/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3484

► Detected: 3,020,243 (+26,981) ► Died: 208,491 (+1,576) ► Day: 109 (-10:09:31)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,595 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Archive of content deleted by China

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Archive of content deleted by China

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

Air conditioning helps corona propagate faster

Virus manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Over 36,000 deaths went unreported in 7 countries and 3 cities

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

▶ 285 new cases and 27 new deaths in Poland
▶ 4 new cases in Madagascar
▶ 27 new cases and 2 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 61 new cases in Bahrain
▶ 482 new cases and 9 new deaths in Chile
▶ 3130 new cases and 430 new deaths in the United States
▶ 17 new cases and 2 new deaths in Greece
▶ 2 new deaths in Isle of Man
▶ 5 new cases in Cyprus


Attached: CVG.jpg (1259x1057, 255.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/take your/country/gr/

>your family doesn't wear masks because "they don't help anyway"
>masks become mandatory
>they make some shit with holes and say it's nice looking and cute
>they call you a conspiracy theorist when you try to tell them anything
>they don't wash hands and laugh at you when you try to teach them how to do it
>they are in the risk group, one is an obese fuck with heart problems, second has fucked up kidney, third is asthmatic
>they believe everything said by the government
Who also quarantined with retards here?

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Is anyone going to address this elephant in the room

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Don't forget to pay your rent early, shekelburg was very generous not to charge you the full $1500 last month

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Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

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So, is /cvg/ gonna become the new /sg/?
How many years have they been active? Four years? Five years?

>countries already ending lockdowns
Explain to me how this isn't over.


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals



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The graph looks like an elephant

Fucking idiots lol. We should shoot them.

>it tops out at 130k
Is that chart for a small pop country like Ireland?

What’s /sg/?

Explain to me how you are doing this for free.

What that the model was complete shit designed to pacify the idiots? Yeah I assumed that day one. Notice how they don't even talk about models much anymore.
Everything is lies and dissimulation to keep the plebs from rioting.
This train has no breaks

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>Prime Minister Boris Johnson don tok say di UK dey point of "maximum risk" and im no go relax lockdown restrictions on coronavirus quickly
>Oga Johnson just return to office after e spend days for hospital.
>From today, pipo for Czech Republic fit travel go anywhere dey want, according to dia Priame Minister Andrej Babis.
>Kenya health minister Mutahi Kagwe don allow restaurants to reopen. But im issued guidelines wey dey mustto follow as dem dey sell. Kagweadd join say dem go test all restaurant workers before dem allow dem open.


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>60,145 projected by August 4

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Hahahah bro har jagah haathi dikhte hain aapko ?

Just wait 10 years

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If you look at that line we actually are exactly on that curve. Go ahead, take a look for yourself and see. And deaths are slowing down exactly as predicted. We're going to have roughly 1000 US deaths today and less than that tomorrow, eventually leveling out right around that 60k number.

We can't halt our economy forever but you can't expect things to go smoothly with a virus going around. Interesting times indeed.

>entire country is one poster
take your meds

looking forward to it

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Posting pic related in a readable format again

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Louisiana has finally hit the point where you can presume more recoveries in a day than new cases. If Louisiana can beat this, your state has no excuse. I mean, when wave 2 comes, we'll be fucked again, but wave 1. You can beat wave 1.

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Don't bother with them, just let them win their Darwin awards.

>take your meds
Yep, confirmed.

quarantined by myself.
gotta go out to buy baking soda and pick up meds and buy pepsi this week though (also duct tape). good thing i got my gas mask when i had the chance

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Imagine prefering Rei over Asuka.

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the 88'ing simply wont stop

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How fucked are we if cthullu turns out to be real?

I can't

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Style of posts makes it easy to recongnize regulars. Your faggot aura makes you instantly recognizable.

▶ 451 new cases and 57 new deaths in Canada
▶ 55 new cases and 1 new death in Morocco
▶ 587 new cases and 11 new deaths in Pakistan

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Sg has been around 8 years, started in 2013 when syrian war started.
I posted there in the beginning, its been pointless for years now
>isis is gone
>Assad will win
Nothing much to say

One little needle into your silicone seal and you die fren

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Democrat's new hoax

I personally know people who have this virus and wouldn't have even known. It's just a flu, bro.

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Syria civil war

The British police are based now?

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that was weird

We just ram him with a boat and he runs away like a bitch. But for real, we would be super fucked

When is /cvg/ going to get a sticky?
4 months, 5 months?

are you sure

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shit taste

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Time to kill your pooch guys.. you don't want them to spread corona don't you?

It has to be you, it's more humane that way.

It was for the US when they started prepping us for reopening.

