>muh d&c fags absolutely BTFO
Anyone else unironically agree with him?
Other urls found in this thread:
why should I care about some snownigger who hates the advancement of civilization and wants to go back to living in strawhuts and pooping in the woods?
I think division is good. There are too many fucked white people out there.
of course I do my brother, my blood, we must not let these fucking swarthoid sandniggers shiteyes dictate us what right fuck the Christians and Roman faggots with civilization we dont need civilization we simply need the nature on our feet and (((Christiniaty)))) far from us
because of reasons.
memeflaggot jews, degenerate pagans, faggots and thots will all get burned at the stake like in the good old days
Reposted to get the discussion started again.
If the final defeat of Jews is such a concern, why rely on a mythology that is fundamentally theirs? Since history has shown that antisemitic Christian kings or governments keep getting succeeded by periods of institutional judeophilia. Anglo-Saxon Christian England forbade Jews from entering Britain, and the Normans let them enter in the wake of their conquest. Later English kings banned them again, only for Oliver Cromwell to swing open the doors once more.
You have to wonder WHY this happens, not just on the part of the Jews, but on the part of Christian Europeans.
The simple reason is: if you are steeped in Jewish lore and mythology, pretend to be descendants of Adam and Eve, believe David was the most righteous king to exist, believe that mighty God first chose to reveal himself to the Jews, your hatred can and will swing to sympathy due to the inherent commonality between the religions.
Christianity is the spiritual anchor of the Jewish people into Europe. A 100 or 1000 years of localised persecution will not change this. Until we discard the anchor.
>listening to hobo living in the woods with an effeminate son
All degenerates get the bullet user
>Jews hate Christ
>Jews hate Christianity
>Jews reject Christianity
>Jews subvert nations
>Jews try to destroy Christianity
>Pagans hate Christianity
>Pagans reject Christianity
>Pagans would like to destroy Christianity
Only an idiot cannot see that Pagans and Jews have more in common with each other than not.
((They)) sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.
And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the LORD, and served not him.
You people are absolute idiots.
Is there anything more amusing than Christian murderous porno-fantasies?
take your civ with you ahMED, we dont need it here
>different sects of Christianity hate one another
False, at least in this day in age. It used to be just Protestant vs Catholic. Now it's just another denomination. No Methodist believes that Baptists are going to hell, or vice versa. They all have minor differences.
That just sounds like some nitwit who thinks he's smart because he's an atheist. Not someone who thinks he's an atheist because he's smart.
What version of the Bible isn’t completely cucked? I know a lot of people on Yas Forums Stan for KJV but there’s still parts of the translation that bother me on the regular.
In KJV, pic related refers to trespasses as “debt” and it’s got such a Jewish/secular inference that I’d rather not see in the Bible.
KJV is retarded and annoying to read. NIV is just fine.
the guy sat in jail like a nigger his whole adult life, went on welfare, and now larps as Daniel Boone outdoorsman for an online audience of fedoras. Do you not see how I would and should consider him a disgrace?? Whereas I've been living around legitimate outdoorsmen and farmers my whole life who happen to be devout Christians. Do you not see why people accuse him of larping?
Athiest vs Christian vs Pagan threads on Yas Forums are all part of a divide & conquer effort.
White Ethnic Nationalists do not care if their fellow Nationalists are one of those three.
Anons shouldn't take the bait or bump these threads.
The matter at hand is very simple. Whether you are pagan or christian you know WHO the enemy is.
In the present time our life is already forfeit, the new world order is gathering its last breath to prop up the rule of the antichrist, trying to bloat any name they can from the Book of Life, all in an attempt to confront Jesus at His Second Coming, yet you are too blind to see the signs of the times.
Your life is forfeit, lost already, no matter who's side you're on we will certainly die. If you're here you know the synagogue of satan and you know that their wickedness knows NO NATIONAL BOUNDARIES
So the question that really matters is this:
Would you rather die for some pagan god or would you rather die for Jesus Christ?
