they/them are right you know
They/them are right you know
Stop posting your tweets faggot
Also wtf you gonna do about it anyways
If you’re a man you derive value from being able to work. Why is that bad and why should we try to change that fundamental reality.
Pussy ass fagott
Fucking hell, I am a school teacher and I view my job as an inconvenience that I have to do during the week.
>it's the government's job to make sure your life has meaning
Fucking NPC's...
Nonsequitor. Are people upset that some people actually enjoy and derive value from what they do?
If only there were nongovernmental institutions devoted to such concerns...
Its probably not the meaning of the job, but the fact they are alone with their demons more, have added demons due to fear of virus, friends and family death, lack of money, mounting bills, and a media tellingthem the end is nigh.
Couple that with a large number of democrats literally thinking that their world is ending because they have been propagandized ad naseum since obama first entered the foray and you have a large amount of very depressed folks that are on edge.
And you're the reason why education is fucked and why I am homeschooling.
It's a real problem in an age of automation. Cellular rejuvenation will see people outliving work itself - what then?
All countries unironically need a minister of loneliness or a department of loneliness management in the government
Mussolini was a schoolteacher
Yes well maybe you should stop supporting the teachers unions that fuck the whole system over.
Male suicides have been on the rise across the board for years. Why is this suddenly an issue?
This limp wristed faggot is working under the false assumption that it’s bad to take pride and find meaning in the work you do. Which is because he’s never worked a real day in his life.
Men find meaning in work. Humans find meaning in working, producing, improving.
Faggots fuck every night and die at 32 from AIDS. No wonder they won’t find purpose in self improvement.
Speak for yourself fagget, I have kids and a family. Ya forgot about that while chasing the pleasure train huh, bucko?
There is no value in almost every job on the market. In fact, I’d argue most jobs confer negative value to self-esteem. It’s depressing that this bleak system of wage slavery is the world we’ve built for ourselves
Niggaz getting $900 a week and the $1200 min check. Nobody is hurting for money unless it's their fault.
Incredible as it may seem, some people actually like working, accomplishing things, and getting paid for their time.
There are other ways to feel accomplished outside of working a job. The people killing themselves sadly don't know "how to live" and don't have any meaning in life.
I've got goals and those are what keep me going. My goal is to be sulf-sufficient to the point where I pay our traitor government as little as legally possible in axes.
The value is the money you get paid to do it ultimately.
Society has made people into slaves so effectively that they will protest and become violent if you tell them to not work.
The fact that not everyone can find a job (men with no social skills or contacts are totally unemployable) is more concerning.
>not knowing who Keith Woods is
>there's a magic land where work isn't needed to live
Sorry to break this to you, but people have always had to work to live.
Go kill the people who instilled that bullshit into your weak ass head faggot instead of killing yourself.
Well, that's what they say right? It's what we have been taught. And why would anyone lie about something like that?
If you derive value from being an office slave for Mr Shekelberg, you are truly hopeless.
If everyone needs to work to live, then explain all the people around the world living on the dole.
We sure are lucky to have people like 95% of the posters in this thread who enjoy working and produce enough excess value to sustain the rest of us.
>people who worked hard their entire life to get a nice career get all their jobs wiped out due to coronahoax
>government takes away all their rights in the process, then spits in their face and doesnt give a way to pay for anything even though they started this whole mess
>people genuinely concerned that their families will be kicked out of their homes because governor schutztein xiang said work is dangerous because 500 people 300 miles away are coughing
>hurrrrrrrr dumb slave people only live to work lmao
imagine being this out of touch
Why they/them you fucking nigger? Keith is one of our guys, why try ridicule him like that? Filthy jew that you are.
>oh god I need to work I'm gonna work I'm gonna WOOOOOORK
I really don't understand the normalfags' attraction to doing mundane tasks for half their waking hours. Even when I was NEET, I had more things to do than hours in the day would permit. All these people have few consecutive weeks off for the very first time in the adult life and all they want to do is waste time at work again.
I don't know who the fuck that is, but why is he saying "we"? Sounds like he's referring to the Jews at the top.
>Oy we better take note of this situation or the goys might rise up and kill us
It’s why globohomo is here to stay. Normies
If you strip away all the bullshit scaffolding of government and (((global capitalism))), most of the planet would be uninhabitable.
If it isn't you, someone's got to do the work to feed and clothe you.