Is environmentalism redpilled?
Is environmentalism redpilled?
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Remove invasive species now.
You want to make a difference?
Go pick up trash.
>virgin old-growth forest
Completely misleading. There is more tree coverage on the surface of the earth now than there was 100 years ago.
Conservation and proper land stewardship is redpilled, environmentalism is a lunatic anti-human cult full of obnoxious mentals that need to fuck right off.
Both are true
fucking this
good question. Environmentalists that are promoted in the United States are often backed by the CIA and the Rockefellers-- and those people are unironically Malthusian eugenicists. I think that stuff is totally fucked up, but a lot of people on Yas Forums seem to love eugenics unironically. So you can have your nationalist socialist paradise, but only on the terms that Soros, the Rockefellers, the CIA, and all of the SJW liberals they are brainwashing want to have it.
>Completely misleading
> There is more tree coverage on the surface of the earth now than there was 100 years ago.
Congratulations, you are retarded.
Virgin Old Growth forest is undisturbed forests. Not stands of tulip poplar that grew up 100 years ago. Look at any picture in American from 100+ years ago and most of the trees are gone. Most forests are new
It’s not misleading, it says right there what is shown in the picures. Old forests are not the same as planted forests. The eco systems never recover and many species disappear because they lose their home. Besides these modern nu-forets have no life or soul. Pic related is an example
>Conservation and proper land stewardship is redpilled, environmentalism is a lunatic anti-human cult full of obnoxious mentals that need to fuck right off
Fucking this.
Aaaand today.
Yes OP, let me share to you my thoughts on what I call, Environmental Nationalism.
The pristine ecology and landscapes of the US are intertwined with our culture. The first Americans hiked through this wilderness, they hunted and fished in its pure waters, they saw fields of wildflowers, miles of rocky deserts and lakes clear enough to see the bottom. All Americans should be able to experience this as that will help them develop true love for their nation. The recreation associated with the wilderness will help bond fellow Americans together. The simplistically of nature will remind us of the true reality of the world and that the best values are based in morals and family. In an age where more soulless leftist people grow up in commercialized urban jungles, the true path towards a happy society lies with being exposed to the American landscape and all of its treasures. I want every citizen in a America to go see buffalo roaming, see mustangs galloping through fields, see an Eagle fly over their heads.
In layman’s terms, environmentally protection and expansion of easily accessible public lands is a good way to ensure redpills. Have you ever gave a leftist a gun to shoot? They feel like a badass for the next day before going back to their timid anti-gun face. Contrary to popular belief, most nature lovers are right wing. being scared about endangered polar bears cause of climate change is bluepilled, but being scared about endangered polar bears cause we might lose a National American treasure is redpilled.
Good post my friend and America has many national parks which is good, but the average right winger conservative doesn’t give a shit about nature. Just take a look at theseposts Conservatives will have a peace of mind if they find a substitute no matter how faulty and fake it is. As long as there’s a map showing big forest coverage they will be happy and consider the jobs done. They wont invest into properly learning biology and ecology and form a knowledgeable opinion.
But the Lefties want to claim the issue as their sole property, in order to shame and blame.
Bullshit. You know nothing.
Old growth forest supports whole ecotomes, not that you give a fuck, where young forests do not. And old growth forest is very hard to replace, for when you finally do get a clue.
Do the world a favor. Off yourself, you useless shithead.
You can't control nature, faggot. Some shit goes extinct, some other shit thrives. So be it.
Your attitude perfectly shows conservative profit-seeking. You can’t control nature? What if the pest is the human race and not events like tornadoes or volcano outbursts? If you cant control nature why are national parks in pristine condition?
This, if black men want to mass-migrate to Western countries, hold white women down and breed them, then so be it.
Humans are a pest, so if you care about environmentalism you should kill yourself for the good of the planet
Or we try to live in harmony with nature not dealing unecessary damage? Hmm... guess violence is the only thing in you retards brain
no, absolutely not. mankind is the steward of the world and it is our responsibility to use it until christ returns. genesis 1:28: And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Old growth is dead growth. Old growth forests can't sustain diverse sets of species.
Lol everyone take a look this dum dum and laugh. Just point at laugh
Conservation of our nature is redpilled.
(((Environmentalism))) is yet another trick.
See: "Planet of the Humans"
>muh old growth
explain exactly why very old sick trees are better than young health trees?
>because muh disney movies say old tree talk and are wise and shit
old growth has no fucking magic you retard
Steward implies taking care of, not exploiting
Its about the ecosystem. Do you know what that word means?
We cucked nature hard, we conquered everything on this planet.
Environmentalism is cucking ourselves to nature for future people.
Fuckem desu
Conservation IE: wise use and keeping nature in a state for future generations to enjoy is redpilled.
Preservation IE: Literally everything humans do is evil and nature should be left completley alone is retarded and unnecessary.
Also this.