Would you rather die for an old tale of blood and soil that is so particularly jewish with its reprobate hegemony through "superior racial purity", hubris and inequity, that is actually hilarious to see neopagans trying to play themselves as the enemy of the jewish cabal and making the same mistakes.
Or would you rather die for the only historical figure who took on himself the task to call these jewish authorities on their hypocrisy their inequity and profane mind in spite for His own life? You can be certain that Jesus DID DIE for YOU and every one of us, because HIS task was forth the TRUTH. Because the Truth abide in HIM as HE is the Word of GOD.
I know where my allegiance stands and if you are true to where your enmity lies -against the synagogue of satan, against the jewish talmudic cabal who REJECTED CHRIST and rules the world from the shadows- then you can be certain that our troubles and tribulations will be one and the same.
I share with you this testimony, when you find yourself in these troubles you can trust in Jesus. When you ask in His name the Father will grant it to you. Those who serve and die for Jesus will rise and rule with Him.
>Christian murderous porno-fantasies
Uh, ok.
if you like civilization you are just a swarth*id sandigger and you have to back to the deserts ahMED we dont want your civilization
OP Is a kike faggot and kikes hate Christ.
Nothing new. Don't listen to their propaganda and lies.
Oh they were norse pagans? Or are you just collapsing norse paganism into a big meaningless pantheistic blob of hundreds of religions because you know the norse pagans never accomplished anything meaningful? At any rate, the collected works of bach are and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.. the ultimate achievement of mankind. The only thing even close is landing on the moon.
100% based
Who are your gods and how do you worship them? Just humor me.
>claims Christians bad, because they kill each other for faith
>pagans didnt need reasons to kill each other, they were proud of killing itself
>still got their assses wrecked by Christians
Jew worshippers on suicide watch
this are our roots
if you are an aryan brother accept it
>3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
try reading the chapter, he is warning them that the church will fall away and many will be deceived and reject the truth of christ, reaping the coming destruction
try actually reading it
>Hypocricy and lying
>civilization advancement
Nigger, are you serious?
this is what the ahMEDs did to us and you will pay it you sandniggers we will burn your civ and all your monuments one day
you picked a image of a guy wearing a cross
Fucking retard
He hates white Americans, I'll return the favor.
thats not a cross ahMED, you have to go back you swarthoid
>you picked a image of a guy wearing a cross
That's because the pagan Vikings accepted Christianity they were not forced into it.
On old viking Germanic coins you can find the cross. Now they Vikings had conquered Germany at the time and ruled it. There was no one forcing them to follow Christianity but they printed the Christian cross first and foremost on their viking coins. They'd found the truth and they liked it.
Also that's a meme flag and a Jew you're responding to but you probably know that.
>bawww the retarded redman was oppressed by whitey
>noooo you can't just bring civilization to the continent and make large cities, I pooped in those woods in honor of the wolf and bear god!
Actually siding with the whole injun victimhood thing is literally so cucked and bluepilled I cannot even put it into words. Expected more of this board (I know I know that was a mistake).
He is right about christianity. But this convicted murderer that is rare for swedes to do, should be the last person to say it. He should have been castrated / banished. Instead he has what is it 4-5 asshole children like him that nobody needs. And run around making a fool of swedish people.
Also what is it with this low iq retard never being able to spell forebearers correctly. He is not dyslexic hes just an idiot, and he is milking Well meaning americans and others interested in norse mythology and history. Dude was a rat bastard since his youth in a shitty heavy metal band and spent a lot of time in jail for killing his friend. He is literally a nigger among swedes in every single way. I laugh especially about his schauvanism about blonde hair that many nordics have that occur naturally due to High uva latitude. Why i laugh is you can search image of Young varg and he has Brown hair.
If i could i would Ban this retard from the internet for making a mockery out of scandinavian peoples beliefs and history.
Daily reminder that Christianity will NOT unite Europeans in any way. Nobody has killed more Christians on this planet than... other Christians.
