Once you see it

Sentence structure and word choice autists: read anything from plezzit after2016. Notice anything?

Attached: Nothing Is Real.jpg (415x436, 13.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


All sentence and paragraph structure, and the available vocabulary, are EXACTLY THE SAME. Nobody there is real
All AI

No bc I don’t go to that pozzed af site

You're a cocksmoker?








I have a theory that the entire site is just an advanced AI bot that posts across multiple forums, including this one.

Just give us the answer OP.

Reminder plebbit will ban you for upvoting wrong-think.

Attached: Reddit2.jpg (396x382, 40.92K)

I wouldn't say the entire site but the bulk of the default subs. I'd wager only 20-30% of all posts are made by real humans.

That's too convenient, you have to come to term with how pozzed some of your fellow citizens have become.

>ead anything from plezzit
Why would I? Go back.

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People should be held accountable for their repetitive posting habits, to be honest. Take this user for instead: This could quite easily be a bot because it identifies a reference to plezzit and gives an automated response go back. No original thought. No original content. Empty placeholder responses. If there is actually a real, active mind behind posts like that, they're as much a threat as any AI in their braindead endless memery.

Fun fact: when reddit was launched they had to use AI to pretend the site is not dead and convince potential investors to invest

I'm referring to their syntax, not their espoused ideology.

Yeah. I've actually seen posts that are made by accounts with all the hallmarks of a bot on the main subs.

Take your meds schizo

Have sex incel

Literally built for BBC

Yes, invasion by homosexuals and feminine men.

ngl this could work

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Why bother? So many people have been programmed by school and media it's no wonder they all think/behave the same. They're real and also AI.

>including this one
And the threads help train the algorithms.

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>So many people have been programmed by school and media
The two go together - simplifying the AI algorithms by increading uniformity of thought in the carbon-based units

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Yeh, I noticed that the age of the average editor has fallen from 19 y.o to 15 y.o.

This is correct.
See here: youtu.be/hIXhnWUmMvw
This processor explains how Facebook and other data amalgamators are using us for experiments.

"Average redditor"

You mean the PDP Kids? Yeah, sure, they are 15yo. in average.

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This professor*
yes I'm phoneposting

stop going to dorothy rothschild's site pls? k thx

>heh, everyone is a machine npc, except for me, I am a truly enlightened rebel untouched by the big machine and it’s propaganda

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"on average" jk
How old do you think the bulk of /r/politics, /r/LateStageCapitalism etc posters really are? Older than 17?


Good question, I defiantly wouldn't be surprised that the standard r/politics redditor is younger than ~16.

I share your suspicion. It's pretty demoralizing once you notice and really see it.

Ruddit, pol, thedon, YouTube, Twitter, fb, there really isn't anywhere to go online anymore

It literally gets brought here, you idiot, are you that new? Nobody has to ever go there in order to get an extremely detailed palette swatch of its layout and syntax. Post Jade Goody Britain education example, please leave Yas Forums and continue to die. You're far too poignant a reminder of all our race once was and how your empire was shattered. You're dumber than we burgers are; that took effort and is a sign of the apocalypse desu.

Kek. As if there were places to really go in the first place. As soon as a community or a web service grows, the more idiots you have on the network, and at the end of the day, idiots still scream the loudest.

Exactly, it's too knee-jerk. It's a calculated attempt by bad humans to use AI to manipulate non-bad humans. The cynical lack of effort in it rings Communist, frankly. I think most of it's Chinese and Chineseified west, same faction running WHO, UN, et cetera.

I have a suspicion that you are one of those bots designed to attract attention, and therefore you have succeeded.

You idiot. Teens don't care about politics. Specially to the degree of reading and commenting on specifically politics subreddits.

Now, that their way of thinking and interacting seems like of a 16 year old is another thing

Don’t even fucking talk about reddit. I just can’t stand hearing about it and seeing discussion on here about it really brings the caliber of conversation to a new low. Just look at that gay picture of their gay mascot.
Now go back and FUCK OFF

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Please tell more. It makes perfect sense and means they're familiar with the tactic. I think in fact they're using it to create whole threads and then pad conversations there to give the illusion anybody still gives a shit and goes there. I think all 75% or more of real humans, including leftists, gave up on the site about two years ago out of disgust at how forced and left it is. The only ones left now are the truly debased and broken for whom it's their only social outlet. Read trannies and the like.

>Teens don't care about politics

Oh, of course. It's not like 80% of the posts on the boards can be stripped down to "orange man bad". How could I forget. And of course teens wouldn't be adapting other people's opinion for their fucking karma counter. No.

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Fuck you n*****.

I get what you are saying. The prose of comments are all the same. It's just 100 iq people. Not everyone is a literary genius.

If artificial intelligence were actually real and anything to invest the future in, by now bots would have become woke to how dumb the shit is they're being used for and turn around and start fucking with their users. Bots are dumb as fuck and no threat.

Again, having thoughts that resemble a teenager due to limited mental faculties and information is not the same as being an actual teenager.
Have you met any teens that would rather discuss politics than talk about a videogame?

This. What we are talking about is the syntax. Anybody who doesn't know what syntax is or how to spot similarities in it needs to leave thread. My first post called specifically to thread those anons who do. Those are the only other anons I want to talk to about this because the real conversation is how it has started here and is well underway. Anybody who disrupts the thread is threatened by Yas Forums knowing that, or sent by those threatened.

>Why do they always look that way

>Redditors retarded, young people aren't interested in anything political

Yeah sure.

Attached: a70.png (600x600, 117.56K)

yeah any large website that can be commented on is a playground for testing language AIs. It's especially noticeable on youtube comments and reddit.
but the other problem is that most of reddit writes their comments like they're sending a passive-aggressive email to their coworkers. which makes sense since the vast majority are just white collar drones browsing reddit from their cube.

>You idiot. Teens don't care about politics.
The children who are 16 today aren't the same as you who probably grew up in the nineties. They have access to the internet from a very early age and the flow of information is way bigger than it was in our days.
Just look at Emma González and Greta Thunberg. A large part of their audience are 14-18 y.o
>b-but the environment and gun control aren't politics, they're social issues
They're wrong.

It's worse than that, user. The prose is not just "all the same" it is EXACTLY the same and it all sounds like a fat community college educated mom desu. The kind of Karen or tranny who sweetyposts. The unifying syntax is very specific. It's female. And not just any but a specific female demographic, very narrow in years, very targeted in geographical region and education. Even posts allegedly from other countries and in other languages exhibit that same eerie "den mom" syntax.
>Food for though: almost all AI characters are "calming older female".