Why did the USA lose to China?
Korean War
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>checks flag
Checks out
south korea exists you obsessed queer
China never wanted to occupy all of South Korea though.
When all you do your whole life is prepare for war, obviously you become good at war, but shit at building economy. This is what russians have been doing all their history, prepare for war. USA should have nuked USSR back in 1945 before jews stole atomic bomb secrets and gave it away to scum russians.
Shit bait
china had a nearly infinite amount of human meat to throw into a fight.
Is that so, Chang? Then why did a million chinese men die trying to take the entire peninsula?
It's no use trying to have a discussion with brainwashed microdick chinks. Let's just get the next war started so we have an excuse to teach you why the term zipperhead was coined in the first place.
China didn't prepare for the war at all though. It was a surprise development and they pretty much had to make an emergency intervention to prevent Korea from falling under US occupation.
We could have nuked them. Mac wanted to but Truman wimped out. Truman was afraid Russia would answer with their nukes and then it would be “Mano a Mano” with nukes.
Here’s a guy who knows some history. They say the l Ishtar in the State dimmed when they electrocuted them.
Fucking Google. The LIGHTS inn the state dimmed.
This is your brain on authentic chink propaganda.
Listen to me closely: We are going to kill all of you. Total eradication of the Han race. Expulsion from North America and Australia. You pushed your luck too far this time. You didn't act decisively enough. Now you're going to die. Your family too. Genetic eradication is your fate.
We might(maybe) keep a few ten thousand of your women as sex toys we toss into our nigger ghettos as a live pay per view event, to watch them be raped to death. That is the destiny of your people. As insect meat fed to Africans for the amusement of superior beings.
USA didn't want to escalate it into a nuclear war despite the nuclear enthusiasm of the generals involved
>USA should have nuked Joos back in 1945
China men rush
The most hilarious part of the Korean war is a random American officer was discussing a potential for a DMZ based on old treaties. He had no authority and was just making conversation. The other side took it as an official USA offer and accepted, otherwise they would have continued to push us backwards. Hilarious and fortunate accidental diplomacy
show your real flag, faggot
>can't win a war without nukes
The only reason the war lasted as long as it did was we weren't allowed to nuke where 99.9 percent of all materiel and manpower was coming from.
Physically fighting IN Korea meant nothing when we couldn't stop the sources of war weapons, and chinks will never run out of riflemen.
because china borders North Korea literally wasted zero time and effort transporting supplies and troops into the country via boat lol.
That on top of US out gunned and out manned
they absolutely did you bucktoothed flatfaced insect
I wish Churchill and Patton did what they wanted to do and invaded the Soviet Union with the allied forces + The Wermacht + The SS.
It was clearly a massive mistake not to, perhaps if they done that we wouldn't be in this coronavirus mess right now.
The mass graves of dead chink insects buried in south korea, shoved into ditches by bulldozers serve as proof.
Question for you, Chang? Do you get paid in RMB, or social credit points?
I dont get why we won WW2 and gave the chinks half of Korea to begin with.
We had an expeditionary force sufficient to deal with the Norks, but not enough large enough to deal with the massive swarm of chinks that were willing to absorb staggering loses. The west also wasn't all that interested in escalating the conflict further considering how fucked western Europe was and also required a huge American garrison because of the USSR.
Also we didn't want to use nukes, but it's debatable how much of an effect they would have had.
kekeke zerg rush
China didn't enter the war until MacFagthur pushed up to their border, then they pushed the JewSA all the way back. They simply wanted to maintain the staus quo to not have an Amerizog golem on their border and succeeded.
Once Eisenhower became President he had become determined to put the Korean conflict behind him. The Chinese and their allies in Pyongyang were dilatory, as was the Soviet Union, then in the midst of the struggle between Malenkov and Kruschev to succeed Stalin.
Ike threw up his hands and leaked an ultimatum to Beijing through the American embassy in New Delhi that the U.S. was prepared to deploy the 509th Bomb Wing, it’s Primary atomic bombardment unit, to Okinawa to conduct an atomic campaign against Chinese positions in the North. Because of Ike’s reputation, the Chinese got the message and closed the peace deal.
Are to fuck stupid, or just a Leaf? China was actively assisting the Norks alongside Russia for the duration of the war. It wasn't until the Norks we're about to be totally defeated that the Chinese crossed that Yalu and used the meatwall invasion technique. We should have trusted Patton to get rid of the Reds in WW2 and we should have done what McArthur suggested and just nuke the shit out of them by Korea.
>prepared for war
They were just a quick reaction force of chinks without much heavy equipment and were mobilized because the US and UN forces were kicking NK's ass and were about to conquer the entire Korean peninsula:
- The US and UN forces achieved their primary goal to kick NK out of SK (since the former started the war) but were too greedy and tried to take the whole peninsula pushing north, they were about to succeed until the chinks intervened and pushed them back.
- The chinks achieved their primary goal to keep NK red pushing the US and UN forces back to the 38th parallel, but they were also greedy and tried to take the whole peninsula marching south which was successful at first but they were pushed back to the 38th parallel.
So to me this looks more like a draw, but seeing how China and NK had inferior gear and training, that's very impressive.
Literally all of you are just nigger sex obsessed cucks LARPing as big bad tough guys
I like watching MASH
Because the US is not as powerful as they seem.
If you read up on the history of the first and second phase campaigns, China used a lot of clever strategy and deception to defeat the Americans. US arrogance also made them underestimate China.
based digits checked fuck chink scum to death
Given the choice between attrition and swift and decisive victory, I'll take the latter. Bombs away.
How are you going to destroy all the chinks if you couldn't defeat the Taliban in 20 years with complete air superiority and best equipment?
>why yes i teach America a lesson just when i came from a brutal civil war and ww2, how could you tell?
Americans became cucks after WWII.
Should have just nuked them and the soviets could not do shit with their at best 5 nukes while america had hundreds.
IF soviet niggers dared to attack the west in return then even better because the commies would be wiped out for good
>but it's debatable how much of an effect they would have had.
Its not debatable if we would've nuked those clowns we would have had immediate and unconditional surrender. This is the moment when the SJW feel good crap started (post WW2).
>meanwhile in real life
Then Moscow nukes the entire US