Nazi plant at unite the right rally spotted on Canadian prank tv?

>Unite the right rally 2017 guy is photographed with a Nazi flag.
>flag looks folded and guy is pictured alone holding the nazi flag and two sodas
>this pic ends up on Wikipedia main photo on unite the right article, conveniently
> no one knows who this guy is, many suspect him of being a plant
> French Canadian prank troupe “just for laughs tv” releases vid on YouTube with a guy who looks exactly like the suspected nazi plant

Either “just for laughs tv” has a nazi acting for this guy is an actor and therefore a plant

Tell me I’m not crazy?

YouTube video:

5:15 in. He’s playing the blind guy.

Pic 1/2

Attached: CDAF3835-9A57-459F-8845-FBB2DEEC8B53.png (2048x1536, 3.9M)

Pic 2/2 from Wikipedia unite the right rally

In before “take your meds”

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Definitely looks like him

Haha holy shit good work, fucking autists



Definitely the same cunt, nice eye mate

Would be a shame if someone doxxed him, outed him as a Nazi and ruined his life.

There's gotta be something some autistic sperglord can point something out and tell us if it's the same exact person.

Thats him

The guy in the white shirt isn't the guy holding that flag, it's just some random in the foreground. Somebody post the full picture, this has been debunked.

Do something, Yas Forums!

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Correct. It's the guy with the beige hat and sunglasses. Good luck finding his dox.

too bad no one actually put a name to this canadian prankster

Fuck, I thought this was a program for kazakstanis

is this what comedy is in canada?

That could be, but even so. Why would an actor be right next to the guy holding a Nazi flag?

I wouldn’t want to dox him if he were authentic, but I’d question his motives

He’s probably in cahoots with the nazi flag plant/ guy

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eye brows look different and out of 150 million north american whites some look similar

The guy with the nazi flag is in green.

Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia) Is Common in Autism

The guy in the green shirt is holding the nazi flag, what the fuck are you talking about?

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Yas Forums‘s intelligence network really is impressive. Now that you have the cunt caught out, how about you reveal it to the TV channel and the public, I’m sure they would be interested and the plant will have only two options, admit that he is a plant and destroy their reputation while deterring plants in the future or he will refuse to and have his pathetic career destroyed by the retarded leaf society.

There's a pic from another angle. White shirt guy is a good 7-8 feet from nazi flag guy. They're not together.

Has anyone ever heard an update on James Fields?

Last I checked some user tried to look him up and could not find which prison they are holding him at.

Attached: jimmy1.png (1334x3395, 1.33M)

Funny how the only guy with a swastika flag somehow was never doxxed

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>when distasteful people are at the other team's rallies, they are legitimate
>when distasteful people are at MY team's rallies, they are plants


i hate Just for Laughs

They almost certainly are together, everyone knows full well what bringing those two flags would mean with all the cameras around, nobody would do it except those who were intentionally trying to create problems or a complete fucking retard with no life to lose and this guy obviously has a life and must know what he is doing to get a job on tv so it’s almost guaranteed that he is a plant along with the confederate flag holder.

Correct, the chinless 4 eyes in the OD green shirt is the Nazi flag guy.

can not release info on people that 'do not exist'

doxxing isnt some magic trick where you just look into the crystal ball.

that guy and the blue shirt guy are partners in crime.

Valid point. Haha.

got any side shots from the TV show where his chin (or lack thereof) can be seen? That would be a tell.