What is the viability of obtaining information on the final microchip product and using that information to create a counterfeit chip that will pass scans? There would obviously be records involved as well but if we could obtain the information could this be possible? Be nice I'm not technologically inclined. Niggers.
Counterfeit microchip solution
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Fuck off, Chang.
The fuck are you even asking
Why are you opposed to counterfeit chips? If you don't want one that is fine but how or why does other people getting counterfeit chips bother you? What interest do you have in getting the real chip?
If a counterfeit microchip is a realistic possibility. Counterfeit money is and nowadays as well as in the past its very difficult to do. But people do it. And they make convincing products.
What do you mean by counterfeit in this context? Bootleg? Counterfeit money just looks similar to the real thing, what the fuck is a counterfeit chip?
you cant because the chip contains a hash tied to a Blockchain. if that data doesnt match you will always show up as invalid.
and no you cant "hack" a blockchain.
A chip that would register as real when scanned, like Bill gates wants to implement.
You dont have to hack if it that hash gets leaked, or if you have an ongoing leak of information if it changes periodically
Counterfeiting Chips is a thing - working on oil drilling / wireline tools, many Printed Circuit Boards had counterfeit chips. The Part Numbers and Serial Codes were inspected by an Auotmated Optical Inspection (AOI) Machine. The PCB's were on average 5K dollars each, and we would have to return them.
Is this like FTDI USB controllers updating their firmware and breaking all products using the counterfeit chips?
Or red box fucking up my playstation 3 because I played a bluray and after that all my old blurays wouldn't play?
I don't understand what are you attempting.
Also how do you know that?
It cant leak because it is assigned to you with the Vaccine shot as you get it.
sorry bro but there is no way around it.
Well both of you just went over my head but these comments are perfect bait to get more tech junkies itt to discuss this
been active in the Blockchain space for a 4 years now
Digital IDs are a big topic there.
Can you go into more detail and then tell me how you have access to information such as what you just described?
The "chips" you are talking about are just RFID chips. They send back a small coded signal when energized by radio waves. All you need is to know what signal to send and you could make a fake.
It is probably just a 10 digit number or something similar. RFID chips cannot send large amounts of data. It is essentially just an ID#.
I see
Entire economy of "cooking" boards over open flame and extracting them selling them in bulk. To a sanding shop.. then a silkscreen all of these are cottage shit shacks. finally into the hands of the grey market supply chain.
I was also wondering about this. See I dont know anything about computers or technology in general. The problem with me asking this question is most tech people are violently liberal and would probably lie inn the answer that they give because they are in favor of chipping
>Can you go into more detail
look up ID2020 and the DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation).
Basically ID2020 is about pushing the UNs 2030 Agenda which was signed by 194 countries in 2015, their goal is to provide a Digital identity to EVERYONE by 2030.
Gavi and Bill Gates is involved in ID2020.
ID2020 works on Ethereum and Hyperledger.
anything else you want to know?
You can collide weak SHA and MD5. You can't collide a block-chain only reroll a new one. But a john doe, jane doe with zero history will raise serious flags.
Anyone over 20 and some computing background.
Hmmm no but thank you that is very eye opening. Funny that we're so far behind china in this social credit score thing. How terrifying, maybe the cirrhosis will kill me before bill gates does.
I am assuming you are wanting to make a fake chip so you could trick government officials into believing you god a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine when you really have not. I imagine this would be difficult because you woild need to know what # they are looking for the RFID to broadcast. It depends if every RFID would be the same for everybody vaccinated, or if everybody gets a unique #. If everybody gets the same # it will be easy to fake. If everybody gets a unique # and you need to match a number assigned to you in their database you would need to figure out that #, which would be hard.
Name, dob, social social security number. Or u.s passport number.
Thanks for the info. Could be a lot of money in this market if it's able to be solved
If by some miracle this is possible the irony will be purchasing one from the jew that makes it lmao
you could even profit from this whole development, then you wouldnt need to kill yourself m8.
>How terrifying
if only you knew how bad things really are.
people wont be able to solve that.
only way out I could see is if you knew a doctor who would just pretend to vaccinate you and then just throwing the shot into the garbage instead of injecting it into you while just assigning you the code in the program.
but they could trace it all back to this dude eventually so he would risk his job doing this.
Oh hell no! We'd go so far as to use as many john Smith's as possible and make a biosafe pocket under our skin to swap them out a.s.a.p.
"We" meaning who?
The ID would correspond to a central server's records. Ideally you would clone a real chip so it comes up with a valid entry.
>The fuck are you even asking
They say you a blayrunna
If they actually make it a chip then they will make it so small that you wont be able to get it out.
maybe even build it in such a way that it degrades when it comes in contact with oxygen rendering it useless.
there is many possible approaches to this.
>to a central server's records
there wont be a server, its all decentralized.
Has Microsoft created the patent for the chip yet? You make it sound like they haven't.
Resurgence in 80's tough guy Thunderbird / Camaro guy with fingerless gloves.
"Degrates in oxygen" you mean the stuff in our blood?
Nitrogen gas positive pressure. Circulating distilled water with salt.
There will be ALWAYS a way.
>You can't collide a block-chain
There was a time when you "couldn't" collide SHA or MD5 until they did it. It's unreasonably to speak in absolutes.
Back a while ago they discovered counterfeit chips had made their way into the F-22. Turns out some Jew helped get Chinese chips into the bird. They did everything the real chips were supposed to do but had “extra” functionality and that’s all I can say. Subject has been memory holed.