Why haven't you been accepted to all 8 ivy league schools?

Why haven't you been accepted to all 8 ivy league schools?

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i have not applied to any

Ivyfag here did Mathematics at Cornell. Enjoyed it decent job afterwards as well life’s good no kike subversion on my course just dynamic analysis.

Minored in computing*

Cause I only applied to state schools.

Who /high IQ but zero conscientiousness/ here?
"slightly above average"fags need not apply

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Bc I'm not brown enough


poorfag immigrant that had no money so went to community

Ivy league schools are a joke now.

Im not a nigger or a women.

Why would one apply to say Penn?

Wannabe csfag at a shit tier uni. Is it worth learning differential equations?

Didn’t get affirmative action. I was invited to a couple without applying because I’m smart tho. Ended up going somewhere on the West Coast that’s better than ivies anyway.

I'm white

Well I make £250,000 base without fund bonus working for an asset management company in London so I’d say yes definitely allowed me to get into a good MSC program probably going to be able to retire at 35-40. And do whatever I want.

Lol. I think Harvard/Columbia/Yale are the main communist ivy leagues. Princeton/Dartmouth/Cornell aren’t to bad not sure about Penn.

Why is he even proud about this?

It's clear he got accepted because he's a nigger. Take affirmative action away and he'd end up in a community college at best.

Decent point. Many CEO’s go to private liberal arts colleges or places like George Town for undergrad then go to an Ivy for business/law school.

i'm not black

I’m not a nigger.

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Neither is he

Because I already have job.

I'm not a woman. :(

Because Wharton is in the top 3 business schools in the world. I know you leafs wouldn't understand this, but 70% of the top 100 universities in the world are in your daddy's bedroom to the south. Stay out.

Because I didn't apply myself in high school and chose to go into the trades after attempting college

If you're white and not jewish, you have basically no chance of enrollment at the ivy leagues.

The main places worth applying to are Princeton and Dartmouth.

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Yes. Differential equations are fucking important. Nobody understands that because: MUH HARDY MATH. Aside from most basic concepts - those ideal scenarios created for high school students, everything is a fucking differential equation, because well, that's how the world works, things change and other things change based on the change of the anterior thing. Now recurse.
Go to Math or engineering instead. CS courses are codemonakey factories, specially if they're not under the mathematics department.

That'd be impressive if it was a white student. The standards for accepting coloreds is ridiculously low.

What race is that?

I was accepted by 3 of the top 5 in the UK at the time

Did he write Black Lives Matter all over his apps?

Affirmative action does wonders, it why nobody gives a shit about mutt education anymore. We just about have Oxford and Cambridge but even they have come under attack needing to take in more primal muh dick Tyrones.