The Thirty Years War alone, a war between Catholics & Protestants, cost Germany between 20% & up to 50% of it's entire population....
Here you go, you fucking brainlet. You figure it out.
It's a LOT harder to keep track of and understand, due to its connection to REALITY, than christcuckery that is all subjective "emotions", and dogmatic superstition, open to personal interpretation.
Wake up, nigger.
And don't stop here. Keep digging. READ FUCKING BOOKS!
what is it then memeflag kike?
Vikings tried to rebrand that slave script.
1 hunnic raid purged half of europe from germans as they say
that sounds like cope
>That's because the pagan Vikings accepted Christianity they were not forced into it.
you killed and raped to convert these people and you burned our history with the gods ahMED, you must go back to the sands where you belong to build your civilization of degenerates
>On old viking Germanic coins you can find the cross
YOU DIDNT INVENT THE CROSS AHMED we had crosses before your sandnigger cult religion came into power ahMED
>Also that's a meme flag and a Jew you're responding to but you probably know that.
jews wants you to live in civilization to exploit you, i want whites to live with the nature by their own and to feel the love of Earth and you call me kike? who is the kike here ahMED???
fucks Christians and fuck Romans
>Immigrants and colonists are good if they bring slavery, the post.
Guarantee you I live a life closer to the land than you do and I'm a Christian. My family has farmed the same land for generations and all my *known* ancestors were Christians.i assume there were some ancient ancestors at one point that were pagans but I dont know their names or stories. It would be a larp to pretend like I did.
Uhhh...some kings did for political/trade reasons, but the christianization of Scandinavia was centuries long and painful.
Nope, it was genuine attempt to make that shit into something usable. They somewhat succeeded.
This is a Jew. Look at this bullshit.
And it's lies. The Jew doesn't want you Christian he wants you pagan and that's just so you don't follow Christ.
Heaven forbid you do what THEY were chosen for and refuse to do. Oh no.
You don't listen to meme flags when they start ranting about paganism and hating Christianity on Yas Forums and they do and they will.
>you killed and raped to convert these people and you burned our history with the gods ahMED, you must go back to the sands where you belong to build your civilization of degenerates
>YOU DIDNT INVENT THE CROSS AHMED we had crosses before your sandnigger cult religion came into power ahMED
>jews wants you to live in civilization to exploit you, i want whites to live with the nature by their own and to feel the love of Earth and you call me kike? who is the kike here ahMED???
because you are a kike
>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike."[5]
provide sources to back your claims or you'll prove you are full blown jew at top of this
Look retard if you cant tell me who your gods are without posting link to a video... then you dont have a real answer. It is a very simple question m8. Who are your gods and how do you worship them? I mean get a grip. Who are your gods? It is such a simple question.
Yessir, I live close to the land. Be right back, the next shipment of fertilizer for my ruined, eroding land is here.
you mean protestantism and their modern cucksanity?
Look if you actually believed your gods were real... you would die rather than convert right? Especially for a group of le hardened warriors kek. Why were they so soft that they just converted so easily and in such large numbers?
>evil christians b opressin us n shiet!
Varg is a nigger. Also, reminder that his real name is Kristian.
Stfu American. It is what has allowed jews to gain so much power. Just as islam has destroyed Advanced people in middle east, has christianity destroyed European culture. Christianity is not European culture, not a single thing about it is about europeans. It was never European culture.
Christianity with it’s bullshit that was forced on Europe by idiot romans thinking they could control Europe religiously from rome with this Jew bullshit has been a blight on what Europe could have been and has nothing to do with it.
Christians pretend that European civilization is because of christianity when till a few hundred years ago 80% of the people knew what the book said other than what was said in church.
This stupid religion of jewish mind control and lies, not a single part of it has to do with Europe or European peoples. Never has never was.
It is like islam taking credit for the amazing works of Advanced middle Eastern cultures and saying it is because of islam everything good of the middle east is. Islam just more jewish lies, this time used by an arab con man. Shit is like judaism.