Muh "Second Amendment Doesn't do Shit against Military" Argument

How Can Leftists Unironically sell this shit when the US military has lost two fucking wars in the last 60 years alone to poorly organized milita groups armed with assualt rifles and fucking home made explosives?? (IE in Vietnam and Afganistan)

Attached: taliban.jpg (530x298, 43.04K)

Left can't meme, never held a gun in their pathetic life, drinks a shit-ton of s-oy, too many chicken tendies and too much BBC porn.

>Implying they're actually wars and not subsidies for defense-contractors.

Because they have never felt gun recoil or smelled freshly burned gun powder. They also have no sense of community.

Look into recent developments. A.I. is able to kill anyone. Welcome to technocratic dictatorship.

this, these bootlickers always forget how the us got kicked out my ill-equiped sand nigger and gook what make them think they can win against some better equipped hillbillies and red necks. Also what make them think that all of the army with be ok with fighting there fellowmen.

because they would just fight some fat rednecks

Exactly this. The national guard and military would be on the side of civilians. It would be spooks, nato, and chicomms, vs the American public armed to the teeth fighting for their way of life. They also don't comprehend that a few red necks with a 30-06 could take out the power grid to entire cities with a few well placed shots.

Just like the Vietcong were just some dump peasants or the Taliban were just some illiterate goat fuckers?
Neo-Liberal War Hawk hacks have litterally had your exact same fucking attitude on every enemy they've faced in the last 60 years.
And they've Always
Their asses

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Lost? It depends what America's goals actually were compared to what they tell you

This, op is a confirmed retard

>muh rice farmer meme
Hanoi was the most heavily defended city in the world by 1968.

Attached: 090605-F-1234P-016[1].jpg (780x607, 74.14K)

Vietnam had tanks, missiles, and fighter jets. They were also fighting with strong ideological conviction to liberate their country. Don't you dare compare them to American right wing gun nuts.

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its a straw man because you don't engage the military you engage the faggots that vote for leftists cuck politicians. engaging the mil is attacking symptom and not cause.

Plus they had massive military aid from China and Russia

>well yes, I do plan on launching an insurgency which kills thousands and economically sets back my own country by years

>implying his economy isn't already set back by years

>Thinks the National Guard will be on the civy's side.

Attached: kent-state[1].jpg (1597x1200, 374.72K)

K how does this address the Taliban point??

>How Can Leftists Unironically sell this shit

Easy. White males are comfort seeking cowards. 150 years of white male larping and zero victories. We will take all your guns because we can.


>sell this shit when the US military has lost two fucking wars in the last 60 years alone to poorly organized milita groups armed with assualt rifles and fucking home made explosives?? (IE in Vietnam and Afganistan)
1. They’re not trying as hard as they could. If we wanted we could flatten Afghanistan. If you posed a serious threat to the government they would just flatten you.
2. Soldiers won’t fight as hard for foreign bullshit ward



Technically Vietnam was a military victory. Same with everything in the Middle East.

We don’t have politicians that cash in on that anymore, though. We just pull out and say “jk you guys can keep doing what you were doing.”

We had a peace deal with the Vietcong. Then we pulled out, and when the deal was reneged on, we just let it be.

And who's gonna support an supply rednecks?

Taliban hasn't beat the US military, we are just tired of fucking nation building a corrupt, backwards country. It's a money pit.

Name one military victory the Taliban had tha involved over 20 US soldiers.

This is why they want our guns

ATF agents had to flea Waco and wait for full blown military operation

Most leftists are unfamiliar with the realities of difficult it is to fight a counter insurgency

Hey leaf, how does the queens dick taste, faggot?

>Turning a two sided bloodbath into a one sided bloodbath.

Turn's out the ATF was smart.

>ATF agents had to flea Waco

Attached: file.png (810x543, 679.04K)

>Taliban hasn't beat the US military, we are just tired of fucking nation building a corrupt, backwards country. It's a money pit.
Kinda sounds like what the outcome would be if the US military tried to subjugate the state of tenese dude.
>Name one military victory the Taliban had tha involved over 20 US soldiers.
They didnt fucking need one.
The US fundimentally unable and unwilling to win a war of attrition with the tactics and training they've employed for the last 80 fucking years now.
If you want to conqure a country you have to be willing to kill every man woman and child in that country.
And the US doesnt even know HOW to wage a war like that anymore.
Take it from a guy whos family were military officers
These are not smart people.
They fundimentally DO NOT know what the fuck they are doing.
And every military exursion of the last 30 years has demonstrated that fact beyond a reasonable doubt.

You think US soldiers would go harder against their own neighbors than they do against shitskin goatfuckers? No way in hell.

Key military and civilian personel and their families could theoretically be traced and whatever'd easily enough probably in NBA 2k19