Oy vey

Shin Bet banned from spying on its own population under the guise of coronavirus tracking. Trying to Jew themselves

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/cvg/ is a Rei thread

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In a snake's belly, right, my petit prince?

You can't really be that stupid

Chthulu isn't even the biggest of the lovecraftian otherwordly "Gods".

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fuck off kike

New Zealand conquers Covid-19 after 6 weeks of very strict lockdown which included no take out food. But now, they have zero new cases. Flatten the curve BTFO. China, New Zealand strategy superior. But, you must have citizens capable of following orders. I am a teacher. I can tell you one fucking thing. People in this country cannot and will not follow orders, rules of any kind. It's a societal cancer. Period.

>facial hair
He is already dead and doesn't know it

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You have.

By the way, death rate here in Russia is less than one percent. Isn't it a bit to little for this allegedly deadly virus?

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Wasnt him one of the smallest actually? Pretty sure at some point size is fucking irrelevant of how uber they are, i wish i could summon nodens idk why i always remember him as a dwarf though

Imagine killing yourself because you can't fuck Chad. Oh wait, that was already a thing. Thots getting a taste of post-wall living thanks to based Corona-Chan. Thank you, Corona-Chan.

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Pepsid A/C being studied?


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>in israel
>5g banned
>spying on your own (non-arab)citizens banned
Jews win again

Economic soft-bioweapon, pal.

They still havent fixed this ?

How is that even possible

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Dilate some more, you stupid Trudeau-worshipping snow-eating faggot.

>he forms his opinion on weekend numbers
capped to laugh at you tomorrow

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Almost every employee at Wal Mart is wearing their mask like this

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>33 and coronachan talk



Coronavirus being a blood related virus, is slowly being confirmed. As stroke rise around the world it's only now scientists start to make the connection.

Childran too seem to be affected by whit blood related stuffs.

g banned
that's a lie though

>trusting official numbers that count coronavirus deaths as simply lethal cases of pneumonia
Why are you here and why are you not helping your president to stabilize the economy?

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Go ahead, tomorrow's numbers will be even lower than today's.

>China's strategy

Pick one and only one Chang.

Is there any world statistic for the ongoing number of strokes and heeart-related problems? like deaths and internations? Can be only US and Europe too

We did in January, newfag

So israel is pushing the 5G meme as hard and fast as europe and america?

I went out and bought two packs of famotidine but I can't imagine why it would be effective. I need a medical user to describe why.

dear sir:

in many places, restaurant suppliers are selling their stock to civilians now

be smart and you can get impossibly good deals

see also: bulk purchase two months late with delivery to your door

>it even fucks up the 4plebs thumbnail

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Did any country get to see wave 2? Or is it another lie like the your body doesn't make antibodies because I said so

>doesn't know what /sg/ is
>calls others trannies

It's just the Jews pushing hard for the New World Order. In 20 years, our kids won't believe us when we'll tell them about how good we used to have it.

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Well, neither of them would prefer me :(

Is he the same guy ?

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>the problem is not that you care too much
>its just no one else cares

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real human being > soulless npc

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I'mm punch that faggot with a steamboat. Try me Cthulhu, I'll make you famous.

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>same thread thumbnail steal

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Wave 1 has been beat because of the blistering southern sun; not because of your states competence. Hurricane will only further exacerbate the issue this fall.

Always a joy to read in pidgin. Pretty close to how US niggers speak.


Who? Ah, this little guy. I usually call him "that kike puppet"

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>Implying we'll be allowed to talk to our kids in jewfuture.
We all know they're just gonna ship kids to sex camps or some shit.

Cthulhu is popular in this world because he spent the time to make a cult of personality within the humans he freed from Yithian bondage.

Checked but user, you do see that this was the projected death count for August, right? It’s not even May. There’s no way that we are on that curve. I hope we level off at 60,000 but I highly doubt that, especially with everyone coming out of lockdown.

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Biggest power level goes to Azatoth who could end existence entirely if he wakes up.

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>Is he the same guy ?
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/take your/country/gr/

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>abbo posted this direct from his sleeping spot in the middle of a road
lmaoing at ur lyfe

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Same, I prepped enough for myself but then it all feels pointless when I live with them.
It makes me wish for death.

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What is difference in Zantec and Pepsid. I am asking because now seeing that Pepsid chemical is related to a treatment being tested makes me wonder why there was an FDA recall 4 weeks ago of Zantec. I dont know what to believe anymore. Clown ass world.

It's already happening zoomers don't believe what life was like before 9/11.

It’s the beginning of the end

>like 3 greek posters here
>only one shits up the thread like a huge faggot

You can’t even speak greek.

>inb4 google translate

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