New cucked Passive-aggressive Banning Technique

>after 5 minutes of clicking boxes you finally compete tiresome faptcha drill
>earn green check mark
>notification appears: "you mistyped" then "no valid faptcha"
>do it again
>happens again
>ha ha ha!!! you've been "banned" but were never told!! ha ha ha!!!

When somebody faggy behind the scenes is determined to block you, but is too chickenshit to actually officially ban you.

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bruh just, get the captcha right next time lol

get out newfag

if you have too many levels of noscript on, google will refuse correct answers because it thinks you are a bot.

also posts that are explicitly anti-semetic or infflamatory, always have stop signs or red lights.

Why did you put that giant yellow arrow in there

American can't prove he is human, google knows he is jew.

what yellow arrow bro ?

>not using duckduckgo extension to block jewgle tricks
it's your own fault

for you

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gook-moot we need a fix

Do the audio one.
Add nigger at the end of whatever bullshit you hear.
Also if your post is true how did you make this thread?

> poorfag can't into cryptobux

(((CAPTCHA))) will also ban you if you start posting too frequently about certain subjects. Had this happen to be a few months ago in /cvg/.

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I was banned the other day and a few hours later a black helicopter circled my house for about an hour. then it landed and glowniggers probed my boipussi. feels bad, man.

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graphix design is ma passion

No seriously though, this kinda shit isn't really new. We can't do anything about this other then moving somewhere else anyways.

you can captcha before you even type anything retards

Lmao, just buy a pass cuck

tranny jannies love to act like little faggots. pissing me off!

It refreshes every day - but with every post it gets progressively worse. After a certain number, or I make a controversial post, then this block happens and that's it for the day, can't post anything else until the next day. This is my third post for the day so it hasn't started yet. A few other anons have mentioned it, but not everybody so I think its got to be a selective banning method.

>just give away your shekels bro

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if it can tell you are a bot then why have the capatcha in the first place.

Yeah. Captcha sucks. Use the audio one. You only need to type a single word of whatever sentence you hear, and always add nigger at the end.

You could've not drawn the arrow at all.
You even fucking circle the thing on the top!

I wish the captchas let me identify jews

If they want to shadow ban what they should do is make it so that only you can see your posts, so you don't know anything is even wrong, just no one else sees your posts. Maybe even have it show you some fake replys calling you a faggot.

I haven’t been able to post from my desktop for moths because of this
t. phonefag

captcha knows, but captcha can go suck trannie cocks I'm still gonna post.

Ok schizo

my system thinks Yas Forums's system is shit-tier

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It can't detect bots. All they try to do is slow down things they think are bots.
Gook moot makes it much worse for Yas Forums too. I can post from brave browser on other boards without trouble, but on Yas Forums it makes me do slow captchas forever and keeps saying "wrong answer" the first three times so it takes like 40 seconds to get through.

>complete captchas like some complete retard instead of using X

newfags have to go back

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Let me explain how this works.
If your IP has been flagged or your post contains specific key words you’ll get one of these slowly evolving captchas, as soon as you start trying to solve the captcha your post is reviewed by a human who will document it under a number of categories and either approve the post (visible to others) or reject it.
Rejected posts will only be visible to you, the agent who rejected your post will post a typical shill reply berating you (also only visible to you).

Some people are never satisfied.

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testpost,,,,usualy,NO capcha for me,,,,letsee
,BOOM,,,just gives me Greenarrow.
,,sorry for yourloss.

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It always happens when I'm having a good argument. Out of nowhere I missed 2 pixels of a fire hydrant in the background of a mountain so now Im captcha banned. Absolute faggotry

Doubt it. I've sent threads before and after being archived or archived on and others have been able to read it. Collecting what you said makes sense but it most likely goes into a giant storage unit only for when they want to pin, investigate, or glownigger someone. Too many brap posts, Aussies, leafs, Israelis, poos and mutts to read through to look for (you)

lastfew,,,days., hasbeen just passing me thru,,,no capcha Needed.,
,,imnot being bad,,,,Nigger!,
,they did scrubme fromy homeboard,,,its justhe newmods.
,,had to chose buss this capcha,,2 squares

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That's false and a ridiculous larp.

The faster you complete it, the more likely you will fail even with correct answers

Attached: (you).png (1593x692, 166.59K)

so we can see

seriously just pay 25$ for the passget if you have no cryptos.
If you like this website and are filling out dozens of captchas a post all year long just pay...
Unless you think your time spent captchaing all year long is worth less than 25$
If so you need to get a better job because holy fuck you are in a bad way

Yeah man, just be your captcha!

Because google hates everything