Haven't shut down at all. Makes me wish I lived in a more conservative area desu, sucks my family is all around the northeast
Is TX based? They give zero fucks about the virus
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Lived in Texas my whole life and I'm almost 70. The only city that resembles real Texas, what it used to be (The "Don't Mess with Texas," Texas) is Austin.
Austin is the last authentic Texas city.
It is shut down. Gov wheels is panicking to reopen but the liberal run cities are refusing.
It's also a felony to get caught with weed there.
A fucking FELONY.
show flag you fucking kike, every real Texan knows Austin is San Fan 2.0.
What the fuck? Austin hasn't changed in 70 years?
Sure ie; its full of a bunch of fucking white hippies.
Its hardly representative of the state as a whole over the last 70 years. Far from it.
shoo shoo discord tranny
Texas sucks. Living in a place that is a totattly flat plain where the landscape is just strip malls and apartments, with no hills even to overlook the landscape is really depressing. Enviroment really effects happiness. There's a reason people in like SoCal are able to be so happy in their hily sunny region
Don't mess with Texas was a trash campaign started in the 70s..... Dumb ass my grandfather who is 80 still says remember the Alamo or Come and take it when he's going all hard right in his senility.....
Nice boomer larp though, real Texas is every where except Austin or Houston.
Good, fuck weedfags.
Texas isn't flat, you're a lying retard or you went to one region only.
How many family has or died from Covid.
We'll wait.
This idiot doesn't know about Davis mountains, Guadeloupe Peak, big bend, the Pecos Canyon, Chavo canyon.....
Sounds like a dumb ass to me.
Nah... not for flower (unless over a certain weight) - it's concentrates that are a felony.
Schools and businesses closed, shelter in place order. Texas shut down.
Guaranteed yous
my fucking Texas friend was larping then wtf
no fuck this state, my county has been rapidly browning for the last five years and half the time I go anywhere it's goddamn mexicans. goddamn mexicans at HEB, goddamn mexicans at whataburger, goddamn mexicans in my neighborhood, goddamn mexicans everywhere. texas more like tejass.
Harris County issued an order that all people must wear masks starting today. Police chief already said cops will not enforce the order though.
>is TX based?
>worship niggerball
>love their "conservative mexicans"
>are all cucked "turn the cheek and kiss refugee feet" catholics and not based orthodox
>too blinded by their own nostalgic pride to ever admit there is a problem
Fuck Texas, i cant wait for it to officially go blue and see all the "hard ass Texans" chimp out trying to mentally dance around it
>Haven't shut down at all. Makes me wish I lived in a more conservative area desu, sucks my family is all around the northeast
nigger austin and temple are filled with hills
Get out of the house more bro casue you sound like you live in houston
i used to live in the dfw area and texas fucking sucks
>hot as fuck, literally cant do any outdoor activities during summer or youll literally get skin cancer
>ANY city with over 100k people is 70% hispanic
Hill country has loads of Hills, but yes, it is a shithole. Strip malls, restuarant chains (no actual good food except BBQ), trash everywhere, fat people everywhere, Jew worshipers everywhere, the list goes on. Never buy into the Texas is based meme, this place is done.
All the major cities are shut the fuck down.
Austin is now a hippie shit hole. Homeless are shitting everywhere while people are forced inside.
Niggers everywhere getting in fights, police don't care.
no its not you retard. there are counties where it is functionally legal because the DA refuses to prosecute. State wide its not a felony unless you have a large amount.
Texas is literally arresting and fining people right now for breaking their lockdown protocols.
Life has pretty much gone on unchanged here in Louisiana. Living here all my life I’ve learned to avoid Nogs like the plague. Which seems to also keep the virus away. Go figure.
and not wearing a mask in public
Only vape pens and dabs are a felony. Possession of flower doesn't become a felony until over 2 ounces. That being said, Texas has some of the worst weed laws in the country.
And the reason why vape pens are a felony is because it's easy as hell to smuggle them across state lines since they don't omit much odor. So legislators in Texas made harsh penalties as an attempt to deter traffickers (which ends up hurting the users)
Most Texans are Baptist, not Catholic. But I agree with the rest.
it's a shame. TX was THE posterchild for conservatives nationwide for decades. RIP
We are in this clown world too. It’s gay as fuck
You are both out of your fucking mind and a jew.