France actual chaos

Confinment has some side effect here, quick recap of the last days:
>A moto sandnigger tried to troll policemens during confinment, one of the policeman opened the door of the car causing the sandnigger to hit hard an iron bar, close to loosing his leg.
Cant find back the vid
>No go zones chimpout since then, ambushing police and firemans with molotovs, guns are starting to be shown.
>Cops seems to be pissed of, alot of police violence have been published, increasing the chimpout.
>A group of cops caused outrage being filmed making racist joke and supposedly beating a migrant after he fled them by jumping in the river
>Last hour a potential terrorist hit moto cops with a german car, wanting to kill them and die as martyr, pic related

What do you think about it guys, is it escalating?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot to add but government gave official orders at police to avoid any "provocation" or enforcing the law to muslim during ramadan and to flee any contact.

>No barricade riots segregating the French and darkies
Come on Pierre, what if told you Big Nig Tyrone said to "Let dem niggas eat fry cheecken"

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Happy Ramadan, Muhammed!

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ty, may someone give you some sweets

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How the fuck has the military not coup the government yet, France is in an even worse situation than we are and that’s saying something, how much more of this shit can they take?

>>A group of cops caused outrage being filmed making racist joke and supposedly beating a migrant after he fled them by jumping in the river

till we got no food.
In my local supermarkets there are already no more flour, no more rice and a little bit of pasta. People are stockpiling and until now the production chain works. But in one or 2 months things can heat up brutally

French police fucked up the yellow vests protest our country is fucked and op is a fag

A group of officer wanted a coup against Hollande but got arrested, overall i think french will oppose any coup, so it would be stupid to do it.

Yeah but is there an actual chance that the french military might stage a coup if shit hits the fan?

Yellow vest were antifa-army after the first three saturdays, i dont want a Merluche dicatorship thanks.

What's wrong with the North African migrant communities in Paris?

In this country Pakistani communities don't ever chimp out, nor do Arabs

Yet in Paris it's all burnt cars, gunfire and throwing stones

Source ?

>german car
Fucking Hitler

more than food, when the way of life of the majority will go down, things will start to be interestings.

> pic related

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That poor motorcycle

Because the french still have a bit of backbone left, the rapefugees in your cuntry already have you under their boot.

Cant remember the original source after so much years but it was close to this :

During gay marriage, a group of high ranks got arrested because of that.

Retard muslims starting shit yet again. Gun them down

If all goes well it should. I was hoping corona would be more effective given how filthy the non-French in your country are, but if that doesnt work theres a boogaloo is fine too.

Our nafri are taught by french left socialist that they should hate france, so they actualy hate france for most of them.
Or may be they are just well integrated and chimpout like other french regularly.

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Nah your pakis just rape and groom underage girls phillip.

>will coup because gay marriage
>won't coup despite the country being overrun with shitskins
the absolute state

The pakis never chimp out because theyve been raping english schoolgirls for years and the government covers for them.

ACAB must mean All Cops Are Based

Hoping this will happen in the UK , there needs to be a spark .

because we're at a point where no one care about the state, they can declare what they want, they don't have legetimity anymore.

french always protest and chimp out. it happens every other week

op fag

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Some do but like it or not most of them are law abiding. A reminder that those girls were being pimped out and plenty of the customers were white.
Remember that the media push this shit to divide and conquer.

What are those? Are they better fresh or is there a variety that holds well in packaging for shipment here? Legit curious, looking for something different for my wife for Mother's Day instead of standard domestic candy, card, small gift. Plus, we travel a lot and love stuff like this

Yeah but question is can you coop up the orcs into their urban strongholds and starve em out? Lovely as a British reconquista sounds it's gonna be hard if the muzzies go around to the countryside and start pillaging the farmers for food.

Don't let arabs/muslim an inch.
They just forgot how it's done. We know how to deal with this, we did it for 130 years.

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Chebakia a maghrebi sweet, its a fat paste fried in oil and covered in honey.
Diabetes made alive, very american kind food.

>Inb4 muslim
I am french, my neighbour is from morrocco and bring me some of them regularly, i think she wants to kill me with sugar.

It doesnt matter who did what they should all answer for whats been going on. Christ man some of those girls were young as 11 and 12.