I want stage 6 so badly bros

I want stage 6 so badly bros..

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Why are alt right fags so into traps?

i dunno

i'm a trap into alt-right guys though...

You mean like pic rel?

Attached: genie.jpg (1200x2650, 1.57M)

Jewish hypnosis.

Attached: shadman.gif (220x165, 140.06K)

Anyone have the original version.

Alt-right is controlled opposition. What do you expect?

post redpills, it's obvious these faggots are fresh out of their leftypol echo chamber safe space.

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you mean the alt-right or the (((alt-right)))?

They're gay
Anyone that obsesses over "traps" are closeted gays

>Blame Trump is step 4
This is already retarded.

I obsesivelly hate them user, does that make me gay?

Thread theme


typical glowjew ben garrisonberg pushing the fake left vs right narrative

It depends
If you spend all day talking about them then probably yes
Most people don't like trannies, including myself, but we don't obsess over them.

>i'm a trap into alt-right guys though...
This was done by foreign countries and this is a method of extermination.

We are being exterminated and you are playing a role in it. You were tricked into trying to seek out someone to convince them to not breed.

What is this that is happening? Everyone has the potential to be tricked into being gay. Everyone believes that this is just in-group competition but what really happened is that foreign states have triggered our perception that we are in an in-group competition.

The competition is to get others to be gay to not breed. But what is really happening is that our group is being set up for extinction by others that are not allowing this same gay trick shit to occur. In the west, due to Obama's affiliation with China and muslim groups, he added the hard constraint that no one in the west can oppose LGBT. This creates a hard one-way-filter in behaviour that only allows LGBT behaviour to be reinforced, and never pushed back against.

This is a 100% constrained, eventual extinction and I believe this has been identified in the past as having occurred to some ancient civilizations (some that have disappeared) but it's secret because it is a powerful psychological weapon of mass extinction.

well, i don't think about them any more than all the other groups of people i hate, and truth be told they are not quite as bad as full-blown trannies as they are at least self-aware enough to realize they are indeed men.
Despite this, out of all groups I have seen on the internet, they are by far the most annoying, they are so fucking infuriating I want to blow my brains out whenever they talk

is there a part 2?

I really hope not.

>Most people don't like trannies, including myself, but we don't obsess over them.
You need to take more interest in the world because you dumfuck npcs that just "let things happen" are the masses are so easily fucking manipulated.

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They blame trump everyday for everything. How is this just now "part" of their plan?

Pretty fucked up. It's not like the death rate is immensely high. If anything, it's very low for normal individual.

It's like they WANT men to shoot up with female hormones.......

>It's like they WANT men to shoot up with female hormones.......
Like I said, it's mass extermination. If you didn't get the pattern, that's what it is. And it's exclusively being done in the west while countries that don't do it, like China, own the very politicians and business interests that are pushing it in the west.

Our race is being exterminated by the Chinese, while various groups in the west think they are in some sort of epic in-group conflict for supremacy.

This is absolutely extermination and it will keep getting worse.

I used to think that in a post-apocalyptic and/or dystopian future, the likes of the average Yas Forums(nel)er would be the first to perish.
But I've seen so much stupidity, panic and senselessness in the past few months that I genuinely believe you guys would be included in the top 0.5 percentile that would've survived


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I would rather die

Why are Canadians so gay?

Day of rake!

if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

That's perfectly reasonable
You're good and not a faggot

>Why are Canadians so gay?
Because Canadians are not allowed by law to say anything bad about being gay.

It's a psychological "one way filter". Society steadily progresses towards more and more degeneracy because people are not allowed to resist it in any way. So randomly some people support it, and without the constraints, more people would oppose it, but since there are those constraints even the small number of people who support it make up nearly 100% of the people discussing it at all.

The extreme misogyny of the right inevitably leads to homosexuality for sexual release.

>the small number of people who support it
*And, of course, some of those people are paid shills. Don't have to pay many of them, though, since opposition is basically outlawed.

lol, they try everythings, they literally use every pretext to push their propaganda, that's funny.

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>a faggot

Show me the original

>The extreme misogyny of the right inevitably leads to homosexuality for sexual release.
Feminism is pushed by foreign states just like communism was. It's designed to get women not to breed, and soon, even to outlaw sex under the guise that it is rape.

During the Obama administration (which was heavily aligned with foreign interests, including China and the middle east), he tried to push hard in the direction of making sex practically illegal by making any rape accusation automatically be believed. (Knowing that men would stop having sex because women would abuse their power).

The Obama administration's attempts to further some sort of extermination is so fucking obvious it's laughable.

Tfw no fem based boy with a big dick to cuddle during quarantine

I am not. As our great leader once said:
"Excretory organ, does not reproduce"

Here you go buddy

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Traps are gay degenerate
I’m into tomboys


>I’m into tomboys
Exquisite taste

holy shit super-satan

No kike, the actual original.

>jew fails at providing the original
To be expected. So who has the REAL original?

The demon lord speaks wisdom, i'd head it if i where you.

change the guy's face to merchant face

This is a pro-Trump picture?

It reads to me that Trump is helpless or actively working with these nefarious forces.

Based, even Satan hates trannys


personally im looking forward to the oncoming satanic tomboy takeover

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