Help put a nog in prison

Help put a nog in prison.

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The first mistake was doing business with a nigger. I would have immediately rejected his offer. Niggers look at macbooks as gold mines cause of the apple logos. They would never steal thinkpads.

bump for imprisoned niggers

>help I got scammed by a literal nigger in a hoodie
>hey I'll give 100 dollara to someone who does all the work finding him for me and helps me fet my macbook back
What a faggot

imagine getting out smarted by that guy. the victim should go to prison, not this guy


Part & parcel, m8

check craigslist and all the other selling apps in your area..

nog is bound to relist it and sell it..

if you have the serial and what not tell the cops to hit up pawnshops and put an alert on it.

But yeah..

you relaxed

its your fault



that nigger did him a favor.
now tell that retard to go buy a laptop for his work, not an accessory.

I used to sell stuff on Craigslist and I would always make 100% sure whoever I was dealing with was not black before proceeding.
When I think about nogs killing someone for like $200 worth of product I wonder whether they are just that low to be willing to kill someone for so little money, or rather that it's just that they don't have the mental capacity to know that $200 isn't very much money?

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>selling to a nigger
>expect payment through an easily fooled system
>not only accepting hard cash
fuck that retard desu

Don't these fagbooks have security shit on them that makes them traceable if they get stolen?


looks like a Somali

not your personal army faggit

>accepting a check payment
>dealing with a nigger in a hoodie
you are dumber than the nigger

>I would always make 100% sure whoever I was dealing with was not black before proceeding.

Holy baserino

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Pretty much. I would have just sold it on ebay cause at least if you get scammed, you can easily dispute it with ebay.

sounds like chink wrote that why would I want to help out a chink?

I thought all Mac users were geniuses?


also three grand for an i5? Literally who does this? you can get an i5 for $250 on craigslist

Typical macfags.

What type of fag buys apple products?

apparently niggers do

BASED realist

I'm kinda on the fence here.
I want to see niggers put in jail but the fact that we're dealing with a mac user here just screams that we're helping a soiboy here. I hate soiboys too...
But i guess niggers are worse.
Cant we get him to agree to a severe beating after we put the nog in jail

Nah it's most likely a chink reseller considering the chinese shit in the background and the engrish.

hahahahaahaha this is great, enjoy your dealings with somalis!

lock the nog up

>dealing with a nigger
Lesson learned.

Jesus, look at that ugly NIGGER.
Why are niggers so repulsive?


Can’t afford Apple eh?

You don't do business with kikes and nigger, it wasn't complicated you dumbfucker, it's very simple, you can exploit the nigger but you do not business with beasts.

That one with the headphones hasn’t got them attached to anything except his stinking armpit

It’s so poorly written.
The person selling isn’t Aussie.
The person stealing isn’t Aussie.

They deserve each other.


To be fair he didn’t buy it. He robbed some Chinese student.

>You don't do business with kikes and nigger
Avoir sandniggers at all cost too.
They are sneaky as kikes and dumb as niggers.

I saw one for sale on Gumtree(MelbourneFag here) for only $200 just this morning.

Another no mac lackin’ peasant. Ha, you are beneath me.

>1.4ghz i5, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd
I hate nogs as much as the next person but $0 was certainly a more reasonable price for this trashtop than $3k.

he looks somalian

If that was here the police would do nothing and even if you found him unless you were willing to seriously hurt him there’s nothing else to do. He has sold that and has wasted the money.

Same. If their voice sounds black, I wouldn't meet up with them. I made that mistake once when I sold a car. He didn't update the registration/license plates and ended up taking the cops on a high speed chase in a different county. Cops ended up bringing me in for questioning because they thought I still owned the car.

That's why they call it a thinkpad

Doing business with a nog, what were you thinking?

What a dumb cunt. He should have know niggers dont have money to afford that shit, I even wouldn't sell it to him if he was offering cash because I know as soon as I'm out the public eye I'll get niggered.

That's like $1500 American


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Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>Toll paid.

You relaxed, not our problem

Haha that nigger is 100% of the somali variant he looks like the one from the tom banks movie.

You can get those specs at walmart for 399 now.

Is it American dollars? There’s so much funny money called dollars it’s best to just stick to nuka cola caps and the good old British pound sterling...
BTW they have switched all the ATMs off, there’s not a word about it in MSM but I discovered that they plan to abolish cash here by summer. The ATMs are off so that later on they can point to a graph and lie that there was no call for cash and that’s why they got rid of it
I tried to talk about it on here because it’s the next “biggest deal in the world” but you are all to busy flapping about Trumps latest popcorn fart on twitter and similar slide issues

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Toll paid. Should have asked for cash and robbed him first. Next time you'll know better.


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Aussie relaxed