Eddie Gallagher

>Eddie Gallagher
>Navy SEAL with good looking wife and a family
>Allegedly get rocks off by sniping children and elders, and stabbing prisoners of war to death
>Pardoned by President of crimes and becomes celebrity
>Now authoring a book

Did Trump pardon a war criminal? Was he framed for a crime? After this guy's fading into relative obscurity what is Yas Forumss opinion on this event?

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You mad, Achmed? Do something then

Iraq vet here. Everyone who actually left the wire is some degree of "war criminal". It's all moral relativity bullshit.

>trained to kill
>gets paid to kill
>enjoy killing
makes sense.

>>Eddie Gallagher
>>Navy SEAL with good looking wife and a family
>>Allegedly get rocks off by sniping children and elders, and stabbing prisoners of war to death
>>Pardoned by President of crimes and becomes celebrity
>>Now authoring a book

And that's a good thing.

Not taking sides, just want to see what others think. I remember when this was still relevant the MAGAs were backing him 100% while liberals stayed mostly quiet

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The only crime he was convicted of was taking a photo with a dead body.

When the book out and what's the title?
Hope he goes into detail about the kids screaming for their mothers as the life ebs out of them, then popping the mothers when they run over

>Iraq vet here. Everyone who actually left the wire is some degree of "war criminal". It's all moral relativity bullshit.
This! Once you actually realize you are already dead, it makes it so much easier.
The hard part is coming back and not being able to kill the dumb fucks that complain about everything.

everyone else
>surprised pikachu face

he didnt do anything wrong

>Allegedly get rocks off by sniping children and elders, and stabbing prisoners of war to death

What is the issue here? Terrorizing the enemy population is an effective strategy in war. Literally every military in history has done this.

There are too many Rules of Engagement in the US military. We might as well fight bind folded.

Imagine using words like "war crime," as if (((international laws))) on engagement in war actually mean anything

I mean they clearly do, or we’d still be using mustard gas

>crime for hurting people too much
pick one hippy,

every soldier that participated in the war on terror is a war criminal

Not really it results in funny events like 9/11.

the UN stipulates the rules, its to stop large developed nations from doing anything against the smaller nations without UN say so.
the UN doesnt care about the US so they pretty much apply all the negatives to us and bitch when we want help with something.

We should be using mustard gas, now I dont claim to be a military or science expert on what mustard gas can do, but as a general principle, our country should be able to do whatever it takes to defend her foreign interests.

If countries agree that using mustard gas should be banned because it would harm either side too much, then countries are still acting in self interest.

But if it's just for "humaniitarian reasons," I really don't care about that.

Do you know the LA Night Stalker, Richard Ramirez? His cousin, Mike, was a decorated Green Beret who served in Vietnam and had a praised career. He excelled in military service. He was also a psychopath and had a shoebox filled with polaroids of his mutilated victims. He cut off heads of women and raped/tortured them and took the photos as souvenirs. Nobody ever questioned him and when he was buried (by then it was publicly known he was a serial killer as well) he was given a hero's burial.
What happens in 'Nam, stays in 'Nam I guess?

your just mad because you cant be as much of a chad as this man.

If I remember right mustard gas caused more blue on blue than anything.

Agreed. this is an example of modern day hypocrisy. Vietnam was ROE mess (apparently), and I've heard that Iraq was the same old bullshit. Driving armoured vehicles through bagdhad was a freak show... and even if that hurt locker movie pissed people off a bit... it showed the freak g nervousness those guys musta felt having to watch their Ps and Qs (or Ts and A's whatever) in a goddam hostile society full of pissed off hajis.
Fucking waste of our killers. Fucking handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. No one's using chemical weapokns
... so fuck off and leave our killers alone.. let them do their job. so frustrating to watch. makes me wonder Iif it's all for show or for then jewish meatgrinder

who gives a shit about the UN, its the only organization that should honestly dismantled and their members executed for being a waste of resources and child trafficking.

> mustard gas
nerve gas too.

Most Americans dont afaik. i agree

what do ISIS and Al Qaeda do to prisoners of war? We should match their level of care.

Bruh every other country can praise its "war criminals," tyrants, and other horrible people, because they served their country objectively well, but it's wrong for America to do it?

Hell there are statues of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, a viscious brutal warlord who killed millions.

mind ya business

Remind me, why did we create the UN when its precursor, the League of Nations, was a useless failure?

>Navy SEAL
>Now authoring a book
every time

we do no right my fellow burger.

This guy is a much better example to follow than Burton Toreent, for the sponge brain kidiots on this site

Personally I think if you're fighting a war, there's no such thing as war crimes.

Then we'd ban it because it's against our military's interest. Not because of humanitarian reasons or the idea of a "war crime against humanity"

Holy shit based guy, id like to be in his squad.
Pvt sanchez and gomez starts crying about him killing the enemy, those rats should be jailed dealt with in the field.

Eddie Gallagher did nothing wrong

Most of americans are war criminals, why get so tangled up with one servant of Zion?

An attempt at keeping tabs on the international community.

Don't slide, that's not the point. I'm not talking about America. I'm talking about certain kind of people excel in certain kind of conditions. Retard.

read a great S.A.S. book though..... good times...

truenthogh.... every goddamn seal gotta write a book for some extra bucks

How many times do we have to cover this, all muslims are enemy combatants. Killing enemy combatants isn't murder. These aren't even human beings.

>send a man to kill people
>He kills people
imagine my shock

Lurk more

My point was that im pretty sure thats why it was banned, it was a horrible way to go, but it didnt work the way we wanted.

Fuck off tranny

this it sounds like market efficiency

>and ?