbey = Tranny
Joel = Dad MC from First game.
In the first game Joel killed Abbeys father who was the surgeon who was going to operate on Ellie.
Abbey wants revenge.
She tracks down Joel and beats him to death with a golf club.
Ellie, Dinna and Jesse want revenge.
Jesse gets killed by other people. Abbey tracks down Ellie and Dinna. Beats them both a pulp and almost slits Dinnas throat but then finds out shes pregnant and gets convinced by one of the bad guys to leave her be.
Abbey leaves.
Epilogue: Dinna has had a son and finds Ellie wearing Joels jacket, saying she is going to get revenge, Dinna tries to stop her but Ellie leaves.
Setting up the next game where Ellie is the main Villain and you play Abbey.
now that's something i want to see
Its "on hold indefinitely" from what i read
Ellie: She had nothing to do with it.
Ellie: She's pregnant.
Abby: Don't let me see you ever again.
>Druckmann is Jewish, although found he regularly writes about "white, straight, Christian male" characters, encouraging him to instead create more diverse characters.[58]
oh my god it's just like real life;it's like naughty dog is trying to hint trannies aren't really UgU awoooo~ catgirls, and have the physiology of real testosterone fueled men. HUH
>Where the fuck did these people come from? Militant trannies are everywhere.
this is what they mean by "The long march through the institutions"
I don't know, man. Spawnwave this morning on his daily vidya news briefing told me to stay far the fuck away from the leaks!!!!
>If only we did more during #gamergate...
They were actually going for it? First tranny protag? No. Freaking. Way.
>you might have a hard time believing since this is so fucking absurd
I believe it. 100%. Doesn't even faze me.
this post confirms the leak is real and too late to change
abbey isn't trans but her sidekick is
>you play as a tranny
Lol, is part of the game finding estrogen tablets? It would be hilarious if they actually had that be part of the game mechanic where you get stronger and faster the longer you stay off them, but you also have to periodically force your character to not kill xirself and at a certain point of masculinity it becomes literally impossible to stop the suicide screen.
it should be;imagine playing a character that could absolutely raise hell against the living, and undead, and it ends with him getting brutalized by a soigoy that could easily get beaten to death by any competent male.
>Setting up the next game where Ellie is the main Villain and you play Abbey.
This can't be true. How do you ask fans to play as the character that brutally murders the main character from the first game that everyone loved?