You were wrong, so just admit it and we can move on. You let the MSM and social media scare you into believing that a somewhat alpha strain of the common cold was gonna wipe out humanity. Next time don't be so naive though so they can't do this to us again. Check the filename.
The virus is still here and people are still getting it and plenty have died from it.
People die EVERYDAY you smoothbrained nigger.
the flu or the aids? tuberculosis maybe?
Imagine believing CNN reporting for 2 months. This shit was always a joke, manufactured fear porn. You are goddamn lucky this board is anonymous because I would shame every one of you retarded happeningfags for the rest of your stupid worthless lives
Look you can't use logic and reason against these niggers. They actually believe "If it saves just one life" is a valid argument. These people are the very definition of "Cutting off the nose to spite the face".
I told my wife we were going to shelter in place on March 2 because there was annoying shit she wanted me to do and I didn't want to do it and the virus was a convenient excuse. At the time everyone acted like I was nuts, but then like two weeks later everyone else went into shelter-in-place mode and now my whole family thinks I'm some kind of prophet. The reality is, I'm just lazy and found an excuse, and I just got lucky it turned into a phenomenon and vindicated me.
First of all you retard.
People on here were saying Coronavirus was a big deal, while the Mainstream media, and the World Health Organisation were saying absolutely nothing was wrong.
I trust the early anons more than I trust new ones.
To be fair, I would say 80% of the remaining happeningfags are just paid shills pushing DNC talking points, the rest are now LARPing as nothingburgerbros while repressing the memory that they fell for jew lies
This novel virus is like 4 months old.
Do nothingburger faggots have mental illness?
the question remains, how did people become this dumb in the first place? Uncle Yuri warned us back in 83'.
fucking based
They were saying it wasn't a big deal so they could get enough people infected that some oldfags would die so they could turbo push the narrative and shut down the economy.
regardless if you think it was a happening or not it was a clear demonstration the entire world has had complex plans for zombie apocalypses and alien first contact but have never considered a virile pandemic as a credible threat. the world is stupid and deserves to be razed by a plague so that only those smart enough or lucky enough are left
Its been around since last november at the latest you fucking commie nigger, other people with your 75 iq might believe that. kys
false it was never here and nobody died from it. it's a hoax!
Fair enough, plausible conspiracy theory.
But I still trust the people here more that investigated it.
They said months ago all the symptoms, and the fact you can't be immune which the WHO are just now saying.
Nobody is saying the virus doesn't exist, the only thing that doesn't exist is a need to quarantine the entire world
Based and dadpilled.
I always counted the economic shutdown as part of the happening, so point me.
Every malady is now covid related, and everything will be controlled and justified by "safety concerns". A global civil war is brewing between us and the mind controlled sheep.
I've been saying its just a cold all along fren.
holy shit this guy is in absolute cope mode
how does it feel to not have a future anymore?
Are you sure about that?
The only happening here is taking your medication that you have missed
Just admit pic related is real OP. Stop being a sheep
There is a corona virus. It's not that deadly. The elites used this as a cover to crash the economy. Their next move will be trying to force microchips in people.
It's not going to work.
The end is nigh! Same shit, different decade. Where is Harold Camping 2.0? THE WORLD WILL END ON 2021 FROM CORONA! 20x100+1 IT IS THE GOD NUMBER FOR THE WHU FLU!