Was 2007 the year where the world ended?
Was 2007 the year where the world ended?
No, 1945 was.
2007 was pretty comfy playing runescape and watching flash animations on newgrounds
2008 is the year cern went online
No it was dec 21 2012. Then there was a period of 7 years. The tribulation started around December 21. 2019
Early 2007 is the year where I started going through some weird mental changes and made some bad decisions I still regret, so the frequent 2007 conspiracies unnerve me. It's the same energy as when someone makes a "go to bed, (name)" post and it's yours.
you forget world of warcraft in your pic it killed a whole generation of white
I'm surprised Newgrounds was still around in 2007. To me that site always had more of a 1998-2003 kinda vibe.
When will we pic related?
WOW came out in 2004, but the Burning Crusade was in 2007
fair enough
I know it played a big part in the isolation and destruction of the western man
>One size fits all consumption of media
People describe it as a decline of creativity or homogenization of the internet. An encroaching corporate, standardized and sterilized environment would come to be as small niches would be pushed away in favor of large "public spaces" owned by large corporations that have an increasingly forceful guiding hand on how societies develop. Normal people do not desire to be creative. They want to consume. Not necessarily bad but it is overwhelming.
>Surveillance state
It was suspected decades ago but the door was being battered in until the Snowden leaks blew them open. Not only did it expose the surveillance state but also exposed a parallel government that does whatever it wants and treats its own taxpayer base and federal reserve as a paypig to destabilize the entire world. It also exposed our government to be full of criminals who want everything at everyone else's expense.
On a side note, it also reexposed secret government black projects, which got memory holed in the 80s-00s and their OPSEC got an upgrade after the Snowden leaks.. Turns out that the people in charge really don't like common folk. Whether they want us dead or enslaved is a matter of which testimony you trust more.
>iPhone + 3G
Can't forget this. It gave people access to the internet everywhere. Smartphones in general are the world's greatest wiretap too, much more than a computer. They don't need to intercept and tap anymore; a subpoena from Google and Apple does the trick. Only company that told law enforcement to go fuck themselves was BlackBerry back in the BB10 days.
I think this was the turning point when the powers that be finally made the open admission through action that they don't care about nations and they especially don't care about you. All they care about is that they hoard all the power and wealth for themselves. Everyone else is disposable cattle.
379 AD for me, imagine
2007 was a weird year for me. I wake up one day in late March and everyone is acting different. I go to school and my best friend acts like he barely knows me. He doesn't seem like he's ignoring me out of anger or anything, because he does still talk to me, but he expresses surprise that I'm as talkative because "we hardly ever talk". I literally hugged this dude the day prior. We were such good friends people would make jokes about us being the gayest straight dudes in the school. There was also a girl in one of my classes who I swear was never there before who spent the entire time talking shit on me and she gets mega pissy when I ask who she is, like I'm just pretending to play dumb. I get home and my father who was always a bit uptight about being a gentleman to women is browsing cam girl sites and my mom hardly pays it any notice. My brother who always wore A&F and Hollister and other yuppie clothes is now walking around in clothes that make him look like a gay prostitute.
World line changes are fucking real and I experienced one. Nothing physical was out of place though. So I didn't see any hard physical evidence like waking up in an entirely different city or a house I didn't recognize, but all the people were different, like a mind swap.
AD 77. Alas, Pompeii.
No I don‘t even give a shit about 2007.
It was popular until 2008 I think.
2005 was peak comfy in my life
Total drama island was a good show
>My brother who always wore A&F and Hollister and other yuppie clothes is now walking around in clothes that make him look like a gay prostitute.
What was the point of that sentence?
2007 was decent, pretty comfy if you ask me, i remember listening to Crystal Castles and starting arguments on Myspace
real shizo hours
It was zoomershit
2007 was also the year AirBNB started. It didn't incorporate until 2008, but it was in 07 that a guy literally started renting an air mattress in his living room to strangers, thus proving a use case for one of the shittiest business models of all time.
At least Uber seamlessly replaced an existing model (cabs). Airbnb opened up every residential community in the world into becoming a shitty, loan-financed hostel. It is the perfect embodiment of the disaffecting, alienating soulless nature of modern technology.
It’s called schizophrenia
>Moe is bad
Okay normie
the world ended in 2012
what we're seeing (more precisely, YOU are. We're just products of your imagination) is your death rattle and fever dreaming while dying in flames
*Siiiiiiiiiiiiip* yep ahhhhhh '07 was a great year
Don't forget Obama got into office the next year and really started the downfall of America . 2007 was the last respectable year in the USA it's never been the same since
go to bed, Andrew
Go to bed, Bartholomew.